Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2960: (617) Take the other way, return the other body! (18)

"You one by one" broke my own thoughts, and didn't talk about any actions that didn't save her. The last two sentences of Ouyang Xia Sha's hint were enough to **** off Ji Xiaowu's whole person. That's the best proof of this, and it has been "you" for a long time and there is no answer below. As for the reason, it's also very simple. Who made Ouyang Xiasha's remarks shouldn't be too obvious, let people know that he clearly wanted to "take the other way and return the other body" to them. Revenge? ! It is the so-called anti-robbery. Think about the results of their plan. It’s hard to save your life. Even your family’s property is dangerous. Don’t want it. This is the result of “stealing chickens and losing rice” and losing your wife. , How can Ji Xiaowu not be angry? They are angry at their own greed, and at Ouyang Xia Sha’s killing all, but in comparison, they are more angry at their own greed. After all, if they were not really too greedy, why would they know that Ouyang Xia was It's a hard bone that is super hard to chew, even crumbled, but you still have to catch up and ask for trouble to take a bite? To put it bluntly, they will encounter such a result, and it is clear that they are asking for it. Therefore, what kind of result they have, they have to bear and bear. As one of the parties involved, Ji Xiaowu had no excuses and no reason to defend them. It was an expected answer. But when Ji Xiaowu, who has always been aloof, has been so wronged? It’s fine to be ridiculed by people pointing to the nose. Anyway, even if everyone knows it in their minds, but there is no name and name to point out, they can’t refute, and there is no reason to refute. Those cynics can only help. Suffering, so wronged, Ji Xiaowu will be mad to death, and it's not something worth making a fuss about.

Of course, Ji Xiaowu did not answer. In addition to the above-mentioned reasons for being so angry, but also because of Ji Xiaowu's suspicion, how could Ouyang Xiasha know so much? I wonder if Ouyang Xiasha is just skeptical, and now that I am so sure, is it because I want to play some psychological tactics with myself, and then use this affirmative tone to destroy my own will, so as to find the so-called flaw in myself ? Even Ji Xiaowu wondered whether these conclusions of Ouyang Xiasha revealed something in her own words before. Or, does he really have any substantive evidence? Although these doubts are insignificant compared to Ji Xiaowu’s previous reasons for being angry enough, his sense of existence is still very strong. No, it’s because of the existence of this scrupulousness. Ji Xiaowu, in order to prevent Ouyang Xiasha from arranging something from her words, even if it is only possible, and the possibility is still very small, Ji Xiaowu finally decided to obey her. The original intention, or to follow one's main emotional influence, whether you don't want to say it or there is no reason to say it, it's better to keep your mouth shut anyway.

"What's wrong with the deity? Do you want to ask, why does the deity know this? Are these thoughts of the deity guessed and want to play with you? Or is there any substantive evidence? And, what do you really think of you? Without saying that, by keeping silent, you can solve the problem, avoid the problem, and change the result?" Just when Ji Xiaowu thought that his thoughts were already stable and there was no problem, no one would have any trouble with that point of calculation in his heart. When she knew it, Ouyang Xia Sha suddenly seemed to have seen through her thoughts and thoughts. Without any scruples, she broke all the calculations and thoughts in Ji Xiaowu's mind, even the guesses and doubts, without concealing them. When he opened, Ji Xiaowu, who was almost shocked, was dumbfounded, rubbing his hands. And his dazed expression is the most direct proof of this.

"You one by one" Well, this time Ji Xiaowu has been'you' for a long time, and there is no answer below. Although the situation is the same as before, in fact, the essence of the inside is really different, at least not the same. As before, part of it is the result of calculation, but it is really true, from the heart, and the result is simply because I don't know how to answer it. In other words, this time Ji Xiaowu was not without doubts, nor did he not want to ask questions, but suddenly did not know where to start. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that.

As for what Ji Xiaowu is wondering at this moment? The answer is also very simple, nothing more than wondering how Ouyang Xia Sha knows what she thinks? Are there any special hands or exercises? The reason why she didn't speak was not because she didn't ask, nor because she didn't want to ask, but because she didn't know how to speak, that's all.

"You want to ask, how does this deity know what you are thinking? Does this deity have a so-called mind reading technique?" But Ji Xiaowu can't tell, but it doesn't mean Ouyang Xiasha can't see it. Endlessly, depressed, because of his sudden bad expression, and quite a headache, while thinking about how to express his own thoughts, Ouyang Xia Sha suddenly spoke again, and what he said, although some Horror, but in fact, isn't it what Ji Xiaowu really thinks in his mind? Such a result is really shocking, astonishing.

"Hey one by one! Yes, so, would you please tell me?" If you make a guess, Ji Xiaowu can also lie to himself that it is a coincidence, but if you make two consecutive guesses, all guesses are not bad, that's it. It is not a simple'coincidence' that can be described and expressed. Therefore, Ji Xiaowu surrendered, really surrendered, willingly, and truly surrendered. There is no doubt about this. fact. After all, in the face of an existence that can see through your thoughts at any time, so that your mind can't be hidden, what else can you do besides surrendering? Why do you face it? Please, Sao Nian, don't be stupid. That's no different from seeking death. People who play big swords in front of Guan Gong and don’t know what they can do are of no use other than speeding up their own death time. In this case, it is better to choose to compromise. At least in this way, there may be the possibility of being a ghost and not even dying. It's muddled, unclear.

"In fact, the answer is very simple. On the one hand, it is because of common sense. On the other hand, it is because of human eyes. When the two are combined, there is nothing you don't know. As for mind reading, this is just a thing. How can such a heavenly thing exist? The deity sees that you read too many books, so I think too much.” Well, don’t look at Ouyang Xia Sha’s explanation so seriously, it seems to be true, but in fact, Ouyang Xia Sha It's really a lie. Of course, not all of Ouyang Xiasha's words are false, just like his answer to Ji Xiaowu's previous question at this moment, there is no water at all. And the part where Ouyang Xiasha lied, or the part where he lied, is the part related to the so-called ‘mind reading’. Ouyang Xiasha said that there is no such thing as ‘mind reading’ in this world, but in fact, there is still this special technique in this world, and Ouyang Xiasha doesn’t know if it’s a coincidence, he just happens to do it. The reason why he was reluctant to admit it and completely denied it was not because Ouyang Xiasha didn’t believe in or doubted who he did. He did so only to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, and to make others right. He won't have such a big panic, plus let the people around him live easier, that's it. After all, if such a big secret is exposed, it is self-evident. Therefore, people who know this secret can usually guess how much pressure will be in their hearts without thinking. Therefore, Ouyang Xia Sha will Choosing the negative answer, there is nothing strange, even if Ji Xiaowu, the only listener at present, has been dead for a long time, it is impossible to meet with outsiders again, and he cannot spread the news, that is no exception.

"Human eyes? But my eyes are one by one" Ouyang Xia Sha said very reasonable. If you don't clearly know the special features of your eyes, I'm afraid that even Ji Xiaowu can't find a negative answer. On the contrary, it is precisely because of knowing the special features of her eyes that Ji Xiaowu is even more curious about how Ouyang Xia Sha can see the truest thoughts in her heart! Well, Ji Xiaowu thought so and did the same. No, he bluntly raised his own doubts. Just probably, Ji Xiaowu still has the last hint of hesitation about Ouyang Xiasha! Otherwise, how could she do it ungraciously, half-talking and not finishing her words? To put it more bluntly, that is, Ji Xiaowu deliberately didn't finish the sentence, just want to see, does Ouyang Xiasha really see the specialness of his eyes, or is he just guessing? So, it can be regarded as her last test of Ouyang Xia Sha!

"You are trying to say that your eyes are deceptive, why can I still see it? In fact, the answer is also very simple, as the saying goes,'human eyes are not deceiving', even if it is you This kind of existence that thinks that your eyes are deceptive is no exception. As for the reason, it is also very simple. Didn’t see the deity just say that your eyes are deceptive, not absolutely deceptive? And the so-called certain Deceptiveness means that as long as you observe carefully, you can discover the existence of abnormalities. If you don't know the explanation of the deity, are you satisfied?" I don't know why, Ouyang Xiasha's temper seems to have suddenly changed for the better. Faced with Ji Xiaowu’s obvious probing behavior, or disguised provocative behavior, he can be so tolerant and patient. Not only did he not get angry with him, or have any behavior directed at anger, but he also took it seriously. The details met Ji Xiaowu's wish, and while completing Ji Xiaowu's unfinished words, he also gave proper explanations to what Ji Xiaowu was curious about.

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