1071. Chapter 1070 is invincible!

The 1070 chapter is invincible!

A minute ago.

After Lin Biao left the Su family, he directly applied the wind and thunder and flew toward the inner city area.

On the way, he suddenly saw a man wearing a cloak, his body full of bottles and cans, his face was dark, clutching a girl and carrying it inside.

The girl was blue and fell into a coma.

“Stand up!” Lin Biao shouted.

The old man in the cloak, the foot stopped, and looked back at Lin Biao, not letting his eyes shine.

“Hey! Better experimental materials are coming, haha!”

The old man couldn’t help but say that the dry hand violently rushed out, like a white bone, and grabbed Lin Biao’s body.

Not yet caught, Lin Biao felt a burst of purple poisonous mist.

This poisonous mist can make people nervous and lose consciousnessness.


In an instant, a thunder fell, and the old man flew out, and one fell to the distance, and the bottle and can of his body exploded.

“Tell me, what is your sect, where is it?”

Lin Biao suspended high altitude, holding the Thunder Seal, like the sound outside Nine Heavens, coming out of his mouth.

The old stare blankly, then coldly said: “Oh! The little devil who is not long-eyed, dare to control the gossip of the wife, I will swallow you today!”

When the voice fell, the old man turned into a lizard-like evil spirit and rushed toward Lin Biao.

Lin Biao did not display the annihilation Law.

I saw him holding the Thunder Seal, and the sky was clouded and covered.

“God thunders!” Lin Biao shouted.


Nine Heavens, the thunder of the bucket, the face of the skull is on the body of the old man.

The old man made a scream of “ah”, his body burnt black, fell to the ground, and turned around and ran away.

“Hey, the bones are quite hard!” Lin Biao frowned.

This is not drowned, and her life is big.

Lin Biao did not mind killing this person. He opened the door to the inner city and rushed into the inner city.

He didn’t know that the old man who solved this problem turned out to be the Great Elder of Hidden Poison Sect.

Walking on the street, Lin Biao discovered several poisonous people, and captured the Dancheng monks everywhere to go to the experimental materials.

Lin Biao was unceremonious, and he threw out the thunder and killed those who used poison.

The people who met at the back were far less powerful than the oldest ones, and a thunder could be dusted.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

Just see, Dancheng inner city, thunder and lightning, thunder and bursts, turned into Thunder world.

Every thunder is accompanied by a poisonous teacher.

Inside and outside the city, the residents of Dancheng all came to the window, and some people floated up and saw the thunder, Lin Biao’s figure flickering, rushing to the front with a crushing posture.

“That is Lin Biao!”

“The Thousand Dans in the year with Ray Pill Refining!”

“Yes! We are one of the three giants of Dancheng, Kowloon, Dan, he is back!”

“Haha, Dancheng is saved!”

There is a lot of joy inside and outside Dancheng.

Although Lin Biao has not returned for many years, his name has become a legend in Dancheng and is still circulating.

Just like Lin Canghai, who has not appeared for decades, the dragon has not seen the end, and there are still many high-level people who remember him.

However, everyone is worried.

After all, this time the opponent is not an ordinary ants, but a poisonous sect from the Middle-earth domain.

Even the sacred Dan Sheng, who became the servant of Pill Refining, the five dark guards became the experimental products.

Lin Biao went here, fearing that it would be fierce.

Lin Biao walked all the way to kill, people blocked the killing Buddha to stop the Buddha, and instantly killed dozens of poisonous expert, many of whom were true monks.

Lin Biao smashed all the way and finally came to the black tower.

Here, it was originally the Core Zone of Dancheng, and only the Big Three were eligible to go.

Now, it has fallen into a layer of purple mist, it should be a poisonous fog array, as long as it hits, it will be devastating.

Lin Biao grabbed a poisonous person and picked it up on a purple mist.


The screams came and I saw that the skin of the person was quickly corroded. From the outside to the inside, a few breaths eroded only the white bones.

This is the eight robbers that Lin Biao grabbed, so he died.

For this poison, the Thunder is the best solution.

“Thunder Arrival !”

Lin Biao held the Thunder Seal and shouted.


A thunder went out in the hand, the purple mist was scattered and part of it, and the array became crumbling.

Only Poison Qi was too much, and it actually touched the whole body. All Poison Qi gathered toward the vacancy and instantly filled it up.

“Well? a little interesting.” Lin Biao sneered.

He clenched his fist, and the Thunder of the Heaven Heaven and Earth was summoned and gathered in his palm. Gradually, the condense became a rifle.

Shen Lei Gun, built with Nine Heavens, is unbreakable and unbreakable!

Even if it is a day, give him a hole.


At this moment, the old man who had escaped violently coughed a few times and climbed hard.

“Hateful’s little devil, actually hurt my wife and me!”

“damn! I have to inform eldest young lady, otherwise, just by the wife, can’t bear him.”

The old man took out the messaging token and passed the message out quickly.

If Lin Biao knows that this person is actually the top of Hidden Poison Sect, she will not let her go easily, and I must definitely ask for it.

“Unfortunately, eldest young lady is still on the Longchi side, it is estimated that a genius can come back, but unfortunately!” the old man sighed.

She glanced at the black tower in the distance and saw that Lin Biao was bombarding the purple array on the black tower.

Can’t help but sneer.

“Oh, just because of you, I also want to break the purple cloud of the Miss Arrange, not self-sufficient!” The old man sneered.

But she just said this.

Seeing the distance, Lin Biao grabbed the thundergun and threw it, and the thundering gun rushed out and hit the purple array.


Array was smashed by him a big hole.

All the purple mists rushed over and seemed to repair the cracks, but the holes were too big, even if it was repairing ability, it was too late.

Lin Biao flashed into the black tower.

“What?” Daddy was completely dumbfounded.

After Lin Biao enters, the purple mist will be repaired.

Just now, what is the point?

“Not good! Can’t be discovered by him!”

Inside the Black Tower, you can cherish a lot of research results of Hidden Poison Sect. If it is stolen by Lin Biao, it will be worth it.

She took out a lot of messaging tokens and continually issued orders.

“Hidden Poison Sect listened to the order, the Dancheng Headquarters suffered an emergency, and the whole staff quickly returned…”

The old man is communicating.

Suddenly, a giant Da Hei shadow appeared behind her.

She looked back and saw that the black shadow had two heads, her body was huge, her eyes were magical, and she was a double-headed dragon!

“What is this evil!!” the old man exclaimed.

She had just turned her head and fled, and she was bitten by the Ice Fire King and swallowed into the belly.

(End of this chapter)

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