Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2602: (259) Invitation to participate! (7)

No, after Ouyang Xia Sha retracted her gaze, but after a slight pause, she turned all her gaze to Donglixuan's body. If it wasn't the right time, I was afraid Donglixuan's focused gaze. I can't help but ridicule!

"Brother Ouyang, what are you looking at me for? Since our agreement has not been formally set, others can of course participate!" Now that several other companies have participated, it has become an indisputable fact, even if Donglixuan is not the same. Willing can't affect the final outcome, so why bother to struggle and do things that are useless and offend others? Isn't he stupid? Anyway, in the end, he had to agree to their participation. In this way, he might as well be aware of the current affairs and sell them. Although everyone knew what was going on, he had to accept his feelings. Although it was a little false, how could he be? It's better than nothing! As a result, Donglixuan, who had separated the whole thing clearly, pretended to be very generous, and asked rhetorically, pretending to be stupid.

"But Young Master Dongli, you clearly made a price just now. That proves that our bidding has officially started, isn't it?" How does Ouyang Xia Sha not know Donglixuan's calculations? But she was willing to sell him one better, so that the other three would be renamed to be more plausible with his affection. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha's doubts about knowingly asked. This is not that Ouyang Xia Sha wants to flatter Dongli Xuan, after all, Ouyang Xia Sha doesn't ask him anything at all, isn't it? Even if they are still endless enemies, there is no possibility of resolving them at all. In other words, Ouyang Xiasha did not have anything to do with the so-called flattery.

As for the reason for Ouyang Xiasha's choice, it is actually very simple to think about. It is nothing more than to make things smoother and less stumbling, and that's all. After all, whether she is intentional or unintentional, Dong Li Xuan will certainly accept her love at this moment, and she will certainly take care of her to some extent. Even if it is just a sentence, it will reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles for her, and this is Ouyang Xia. The ultimate goal of Sha's choice.

Don’t underestimate the people’s ability to find trouble in the underworld. It’s definitely better than those in the mortal realm. In the mortal realm, Ouyang Xiasha, under the name of the young master of the Xiahou family, handles those who can’t practice. The trouble caused by the person has consumed her so much energy and time, let alone in the underworld. You must know that although the whole people have not been able to cultivate here, they can find trouble for her. They are all capable of cultivating. It is conceivable that how much energy and time of Ouyang Xiasha would need to be wasted to deal with the trouble caused by these people. But now, as long as Ouyang Xia Sha speaks, and pretends to be silly to say a few words casually, these unnecessary troubles can be avoided. Why should Ouyang Xia Sha refuse? Especially at this critical moment when time is tight, Ouyang Xiasha has no reason to say no. Although Donglixuan's deterrence cannot guarantee that all troubles can be avoided, but avoiding most of them, it is still no problem, it is better than facing all!

As for whether the other three companies will remember Ouyang Xia Sha’s hatred, others may still be a little uncertain and cannot give him a definite answer, but Ouyang Xia Sha, that is definitely not something anyone cares about. Who calls her acting skills? Okay, what about the pretend?

Ouyang Xiasha knew in her heart that she was pretending to be stupid, she was knowingly committing a crime, but because of her good acting skills and pretending to look like, others could not see a trace of flaws. I only think that she is really innocent, and she would ask questions like this when she hasn't seen the world, and she didn't deliberately target them. If they care about such Ouyang Xiasha, wouldn't they lose their face? So, one can imagine the final answer.

"Although I have bid for the price, haven't you yet agreed? So, to be precise, we are not considered to have reached a deal. Under such circumstances, they have the right to bid, not to mention, they Or my friend, so I have no reason to stop them, do I?" Whether Ouyang Xiasha deliberately gave herself such a big convenience, or said it unconsciously, no matter if she was sincere. , Still purposefully flattered, he Donglixuan has inherited his feelings, no, Donglixuan did not forget to give Ouyang Xia implicitly while pretending to be insightful and righteous. Sha gave a complimenting look.

"Since you, a client who is within easy reach of success, have no objection and are willing to suppress more treasures, then I, the so-called beneficiary, of course have no objection! So, just do as you say! Next, You just follow the previous rules and continue to bid! Of course, because there is only one life space ring, we adopt the same requirements as in ordinary auctions, that is, the highest bidder can get the opportunity to bet. , But before reaching an agreement, both of us need to swear an oath to the rules of heaven and earth, which not only guarantees your interests, but also guarantees my safety. As for what the oath is, I think there are few newcomers before. Lord, even if it’s not here, you should know what you are capable of, so I won’t say much here. So let’s talk about our price, now the bidding is Young Master Dongli, the price he offered. It is a ten-zhang amethyst, a plant of heaven and earth, and a plant of purple castor mushrooms. Please join us. Those who want to participate in the auction can increase their own bargaining chips as appropriate to participate in the auction." Since Ouyang Xia Sha has previously chosen to let Dongli Xuan accepts her love, then she will do well to the end, and then help him! Therefore, Ouyang Xia Sha took advantage of the opportunity to attribute all the credit for the other three companies participating in this auction to Donglixuan. And the result is obviously also very significant. If you don't believe it, just look at the gratitude of the other three companies for nodding to Donglixuan. Regardless of whether it is true or false, it is an indisputable fact that they have done this. Of course, Ouyang Xia Sha is not without the slightest benefit, Dong Lixuan's praise eyes that appear again, isn't it the best proof?

"But before that, before you bid, I have a question. I want to ask in advance to figure it out." The three young masters carefully considered in their hearts and considered how they should increase their prices in order to get a bigger deal. When grasping it, Ouyang Xia Sha seemed to have thought of something, suddenly interrupted the three young masters' thoughts, and interjected.

"Brother Ouyang, ask!"

"You ask!"

Although was suddenly interrupted by someone, the three who were thinking were very annoyed, but they also knew in their hearts that if Ouyang Xia Sha hadn’t really been in trouble, she wouldn’t be so reckless. , After all, this is a person’s basic cultivation, isn’t it? Therefore, they quickly controlled the emotion in their hearts and spoke calmly. And Donglixuan, after all, has inherited Ouyang Xiasha's love? What's more, Ouyang Xia Sha's interruption this time is not his thoughts, so his attitude is more enthusiastic and affectionate than the other three, which is not surprising. Anyway, no matter what, the four participating bidders were considered unanimously approved, allowing Ouyang Xia Sha to speak.

"What I want to ask is, if I promise you to participate in this Rao Shizi competition, what are the benefits of winning? After all, I originally planned to bet against the Xiao family today. I can’t delay that long time. It was just wasted in vain, right?" Since Donglixuan and they all agreed, Ouyang Xia Sha would of course not be polite. No, she immediately showed a thoughtful and curious expression, weakly speaking. Inquired.

Don't think that Ouyang Xiasha's response was just a simple statement. You must know that she gave a lot of hints and reminders in her words, the purpose is to prevent some unexpected mutations from happening.

For example, asking about the benefits of winning is to emphasize her ordinary birth, so that Donglixuan and the others will be less suspicious of her; to remind her of the problem with the Xiao family is to prevent Donglixuan and the others from changing their minds and putting them on the battlefield. Moving to today again, after all, she and Xiao Rongtian had previously agreed to go to the ring to compete today. Donglixuan used the excuse of'Day of the Dark Moon, Hundred Years Competition' as an excuse to join in. Now if he regrets it again, no Is it just slaps? Moreover, Ouyang Xiasha's purpose has always been'the day of the dark moon, a hundred years of comparison', she doesn't want to fight with it too early, she has exposed her secret that she is not restricted by the rules of heaven and earth early, that is not telling They, their true identities, give them time to prepare against themselves in advance? Therefore, after seeing them, Ouyang Xia Sha has decided that she will not easily compete with them until the finals. When they arrive at the finals, even if they find any problems, it will be of no avail, because she is in the finals. After getting what you want, the first step is to get rid of them and the family they belong to.

As for Ouyang Xiasha's decision before, it was because at that time there were only four families that made her angry, Xiao, Yun, Ji, and Nigu, and she was absolutely sure that she could suppress them. , I didn’t reveal my secrets at all, so I wanted to get some interest back first, but now that the four major families are involved, things can’t be planned as before. That’s why Ouyang Xia Sha said this. A paragraph with deep hints and reminders.

"Of course there are benefits! How can there be no rewards for such a large competition? And speaking of it, this reward is pretty good. At least in the history of the Underworld, there has never been any reward for a competition, and it will exceed this time. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a luxury! You know, all participating teams this time, no matter how they win or lose in the final ranking, they will get a group of the best earth profound pill; the teams that enter the top 50 will get the best heaven A group of profound pills; the team that enters the top 20 will receive a group of the best heart protection pills; the team that enters the top ten will receive a group of the best nine-level resurrection pills; and finally the top three teams, the third place The reward is the sum of all the previous rewards multiplied by two, plus a group of the best promotion pill, the second prize is the sum of all the previous rewards multiplied by three, plus a group of the best promotion pill, a group of nethergrass, the first place The reward is the sum of all the previous rewards multiplied by five, plus a group of the best promotion pill, a group of nether grass, and a fruit of ascension." When asked by Ouyang Xiasha, whether it was the other three that joined later, or The Donglixuan one, who is familiar with Ouyang Xiasha, was immediately stunned, because they really did not expect that in the face of such a large platform, some people actually care about not how to go further and gain more prestige. Fame and fortune, but what kind of prizes can be obtained, such a weird thought, it is no wonder that Donglixuan, who has never seen it before, will be so surprised. However, after being surprised and stunned, after Donglixuan and the others regained their consciousness, they let Donglixuan, who are most familiar with Ouyang Xiasha, as the representative of the organizer, seriously answered Ouyang Xiasha’s question. .

Earth Profound Pill: It is used to break the bottleneck under the big Luo Jinxian and stabilize the cultivation.

Sky Profound Pill: It is used to break the bottleneck above the big Luo Jinxian and below the **** king, and to stabilize the cultivation.

Heart Protection Pill: As the name suggests, it is used to protect the heart pulse. Whether you are going through a fire or falling into a demon, experiencing thunder, or when you are seriously injured, you can take this pill to protect your heart pulse and fight for your own life. , The most important thing is that this pill has no level restriction, that is to say, it is applicable to all levels.

Nine Ranks Resurrection Pill: It can condense the scattered souls, life and death are flesh and bones, that is to say, anyone who is newly dead and seriously injured, as long as they can pry open their teeth and insert this pill, they will be able to come back to life and be reborn.

Promotion Pill: Just look at its name. This is a level-up pill. Under normal circumstances, it can be promoted from one to two levels. If it is taken in a critical situation, it is not a dream to be promoted to the next level. , But it only applies to promotion under the divine lord, and above the divine lord, it has no effect.

Nethergrass: A supplementary treasure of heaven, material and earth. Its function is to double the effect of the pill. Just like the above-mentioned pill, it can be taken together with it, and the effect of taking it is to double the effect, like The Earth Profound Pill can break through the bottleneck and stabilize the cultivation base while increasing the level ranging from one to two.

As for the group mentioned here, it means one person. I have to say that this'Day of the Dark Moon, Hundred Years Competition' is really luxurious enough. After all, this is not a hundred taels of people participating in the competition. Hundreds, but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people, although the earth profound pill is not a pill that is difficult to refine for some high-level alchemists, but adding up so many numbers, it still costs them. A lot of effort.

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