1004. The 1003 chapter net has been sprinkled, waiting for the fish to hook

The 1003 chapter net has been sprinkled, waiting for the fish to hook

Lin Biao is not awkward, courageous, and does not want to go against the invincible Zhenjun, and can only honestly go to the auction.

“Yeah, I don’t rob the auction, but I can rob people who buy things!”

Lin Biao suddenly thought of this point.

The Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce will not care who will take action after the event, just sell it.

“Oh, it makes sense, that’s it!” Lin Biao thought.

He went to the Thousand Island Auction House and circled the Auction House to observe the environment.

“Exit in the east, the nearest estuary here, a thousand miles north.”

“Well, that’s it!”

Lin Biao observed a little and calculated the position where most people fled.

He came to the north of Thousand Island City, out of the city gate, and stopped not far away.

Here is a slope, pitted, and very concealed.

“It is here, set up an array.”

Lin Biao stopped here and sprinkled Lingshi.

Recently, De Lei Dan has refining three, and can arrange three closed Law arrays.

Coupled with his new means, even if you meet the nine robbers, you can fight together, completely worthy!

The premise is that others go into the array.

This place is calculated by Lin Biao after countless times. There is a probability of more than 60%. People who carry heavy treasures will come here.

In order to prevent being discovered, Lin Biao first used a Concealing Array, and then the whole person drilled into the ground.

It took five days before and after the time, and Lin Biao was considered to be finished.

Next, Lin Biao went on a few more laps to find out the two most likely locations, and arranged the remaining two arrays.

During this time……

In the restaurant of the big island of Qiandao City, Guo Jiazhu, Mujia ancestor and the owner of the Yinfeng Island three people, sitting around the table, drinking small wine.

“You said, what did the big master do?” asked Guo Jiazhu.

“Who knows, I heard that I am familiar with the environment and I guess there are other things.”

“Don’t guess what his plan is, I can’t guess it!” The owner of the Yinfeng Island looked very thorough and laughed.

At this time, in front of their square table, a figure wearing a cloak suddenly appeared. This is a eagle-hooked old man with a very sharp look, like a blade edge.

This person appeared without warning, and the three people did not respond.


The three people stood up at the same time, with the body aura, and Power of Laws appeared.

“Don’t be nervous, sit down, I just talk to three people!” The cloak smiled.

The three people looked at each other, and the owner of the Yinfeng Island said: “If you still have something to say, they are all smart people, so don’t turn around.”

“Hahaha! It’s a lone star to help the public, there is a bit of courage.” The cloak smiled.

After hearing this, they vaguely guessed why this person came.

“Do you have anything?” Mujia ancestors.

“There is nothing wrong with it. There are a few problems. I want to find three people to ask.” The cloak smiled.

“Say!” The main road of Yinfeng Island.

“The first question, what is the help of your lone star, what is it?” The cloak figure.

Hearing this question, the three people were happy.

“Six robbers live.” Wood family ancestors laughed.

“Hahaha!” The cloak of the cloak suddenly laughed.

“It’s all smart people, why bother to make such a joke? I will ask again, I have some patience, tell me! What is he doing!”

“I have already said that the big master is a six-robbery real person, you love it or not!”

“snort! I see you are toasting and not eating fine wine!”

The cloak of the cloak snorted and picked up the wine glass on the wine table and pour it toward the ancestors of the wooden family.


The wine in the wine glass instantly turned into a savage sword, and the lightning-like thorns to the wooden family ancestors!

“Water Flow Law!”

The ancestors of the wooden family contracted.


The wine pierced the wooden ancestor and pierced his entire body into a sieve, and the blood sprinkled.

He felt that after the wine entered the body, he was still smashing around and smashing it, leaving him with a white face.

“A nine-robbery true king, you are said to be a six-robbery real person, it’s fun!” The cloak man smiled sullenly.

The wooden family ancestors quickly squatted on the ground: “Sir, the big master is really just six real people!”

“How can a six-robbery real person be willing to let you surrender?” The cloak shouted.

This time, everyone is not snoring.

They thought it carefully and felt incredible.

“Right! Did he hide the repair?” Wood family ancestors surprised.

The other two people also find it reasonable.

The cloak man vaguely understood.

“Then I will continue to ask you, where is he now?” the cloak asked.

“I don’t know.” The three people shook their heads.

“Hahaha! It seems that your big master does not trust you!” The cloak smiled.

“What do you want to say?” The main road of the evil wind island.

“Nothing, just want you to cooperate with me, do one thing, you will benefit from the big family, I will give you double! Otherwise, all will die!”

The cloak man gently gripped and made a mortal movement.

The three people looked around and found that the movement was not caused by anyone in the restaurant.

It’s as if several of them are all in the air, and everyone looks normal.

This shows that before the cloak man came, he blocked everything that happened here.

Such a terrifying means is simply shocking.

“Listen to Sir’s instructions!” Mujia’s ancestors were the first to surrender, respectfully.

“Listen to Sir, tell me!”

Another two people, also quickly cup one fist in the other hand.


Half a month passed, Lin Biao’s three arrays, the coefficient is successfully completed.

At this moment, when he left the underground, the crowds in Thousand Island City became more and more obvious. It seems that they all came to participate in the Thousand Island Auction.

“Haha! The net has been sprinkled, waiting for the fish to hook.” Lin Biao said while loudly laughing.

Back to Thousand Island City, the streets are full of crowds, and many experts are moving fast.

Lin Biao just swept a circle and found two eight robbers, and the expert is quite a lot.

“Everything comes out!” Lin Biao used the messaging token.


The wooden family ancestors, the yin typhoon island masters, and the three people of the Guo family, appeared at the same time, cup one fist in the other hand: “See the big master!”

“Well, what happened in the last two weeks?” Lin Biao asked.

“Returning to the big home, except for the Pengpeng Island owner who is inquiring about your news everywhere, there is no other thing for the time being.”

“Oh, I want to retaliate so soon, this is the main courage of the Peng Peng Island!” Lin Biao laughed.

“Of course, dare to offend the big master, the owner of the Pengpeng Island is a dead sooner or later.” Guo Jiazhu flattered.

“Let’s gossip less, go to Auction House.” Lin Biao laughed.


The three people followed in a uniform manner.

(End of this chapter)

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