1048. Chapter 1047 Chapter Xing Xing Lei Array embryonic form

Chapter 1047 Chapter Xing Xing Lei Array embryonic form

Outside the island, sit on the sea.

On the third day after Luo Tao issued the notice, he recruited thirty seven-robbery real people, five eight-robbery true monarchs, and two nine-robbery true monarchs.

The rebel lineup is expanding again!

Nowadays, there are sixty seven robbing real people, eight eight robbing real princes, three nine robbing true princes.

Plus himself, such a lineup is surprisingly!

However, the two new nine-nine tyrants have put forward their own demands. They will control the temple and become the new deputy lord after killing Lin Biao.

In this regard, Luo Tao will agree!

When he became a leader of the island, he would not be able to repent.

At this time, Luo Tao suddenly saw that there was a white shadow in the distance, treads on the sea, and floated over.

This is a woman who looks like a beautiful woman. Her body is light and her temperament is like a fairy. Whether it is a figure or a face, it is beautiful.

“Mu Qingdao Lord?”

Seeing the familiar figure, Luo Tao stood up excitedly.

Muqing is a ten robbery!

The three main islands of the island, the island, Mu Qing, Zhou Tong and Wang Shan, Wang Shan is dead, leaving the two secrets of Mu Qing and Zhou Tong!

He never imagined, Mu Qing actually came!

“Ha ha! Muqing Island owner came to the humble house, fluffy and brilliant!” Luo Tao excitedly laughed.

He didn’t know that Mu Qing was an enemy or a friend, but since he came, 80% is a friendly army. Otherwise, she will not come alone.

Mu Qing landed on the deck.

“I heard that you are recruiting here, and you are going to deal with the island owner?” Mu Qingdao.

“Yes!” Luo Tao laughed.

“Your notice said that the nine robbing Zhenjun joined, you can get 10 million Top Grade Spirit Stone, and did not say how much the ten robes really get.” Mu Qing leisurely said.

Luo Tao immediately met, and quickly smiled: “Haha, as long as the Muqing Island Lord joined, Top Grade Spirit Stone is not casually picking? Of course, I know that Lin Biao has given you a lot of Lingshi, I guess you are not for Lingshi. Come, let’s talk, what do you want?”

Luo Tao waited quietly, smiling.

The strength of Muqing is enough to be on an equal footing with him. Lingshi is no longer important, and status is important.

“It’s very simple. After killing Lin Biao, give me the position of the island owner again.” Mu Qing said.

“Let’s say it! At the time, we two people are island owners!” Luo Tao nodded.

“Well, that’s it, I will join you.” Mu Qingdao.

“Hahaha!” Luo Tao laughed.

“Congratulations to the owner of the island, and add a general!”

“Congratulations to the Lord of the Rocks!”

“Congratulations to the Lord of the Rocks! It’s just a matter of time to turn over the forestry rule!”

Everyone congratulated.

Luo Tao smiled and opened his face. Originally, Mu Qing was not within his plan. As a result, it has been stable!

“Black pock, give a letter to Zhou Tongdao, see if he is willing to join.” Luo Tao told.

“Yes!” Hemp immediately went to work.


Time flies.

For Luo Tao’s notice, Lin Biao did not send people to destroy, and the rebel army was strong, and the outside world was also talking.

Some people say that Lin Biao’s good days are over, and will soon be replaced by Luo Tao. Some people say that Lin Biao has long since fled, leaving only one empty temple.

The high-level executives who were arranged by Lin Biao for five years also stopped their actions, came to the temple, visited Lin Biao, and sought solutions.

It is a pity that the prohibition of the temple is wide open, and no one can enter it, nor can it see what is happening inside.

In this regard, everyone can only helplessly go back.

Someone was sitting under the mountain of the temple, and someone found a place to hide.

There are also extremely few people who simply left the island, stayed away from the dispute, and when they came back.

Lin Biao’s “inaction” also made everyone guess that Lin Biao is not the end of the road, and really has no way for Luo Tao.

“Lin Island Lord, in any case, see a face! Discuss countermeasures!”

“Ruo Tao is strong, we join forces, may not be able to battle!”

Under the foothills of the Temple, many high-level screams, but Lin Biao does not open the ban.

“Oh! No, the island owner may have ran!”

“When it’s over, Luo Tao will dominate!”

The high-level waiters who have been waiting for a long time are all ashe-faced and can only leave.

Lin Biao is silent here, but Luo Tao is mixed with the wind and water.

With the addition of Mu Qing, Luo Tao left the sea, directly docked, occupied a city as a stronghold, continued to recruit, more unscrupulous.

And Lin Biao’s men, hiding and hiding, fleeing, people lose.

The outcome seems to have been doomed.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

The return of black numbness came and news came.

“Royal Island Lord, Zhou Tong is gone, I have not found anyone.” Hemp is a hand.

“Is it missing?” Luo Tao brows slightly wrinkled.

“It should be ran. He didn’t dare to defy Lin Biao, nor dare to face you, so he hid.” Mu Qing said.

Luo Tao indulged for a moment and nodded.

“Whether, as long as he does not help Lin Biao, we have won this battle.” Luo Tao sneered.

Luo Tao’s team is also full of confidence.

Lin Biao’s heart is lost, it will be defeated!


On the temple, Lin Biao hangs up, a huge basal envelope in the mountains, which is intertwined with terrifying thunderstorms, and Space is slightly distorted by the influence of magnetic force.

Before and after, but after spending a week, the array is complete.

This array, called the swallow star lightning array, can use the thunder and lightning magnetic field to attract people into the array, Wan Lei bombing, escape can not escape!

In the rumor, after this great achievement, you can Devouring a star and smash it into pieces! Named after the swallow star!

Lin Biao also arranged this array in order to scribble the roots.

I used it to deal with the nine robbers, how many dead, how many dead, ten robbers may be a little troublesome. However, today’s Lin Biao is not the same as before, control the thunder and lightning Law of First Layer, and then with the power of array, with no difficulty can be killed.

Of course, this is just an embryonic form, a true swallowing star, but a terrifying array of Devouring stars.

With the help of Top Grade Spiritual Vein, the swallow star embryonic form also consumes 50 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone.

“Stay at home.”

Lin Yijing sat at the door of the temple, and the array was hidden, waiting quietly for the arrival of the target.

The island of the earth, in the Middle-earth city.

As a city on the island of biggest, it has now been occupied by Luo Tao.

After several trials, Luo Tao found that Lin Biao was afraid to show up, waiting for him to attack the door.

Luo Tao’s team has also expanded to more than 200 people.

“What bullshit is the owner of the island, but it’s a mouse!”

“It is better to kill the mountain directly and occupy the temple!”

“We are so many people, Lin Biao is unable to withstand a single blow !”

In the Middle-earth city, Luo Tao’s team is full of confidence.

Luo Tao looked at the crowd of war-torn people and smiled.

“Depart! All the offensive temples!”


With Luo Tao’s order, more than two hundred people set off in a mighty way, flying toward the distant temple.

(End of this chapter)

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