1003. Chapter 1002 arrived in Nakajima

Chapter 1002 arrives at Nakajima

Kuangpeng Pirates.

On this day, a figure wearing a cloak suddenly descended on the island of Kunpeng.

The owner of the Pengpeng Island was sitting in the cultivation hall in the Assembly Hall. Suddenly, the space in front of it cracked, and a cloak figure was drilled out from it.

This is an old man with a hook-and-loop nose, his face is yellow, his eyes are very sharp, and he is straightforward. At first glance, he is not an ordinary person.

“The Lord of the Peng Peng Island, I saw that I am coming, I am not greeted?”

The yin and yang sounds came from the cloak population.


The owner of the Pengpeng Island immediately woke up. He looked up and stared at the face of the cloak. After a few glances, he immediately scared the soul destroyed.

It turned out to be him!

Immediately, he was kneeling on the ground and respectfully said: “I don’t know if Sir is coming, there is a long way to go, and I hope to please forgive me!”

The main heart of Kunpeng Island is not mad, but what is wrong with this small island, and even this god is recruited!

“Oh, I am coming, there is no other problem, just like you ask for something.” The cloak smiled.

“Sir please,” said the owner of the Pengpeng Island.

“I heard that you are very afraid of the Lone Star help?” The cloak smiled.

After the main voice of the Pengpeng Island, the bitter smile: “It doesn’t matter, the Lone Stars are really terrible. They have nine robes and oversees, and they are good at array. After entering, there is no return!”

“Oh?” The cloak came to God and raised a smile.

He smiled and said: “I am the hegemon of the southern part of the Thousand Islands. This Lone Star Gang suddenly appears, and it happens to be in the Southern District, which may threaten my status.”

“So, the purpose of my coming, you should know it!”

The owner of the Pengpeng Island understands that this person is afraid that the lone star will be too strong and threaten them, and this will come to explore the wind.

The owner of the Pengpeng Island quickly said: “Small person will tell me all my information, tell me the whole!”

“Well, let’s talk.”


Since the other party is coming to deal with the Lone Star Gang, the owner of the Pengpeng Island naturally cooperated fully and said everything he knew.


This month, Lin Biao has been sitting quietly on the island, fully accumulating the true element of the body, and by the way, the newly created cracked sword.

A sword in the air is the sixth form of annihilating the Nine Swords. It can annihilate Space, cause Space cracks, and devouring everything!

This trick, although without the power of Law, destructive power exceeds the scope of Law! It belongs to martial arts that Lin Biao himself does not know how to define!

“martial arts ……martial arts, above the peak martial arts, is Law martial arts!”

“The cracking of a sword, the power has already surpassed the holy peak, but it is not Law martial arts, the power is not less than Law martial arts, how should this be defined?” Lin Biao fell into doubt.

His own martial arts, how to remain a little record, although under the sun, I am afraid that only he can cultivation.

“Is this a supernatural power?” Lin Biao said.

He took out the magical thunder sword and saved all his strength. His palm covered the dragon scales, and a trace of magic appeared from the palm of his hand.

“Master, stop!” Mo Leijian quickly shouted.

“Well, let me play!”

Lin Biao smiled and took back the magic. The dragon scale on the palm of his hand disappeared again.

The power of the dragon, plus the magic, plus the annihilation of Will! The entire Continent, only Lin Biao is in control, count a special case.

Nowadays, the days away from the Thousand Islands auction are getting closer and closer, and it is time to pass.

He does not intend to bring too many people. It is enough to bring only three true kings. Others can’t help.

“Wooden ancestors, Guo Jiazhu, Yinfeng Island Lord, you three people take me a trip.” Lin Biao told.

“Follow! Big head!” The three people are all the same.

Lin Biao took out the ship that he personally minted, “Lone Star”, which was engraved with a ray of Ray, and the speed could exceed that of the real king, reaching three times the average!

However, only ten people can be used.

The Lin Biao four people sat on the boat, and the rushing thunder took the wind and waves, and traveled toward the island at the speed of normal Zhenjun.

“The big master, the speed of this ship is too fast, and I am flying at full speed!” Guo Jiazhu was amazed.

“The ferry can also be so fast, it is terrifying!” Mujia ancestors also praised.

In general, the speed of the ferry will be slower than the real, they have not been so fast!

Lin Biao just smiled and said nothing.

This is only 30% of the speed, Lin Biao is not going to push at full speed, too scary.

Thousand Island Auction, once every three years.

I don’t know if this time, there will be any surprises.

The Lone Star traveled on the sea for a day and arrived at Nakajima.

Nakajima is not the island of biggest. It looks like a small Continent. It has a huge city called Qiandao City, which is a symbol of the Thousand Islands.

The Lone Star docked at the dockside, and Lin Biao took the boat away.

Their pedestrians, the three true guardians, look at it is not a small influence, many passers-by see Lin Biao them, they are far away.

Whenever the Thousand Islands auction is approaching, all kinds of cows and ghosts come, and it is also the most dangerous period in Nakajima.

During this period, the Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce will not manage the order, let the outsiders beat and kill, as long as they do not blizzard and arson in the Thousand Islands.

“There are still half a month away from the auction. You should go to a restaurant to live, and I am familiar with the environment.” Lin Shudao.

“Follow!” The three people left in unison and left Lin Biao.

Entering Qiandao City, Lin Biao visited a few streets and suddenly saw that there was a restaurant in the wind.

“Oh, it’s really Continent’s famous intelligence influence, even here.” Lin Biao laughed.

He walked into the restaurant and said a whisper.

“This guest, please!” waiter respectfully.

Walking into the inner hall, it is also a scene of darkness.

Lin Biao threw out the storage ring of 100 million Top Grade Spirit Stone and said: “I want to know the specific strength of the Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce!”

In the darkness, there was a voice: “The intelligence level is too high, and 100 million Top Grade Spirit Stone is not enough.”

Lin Biao’s brows are slightly wrinkled. Is this Qiandao Chamber of Commerce still a big one?

“How much do you need?”

“Five billion!” That voice said.

The forest hole shrinks.

He only got a total of 150 billion yuan, or he sold a lot of Treasure, and he made up for it!

However, after considering it for a while, Lin Biao still threw out 50 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone.

“Okay!” Lin said.

“Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce, the third-rate influence primary, there is an invincible true king oversee.” That voice said.

When Lin Biao heard this, he knew that there was no play.

Invincible Zhenjun? That’s a fart!

The so-called invincible Zhenjun is invincible during the transcend tribulation period, which is many times stronger than Ye Xianglong!

Lin Biao sighed and reluctantly walked out of the restaurant.

It is no wonder that this Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce is so arrogant, even the corpse that he hangs on the tower has been rushed away. It turned out to be a bit of strength!

(End of this chapter)

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