1047. The 1046 chapter is big to play!

The 1046 chapter is big to play!

Overseas, more than a dozen island owners who were imprisoned were all held in a ship.

Luo Tao is surrounded by a group of people, basically sitting on the side of the sea to save it, in addition to this, there are some people on the island who just turned over.

It’s easy to buy these people, as long as you have money.

What Luo Tao can’t think of is that the island owners he is holding are actually so rich, each with billions or even 10 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone.

Plus he got it from the sea, and now he is worth more than 300 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone.

Just like a night, I found Jinshan, so that Luo Tao was forgotten.

Of course, what makes him more concerned is – Lin Biao!

There are so many throws in the sea, and it is 10 billion for the casualties. How many Top Grade Spirit Stone will Lin Biao himself have? He can’t imagine.

This is his ultimate goal, to kill Lin Biao!

In that way, Lin Biao has more Treasure, and more Lingshi, it is his! The whole island is his!

He has just broken through the ten robes of true jun, has strength, has a spiritual stone, has his men, why is it not unified?

“Black pock, is the news of recruiting released?” Luo Tao said.

A black-faced monk smiled and said: “Let it go out. I posted notices in every city on the island, and I paid for it according to the repair.”

“That’s good, now I have money, not afraid of those people not coming.” Luo Tao sneered.

Not long after, there were three negative swordsmen who came to report.

These three people are the famous three-swords of the savage wolf on the island. They are all eight robbing true kings, and they can match the nine robbers.

“Ross Island Lord, my three brothers saw the notice you posted, saying that you are recruiting people, and that you can get one million Top Grade Spirit Stone, is it true or false?”

Luo Tao said nothing, just throwing a storage ring.

The three wolves of the greedy wolf took over the storage ring, which contained three million Top Grade Spirit Stone!

“Hahaha! Thank you, Lord Luo!” three people excited cup one fist in the other hand, looking for a boat to sit down.

“You can rest assured that as long as you follow me and overthrow the rule of Lin Biao, how many Top Grade Spirit Stones there will be in the future.” Luo Tao proudly said.

With the posting of the notice, next, there will be more and more experts to join, and even there will be nine robbers to join, Luo Tao does not worry that Lin Biao can turn over.


At this moment, Lin Biao left the temple and entered the city at will.

City gate, blatantly attached to a notice –

“High-priced recruiting: Seven-hundred-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousands

Lin Biao glanced at it, and did not tear down the notice, but smiled slightly.

He is also prepared to go to the sea in person, it seems that it is no longer necessary, because Luo Tao will attack the door sooner or later.

He only needs to arrange the array and wait for the rabbit.

“Also, I have to see, how many people can you summon! How much I kill, how to play, or I really think that I am a soft persimmon.” Lin Biao sneered.

This is only two years. At the beginning of the five-year plan, there is such a mess.

After all, his deterrence is not enough!

He needs to play once big, killing everyone on the island and chilling, and people will be trembled, or else someone will find trouble in the future.

Since it is deterrence, it is a bit thorough!


Lin Biao leisurely returned to the temple.

Anyway, in the end, how many Lingshi will be returned, Lin Biao is not worried.

He took out the Top Grade Spirit Stone and buried it under the shrine.

This time, it is not an ordinary buried, but set up array!

Luo Tao set a deadline of “obeying the order for one month”, indicating that he would attack within one month!

Lin Biao just needs to arrange an array that can alleviate everything before this.

How much, how much to kill!

At this time, Mu Qing once again came to the temple, and saw that Lin Biao did not take action, but buried the stone in the temple.

She quickly shouted: “Lin Island Lord, the big thing is not good! Luo Tao began to recruit soldiers, and may attack at any time! And, he broke through the ten robbers!”

Lin Biao did not pay attention to him, and he buried himself in the spirit stone.

Mu Qing is completely paralyzed.

All this is the case, are you still in a hurry?

When Lin Biao defeated Wang Shan, he relied on the worm tactics and used the weakness of Wang Shan Zhen Yuan to consume dead.

But in Luo Tao, there is no such thing as a real yuan! Luo Tao’s Top Grade Spirit Stone is too much, and it can be absorbed while fighting.

At that time, let alone one million worms, 100 million worms are not enough to kill Luo Tao, killing ten days and ten nights will not be exhausted.

“Lin Island Lord, Luo Tao broke through the ten robes of the true king! There are many Lingshi, you can not kill him!” Mu Qing once again stressed.

“You didn’t see me busy?” Lin Biao frowned.

“But…” Muqing did not know what to say.

She is mad!

Luo Tao is a coward’s words, she is not worried, but Luo Tao is extremely savvy, knowing that recruiting, biggest’s use of his resources.

Such awkward opponent, how Lin Biao calmly down.

“Lin Island Lord…” Mu Qing just wanted to speak.

“Call!” Lin Biao stopped the action in her hand and raised her hand to interrupt her.

“Mu Qing, I only reminded once, I do things, you just look at it, if you have opinions, you can get out!” Lin Biao no expression.

After that, I continued to bury the Lingshi, and I ignored the dumbstruck’s wood.

Mu Qing looked at Lin Biao, and the beautiful face was full of confusion. I don’t know what to do.

Two years ago, when Lin Biao first came, she was skeptical about Lin Biao. Even when Lin Biao bought her for the first time, she still wanted to refuse.

As time goes by, she finds that Lin Biao is not just a coveted island owner, but wants to use the location of the island owner to improve the cultivation environment of the island.

Even at the expense of the huge Top Grade Spirit Stone, everyone buried the ground, thrown into the sea, regardless of the eyes of everyone, and devoted themselves to construction.

This is not selfish, one is the island’s island owner, and is it more perfect than him?

Everyone has a selfish heart, and she is the same!

However, she could not see Lin Biao’s selfishness, so that now, Lin Biao is still burying Lingshi.

Mu Qing’s eyes were red, and the delicate face was covered with tears.

Lin Biao is the island owner she has ever seen.

Mu Qing did not want to be the island of the world, was occupied by Luo Tao!

She pondered for a long time, and her eyes flashed through the struggle, seeming to make some kind of decision.

Immediately, Mu Qing left the temple and flew away.

After Mu Qing left, Lin Biao finally settled up array.

He just worried that the array was accidentally revealed by Muqing, so he did not tell anyone.


Lin Biao waved his hand and the temple was closed. Without his instructions, no one could see the situation here.

“The Top Grade Spirit Stone has been buried and started to set up array.”

Lin Biao vacated, opened the three flowers to gather the top, played a variety of cumbersome array, entered the set up array state.

(End of this chapter)

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