Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2603: (260) Invitation to participate! (8)

Moreover, the Profound Earth Pill is not an ordinary pill, at least for ordinary families or individuals, it is still a rare pill. The value of an Earth Profound Pill is enough for a family of five to maintain at least by doing nothing. I have lived in a moderately prosperous life for five years, so this hundreds of thousands is only a conservative estimate. After all, there are still several days before the start of the competition. Who can guarantee that no one will come to sign up afterwards?

You know, the organizing committee of this competition has clearly stated that any player who participated in the competition this time can receive an Earth Profound Pill, which is the lowest guaranteed participation award. This guarantee is attractive enough. What's more, there is also an element called luck in this world. If luck is good, the opponents you encounter are all weaker than yourself, then the Sky Profound Pill will not be anymore. What kind of unattainable dream, this temptation, is enough to make many fight for it. After all, no matter what, it is safer than many people who have to go to the depths of dangerous places to fight Warcraft for their livelihood. Isn't it too much? After all, no matter how fierce and powerful humans are, they are much safer and more rational than crazy bloodthirsty beasts. Therefore, the number of hundreds of thousands is only small, and there will never be more possibilities.

Although the rewards of this competition are indeed rich enough, although the organizing committee of this competition is also luxurious enough and rich enough, what really amazes Ouyang Shasha is that the reward of the champion rises one by one. Divine fruit!

You know, when Ouyang Xiasha heard the name "God Ascended Fruit", her heart became tight and her breathing accelerated. After all, she didn't know this ascension of the gods, but for her now, it was really the most timely thing.

In other words, for this ascension fruit, Ouyang Xia Sha has decided in her heart that, like that piece of spiritual power, it is determined to be one of the items she aspires to obtain. If anyone dares to stop it, then she will definitely stop others. To kill, the gods block and kill the gods, and the ghosts block and slaughter the ghosts.

As the name suggests, the ascended fruit can promote the spiritual fruit that has reached the level of the god-ranked monk. However, this god-ranked monk does not generally refer to all the god-ranked monks. The minimum requirement is also the god-level monk. The abilities are too great, and the monks below the divine master cannot resist the erosion of the violent energy at all. In other words, once the monks below the divine master take it, what awaits them will not be their level promotion, but only because of the endurance. Unable to hold back the powerful energy, the end of the body burst and die. Therefore, even if the people in the underworld obtain this ascension fruit, there is no benefit. On the contrary, the disadvantages are great, even fatal, which is not an exaggeration. To put it bluntly, this ascension fruit is destined to be prepared for Ouyang Xiasha. Who makes the entire underworld, not to mention a god, not even a god? Who made the entire underworld, only she could absorb the powerful energy of this fruit?

Although it was not deliberate, if this ascending fruit really fell into the hands of Ouyang Xia Sha, Ouyang Xia Sha also indirectly saved the lives of everyone in this Yunxiao City. It was in this Yunxiao City, all People's savior, that merit, chucking up, is as easy as picking it up.

But don't think that this is an exaggerated fact. You must know that although only one person gets the ascension fruit in the end, once the body explodes, it is not just that person that will be affected. I want to know that if there is no existence of Ouyang Shasha, the one who can finally get the ascension fruit must be a semi-god powerhouse, or the strongest semi-god powerhouse, and in order to prevent being taken with treasures. The person who chased down and peeped and got the fruit of ascension would definitely choose to take it in the temporarily safe Yunxiao City. Once the person is convinced, and then he will explode and die because he can't bear the powerful energy of the Ascendant Fruit, isn't it the same reason that he will blew himself up with a semi-god powerhouse?

The demigod powerhouse, the highest level of the underworld that is restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, although it is nothing in the eyes of Ouyang Xiasha, who allows her to cross the gods without being restricted by the rules of heaven and earth? Of course, demigods and gods are not comparable, but they are also relatively speaking, and in fact, since he can be used as the highest level of the underworld, there must be some truth in it, that is to say, its The strength is still very strong.

A semi-god powerhouse, or a half-god powerhouse chosen by the crowd, its self-destructive power, I want to know how sturdy it is, not to mention that the entire Yunxiao City is not immune to disaster, I am afraid that even the nearby forests are dangerous. It was also implicated, so it is not an exaggeration to say that this ascension fruit was obtained by Ouyang Xiasha, which is equivalent to indirectly saving the entire Yunxiao City, and even the dangerous forest near Yunxiao City.

As for the organizers of this competition, why did they offer such dangerous prizes? It's not that they have any sinister intentions, or have any sinister plans. After all, it won't do them any good, right? And the reason why they held this event, in addition to wanting to determine the profit sharing between their four major families, for the underworld, they also did not mean to admit talents. In other words, they have no reason and no reason to sabotage this big competition. There is no reason even to ignore their own safety, just to do something that is not only laborious, but also unthankful? In the final analysis, the only reason we can find for it is that they don't even know the limiting conditions of the ascendant fruit. To put it bluntly, this is the fault of their ignorance.

But if I think about it carefully, I don’t find it so difficult to understand. After all, what Ouyang Xiasha would like and show such excitement must be a rare treasure, and it’s her'wrist bi'. What is not in the space, how else would she be so gaffe? You must know that, like common ones, or not rare, or rare but well-known, in Ouyang Xiasha’s "Wrist Bi" space, there are all In stock, after all, Ouyang Xiasha’s "Wrist Bi" is only one level away, and it can reach the highest level of the spirit weapon. The Chaos Super Sacred Artifact does not lose the function of the Chaos Super Sacred Artifact. There is her From the first reincarnation to the present, you can imagine the variety of all the treasures collected after seeing them. Then, even the treasures of heaven, material and earth that are not available in the space of'Wrist Bi', I want to know how rare they are. Therefore, the people of the four major families do not know its limitations and can only judge that it is a treasure of heaven, material and earth. With a huge amount of energy, nothing else is known, and it’s nothing strange. Even Ouyang Xiasha is only because he has restored the memories of previous lives, especially the memories of the creation of the God Emperor. Knowing it in such detail, otherwise, it will definitely have the same view as them.

Okay, let’s go a little bit further. In other words, the ascension fruit can be used in a normal state, which can increase its level by one to three small levels. As for the specific level, it depends on its talents. . Like Ouyang Xia Sha, the super abnormality of no one before and no one after, there is no doubt that once it is taken, it will definitely be upgraded to the top level. In addition, ascending the profound fruit can help the level above the divine master, breaking through the barrier and smoothly entering the next level. However, this effect is also limited. The effect of ascending **** fruit is only useful for monks of the level below the **** emperor, but for powers higher than that, it is a wasteful existence.

But the reason Ouyang Xia Sha cares so much is not because he can raise his level, but because of the timing when he can help him raise his level. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so excited, like a hillbilly who has never seen the world. . After all, haven’t you seen a better and more effective natural treasure? Not to mention it, it is said that in her ‘Wrist Bi’ space, there are no less than a hundred plants that have a better level-up effect than that. In other words, what Ouyang Xia Sha cares about is the so-called timing problem, not the effect of the fruit itself.

You should know that the spiritual power fragments belonging to the God Emperor of Creation are not without any restrictions when they are absorbed. The lowest level of the absorber is the only restriction. Of course, he has such restrictions. , But also for the absorber himself, and his own reincarnation is good. After all, there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. Every absorption of spiritual fragments is a double tempering of the absorber’s body and psychology. , And the pain is worse than once. If there is not enough spiritual support that can resist it, then the result can be imagined. Therefore, the former creation **** emperor will be responsible for each piece The absorption of spiritual power fragments set such and such minimum requirements, in order to ensure the safety of his life, so that his mind and body can be tempered the most. It's like at this moment, Ouyang Xia Sha's distance to absorb the next piece of spiritual power is two full levels away. And the level of embarrassment she is at now is because of the relationship between not high, not low, and not high, so it leads to the result that not all the treasures of heaven and earth, or the panacea can be taken without any scruples, because In that way, the so-called barrier problem can easily occur, or because the medicine is too effective, the body is overloaded, causing a certain amount of loss to the body.

Regardless of the former or the latter, Ouyang Xiasha is not willing to see it. Therefore, she obviously has so many treasures of heaven, material and earth, and there are so many of them that can be upgraded. , But she has no intention or desire to take it at all, even a little thought, she has never thought about it, but she is afraid that her foundation will be destroyed, which will affect the future overall deployment, and it will affect herself and herself. Those who care about it, it's really not worth the gain.

But to say that Ouyang Xia Sha was not anxious at all, it was a lie. After all, the old enchantress had already discovered or guessed her existence, so she didn't have much time to prepare.

In such a tight time situation, Ouyang Xiasha arranged the future deployment and plans. The underworld and the mortal world would not have time to deal with the people who descended from the gods in the future. How can they really waste time on cultivation? Therefore, the emergence of God Ascension Fruit at this time has solved the problem that has troubled Ouyang Xia Sha very well. Who made God Ascension Fruit’s effect of breaking the barrier just make up for the casual use of Tiancai Dibao during this period of time. What about the so-called sequelae?

In addition, ascending the **** fruit has clear restrictions on the level of consumption, and the side effects of this kind of restricted heaven and earth treasure are much smaller than other heaven and earth treasures. Therefore, the ascending **** fruit can be described as the most current stage. There is no one of the most suitable for Ouyang Shasha.

I have to say that Ouyang Xiasha is very interested in this reward, very interested! However, no matter how excited and interested Ouyang Xia Sha was, she did not abandon the so-called reason. She always remembered what the real purpose of her coming this time was!

Since the news of the release of the four major families said that there was that piece of debris, Ouyang Xiasha would never think that it was just groundless rhetoric. After all, how important integrity is to a family is not. Need her to explain more, right?

Although the four big families are not very connected with the so-called true integrity, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are insignificant villains, but isn't it in private, behind people's invisible, that it is like this? The four big families still dare not do this kind of open-minded act of violating promises, at least until they have completely wiped out the power of the palace, they will never do so when they can’t achieve the dominance of one family. , Isn't that the handle to the opponent? To put it bluntly, it is the underworld today, no matter what the character of those family forces is, they still have to maintain the glamour on the surface. So, now that this prerequisite exists, there must be something else, Donglixuan hasn't finished it, not that it doesn't exist.

Facts have proved that Ouyang Xia Sha thought and said so, no, without the slightest hesitation, Ouyang Xia Sha bluntly asked Dongli Xuan and said: "In addition, there are more Huh? Why do I always feel that Young Master Dongli you haven't finished talking?"

"Yes, Brother Ouyang is really sensitive. This competition is very special. After the final championship team is decided, a unique individual competition will be held. The range of candidates to participate is limited to all members of this championship team. And the champion of this individual competition can not only get the only fruit of the ascension of the champion team, but also an additional mysterious energy fragment. Although no one knows what that fragment is, they can see , That thing is definitely not an ordinary mortal product." Donglixuan gave Ouyang Xia Sha a look of appreciation for his sensitivity, and of course, he did not forget to answer seriously.

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