Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2961: (618) Take the other way, return the other body! (19)

"Of course, if you have any problems, or if you really feel dissatisfied, the deity has nothing to do. The so-called click to stop, whether you understand or don’t understand, the deity can only tell you, the deity can say Yes, there are only so many." Probably because you felt that you seemed a bit too polite before speaking? It's the same as the previous words, just haven't spoken. This paragraph was not added deliberately. It was just a gasp, and then expressed it completely. That's it? Is it to avoid some unnecessary troubles, and the other party's act of getting in the right way, so you want to make everything clear first, so as to cut off the opponent's back path? Or is there any other reason? Who knows! Anyway, without waiting for Ji Xiaowu to answer or make a related response, Ouyang Xiasha once again added such a paragraph. Hearing not very friendly, in fact, it is indeed not very friendly, but it is indisputable. , Does not deny the fact.

"That's it! I understand what the Honorable means. Please rest assured. I will definitely not bring up a series of problems related to my flaws. This point is self-conscious, and it is still mentioned on the table by the Honorable. I think that I can do it if I want to break the request. It doesn’t make sense for someone to let things go so far. In other words, even if we get along with each other not very well and not very harmoniously. , But no matter what, I still want to thank the Lord for his ability to solve puzzles for me, and for this ability to solve puzzles for me, I am not good to talk about the request of the Lord. Say the so-called "no"! In addition, the Supreme also said that even if I ask, you will not answer. In that case, I might as well be a good friend, why? It’s better than something meaningless, isn’t it? It’s just one thing, the Lord deliberately explained that I can’t ask questions about my flaws. Does this mean that other questions are not restricted? Otherwise? Why did the Lord deliberately mention this? Then again, can the Lord tell me why you have planned to destroy us in the morning?" I know everything about Ouyang Xiasha before. The inexhaustible generosity, even Ji Xiaowu, who doesn’t know Ouyang Xia Sha very well, only knows it by relying on the previous few competitive contacts, knows that this is not like Ouyang Xia Sha’s. Personality, don’t want to be surprised at this, it is inevitable, and even once suspected that this person was turned off when he didn’t know it? After all, how flawed Ouyang Xiasha must be reported, he had fully understood before, and at this moment, in the blink of an eye, Ouyang Xiasha suddenly changed from a person who must report a flaw to a generous person. The existence of degree, such a huge gap, how could Ji Xiaowu not doubt it? Don't guess? It wasn’t until Ouyang Xiasha just added that sentence that Ji Xiaowu knew that there was no such thing as a packet drop. Ouyang Xiasha was originally the same Ouyang Xiasha, still so self-willed, so she liked it because of her own temperament. Act.

"Heh, why?" Ouyang Xiasha didn't feel any surprise to Ji Xiaowu's move to find her own answer, as if Ouyang Xiasha had already guessed that there would be such a scene, and there was something in her eyes. Sober and clear is the best proof of this. But guessing, guessing, does not mean that Ouyang Xiasha will definitely choose to answer her question. Well, in fact, it is true. Ouyang Xiasha has no intention to answer her question at all, not just words. No, not even the tone. No, just a few simple words, plus a mocking tone, don't show Ouyang Xia Sha's refusal to be too obvious.

"Yes, why! Why do you plan to kill us in the morning?" I don't know if Ji Xiaowu really didn't understand the rejection in Ouyang Xiasha's words? Or just pretend not to understand? Anyway, Ji Xiaowu repeatedly raised the doubt in his heart, which is an indisputable fact.

"Hehe, the deity doesn't tell you. As for the details, if you want to know, you will wait for your people in purgatory, and then just ask them." No matter if Ji Xiaowu deliberately pretended not to know , I really don’t know. In fact, this will not affect Ouyang Shasha’s final decision. Who will let the so-called initiative always be in the hands of Ouyang Shasha? In addition, because of Ouyang Xiasha's own bad temper, for those who make her feel disgusted, of course she can't let her get what she wants, get her wish! Therefore, it is not surprising that Ouyang Xiasha would bluntly refuse. But Ouyang Xiasha, if you say you refuse, then you refuse. Why do you have to say so much in the end, which makes you appetite? It can be seen that Ouyang Xiasha either has a plan he has prepared long ago, and he is implementing it according to his plan at this time; or he is deliberately tossing Ji Xiaowu, in other words, "seeing I'm happy if you don't live well.' Ouyang Xia Sha took the opportunity to find happiness in Ji Xiaowu, find comfort, and take a little revenge on his previous target, that's it.

"You one by one" Okay, what other people think when they hear Ouyang Xiasha's words, Ji Xiaowu doesn't know, but Ji Xiaowu only knows that after she listened to Ouyang Xiasha's words, There is only one thought, that is, Ouyang Xia Sha is really shameless, and his wife is too shameless. And this level of shamelessness, because of the unheard of, the unseen relationship, made Ji Xiaowu in a half-and-a-half meeting, but really couldn't find a suitable word or reason to hit him back, so the'you' appeared again. For a long time, there is no situation below, and there is nothing to fuss about. As for the land of purgatory, because all Ji Xiaowu’s focus is on Ouyang Xiasha’s mood and tone of voice, she didn’t pay too much attention to it, or she listened to it. I heard it, but it was just that Ouyang Xiasha was just talking and didn't take it too seriously. Therefore, Ji Xiaowu didn't have much reaction to Ouyang Xiasha's words in the second half, in other words. , If Ji Xiaowu really noticed the second half of Ouyang Xiasha’s words and understood the deep meaning of it, I’m afraid she wouldn’t be able to react in this way, or if it was really like that, she wouldn’t even be Knowing how to fight back, it is impossible to be so calm.

If you don’t believe it, just wait and see. The following facts will surely prove everything. After all, with Ouyang Xiasha’s wickedness, how can Ji Xiaowu really be in such an incomprehensible state? ? In other words, even if Ji Xiaowu doesn't understand, even if she doesn't understand, Ouyang Xia Sha will definitely look for opportunities to make her truly understand. And the subsequent reaction is the best proof of this.

"Oh, the deity kills people. It has always believed in the principle of'cutting the grass without removing the roots, spring breeze blowing and regenerating'. Therefore, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, the deity always likes to destroy the soul together, even in this underworld. The land of purgatory is difficult, or it is impossible to get out of the place, that is no exception. Therefore, if you want to know the answer, relying on your people is not enough. It seems that you still have to rely on you I’m myself.” Well, as mentioned before, Ouyang Xiasha is absolutely impossible, and he is not allowed to be tossing with him. It’s too easy, especially the person facing him at this time. , That is, the object of the toss this time, is still the disciple of the hostile family who is tit-for-tat against Ouyang Xiasha, or the direct descendant, so Ouyang Xiasha has no reason to let it go. As for how to make it uncomfortable, it's also very simple. Don't you all say that Ouyang Xiasha's eyes are comparable to fiery eyes? So, how difficult is it to understand Ji Xiaowu's problem? Therefore, if you see clearly what Ji Xiaowu thinks and thinks of Ouyang Xiasha, he will not wait for his answer or response, and can’t wait to make it. Following the previous topic, the act of supplementary explanation is to change the question he answered before. In the second half of the answer, let’s take a detailed and serious analysis. In fact, thinking about it, it’s not something worth making a fuss about.

"You respect one by one, what do you mean?" Because Ouyang Xia Sha did not hesitate to break, Ji Xiaowu was unavoidable to have to face it, even if her heart was already in a mess and she had not experienced it. She has no extra energy to take on any setbacks, and that is no exception. In this way, Ji Xiaowu, who had to face such a reality, understood the true meaning of Ouyang Xiasha's second half of the sentence that she had always ignored.

Although Ji Xiaowu can understand what it means when looking at each word separately, but when they are connected together, Ji Xiaowu understands it, but feels that this is really unbelievable and too much. It's a bit exaggerated, so it's a matter of course that you will hesitate to ask back.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple. It is not that Ji Xiaowu simply does not want to believe it, nor is there any other reason affecting her, but that Ji Xiaowu is really poisoned by the theory that the Ji family is very powerful. It was too deep, so that he would ask instinctively. In fact, Ji Xiaowu already believed Ouyang Xiasha's words in his heart, and his trembling voice was the best proof of this statement. After all, if she didn't believe it, she wouldn't be afraid or worried, and if she wasn't afraid, don't worry, how could Ji Xiaowu, who was not afraid of fear and fearless, would tremble on the premise of being free from illness and disaster?

Of course, Ji Xiaowu’s worries here are not the life and death of her so-called clansmen. After all, the life and death of the clansmen is affected by the family’s education and the environment in which they grew up. There is really nothing to worry about. This is not because of her cold-bloodedness, but because of the family’s education and the family’s environment. It is too far away. In fact, what Ji Xiaowu is really worried about is the life and death of the family. Who will let Ji Xiaowu know? Understand, the family is her domineering and domineering capital?

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