Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2589: (246) Invite to fight, dissuade!

Ji Run's name was directly reported by Xiao Rongtian, so it was obvious that A Run's surname was Ji. As for why Niguyu, Yunjing is not called Nigujing, but Yunyu? It is judged based on the family logo of the team behind them. Although Ouyang Xiasha has not been in contact with various affairs in the underworld for many years, she can still recognize some family logos, especially these ones, she supports it with one hand, and has some influence in the underworld. , It can even be compared with the four veteran families of the underworld, even if it is not much different, but in the end betrayed her existence. If it is so special that she can't recognize the impressive family logo, then she really needs to doubt her IQ problem.

However, from the dialogue between these three people, Ouyang Xiasha can see a few big problems:

This is the first one. It is the four families who betrayed her and also betrayed the Underworld. Even if the “four families are like one family” on the surface, we have a very good relationship, but in fact, they are not. Not so. They still have considerable internal conflicts. At least the Xiao family disagrees with the other three, and the opinions are not small. I believe that if it is not for survival, they will not be suppressed by the four major families, and they will not be suppressed by the four major families. If the interest is entangled in it, I am afraid that this so-called friendly relationship will not last long ago. After all, if the relationship is really good, how can one look at the enemy when they meet and tear it apart without mercy. What does it look like? As for whether there are any problems between the other three, it is unclear. At least now, looking at the three in front of you, it seems that they have a good relationship.

Secondly, what should have happened some time ago, and this incident has caused them to have a bad relationship with the Xiao family, and it has worsened the situation, even when they met, they showed in front of outsiders. The surface peace can't be achieved, no, I can't help tearing it up on the street. And the person involved in this incident should be Xiao Rongtian in front of him, and a person named Xiaoxue. Although I don’t know if this Xiaoxue is male or female, old or young, it’s not difficult to judge from Ji Run’s attitude. This is called Xiaoxue. He should have a close relationship with him, not a lover, or a relative. The dialogue between Ji Run and the others, and Xiao Rongtian's obvious guilty expression, it is not difficult to see the possibility of the latter, and it may be even greater. After all, how could a family with a high interest like them turn one eye and close one eye for an outsider, even though their tribesmen and their interest partners are facing each other? How could one choose to be patient because the other party is a non-ethnic person? Therefore, this Xiaoxue must have something to do with Ji Run and even the entire Ji family. And those who can make men feel guilty and dare not refute, especially those who are arrogant and domineering like Xiao Rongtian have a guilty conscience, do not dare to refute, want to know whether it is for a woman, or a lover with Ji Runfei, a non-partner, and some relationship The woman, or Xiao Rongtian's temperament, would not have been ridiculing his cuckold long ago, plus this Ji Run also knows that it is not a kindness, growing up in such a profitable family, how selfless he can be? How could it be possible for the concubine sisters to come out? Therefore, this person named Xiaoxue should be a sister of Ji Run's mother.

Third, the relationship between them and the four major families is not as good as imagined. Don’t look at them betraying her and Hades, and choosing to join the four major families, but in fact the four major families, But they have never stopped suppressing them. Otherwise, why should they be so hugged, even if there is a huge contradiction between them, they can't really tear their faces apart? And their suggestive words "the consequences of destroying the Hundred Years Tournament" are the best proof of this. After all, in today's Hundred Years Tournament, the Hades does not participate. Therefore, it is obvious that there are only four families that maintain the order, prepare the process, and make punishments, that is, to judge the so-called ‘consequence’.

Okay, I'm going a little bit further. I don't know if it's a guilty conscience, or feel that I can't do'three to one'. So, at the same time that Ji Run and others' voices fell, Xiao Rongtian spoke again. The object he spoke to was not Baicheng Mansion, who was tit-for-tat against him, nor Ji Run, who was sarcasm and hostile to him, nor was it Niguyu and Yun Jing who ignored him as air, but a sense of existence. The lowest, and it seems the least background, the best bully Ouyang Xiasha, only to hear him repeat the question that Ouyang Xiasha did not answer before: "Buddy, do you dare to fight with me? Don't hide. Behind others, it is really useless!" Xiao Rongtian's bullying and fearful attitude, don't be too obvious, okay!

"Compete with you, are you sure?" Ouyang Xiasha didn't show too much surprise for Xiao Rongtian's bullying and fear of hardship. Maybe she had expected it a long time ago, so Ouyang Xiasha just raised her handsome eyebrows and gave a faint sentence. After asking rhetorically, he didn't even have any other extraneous expressions, and the carelessness in his eyes showed the peace in Ouyang Xia Sha's heart. To put it bluntly, it just didn't care about this person at all. "Of course it is!" Hearing Ouyang Xiasha's faint question, Xiao Rongtian replied very firmly. That arrogant posture, for fear that others might not notice him. The arrogance in his eyes is more like telling everyone that as long as Ouyang Xiasha compares with him, Ouyang Xiasha will be dead. Such a posture, such a mannerism, such an attitude is really unpleasant and annoying.

"Since you have already determined, then the deity has no opinion. But let's talk about it first. Since it's a competition, there will always be some prizes, right? Otherwise, it's boring! So, what are you going to bet against the deity?" Listen At Xiao Rongtian's answer, seeing Xiao Rongtian's expression, Ouyang Xia Sha suddenly felt a sense of rejection from the bottom of his heart. Seeing the onlookers around and thinking about the current situation, Ouyang Xiasha also understands that today's battle is inevitable, but you can't fight it without taking advantage of it, and you waste your physical strength, right? So Ouyang Xia Sha thought of the so-called lottery problem, so, it can be regarded as a little hard work for herself, isn't it? Well, it can be regarded as a kind of compensation for destroying one's own low-key situation. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha's answers and suggestions were so impatient, and there was an undisguised sense of disgust in her tone, which shows that Ouyang Xiasha's rejection of it in her heart. But think about it, don’t think that if there is any advantage, she will be happy and not disgusted. After all, she had always thought about acting in a low-key manner. Suddenly being so inexplicably asking for trouble, being forced to take action, she can be happy. Is that weird? And the reason why she nodded so decisively was only because she really didn't want to waste any more time on this, that's all!

"Your Excellency, please think about it clearly. Don't compete with this person. This person is very sinister. If you don't pay attention, you will be caught by him!" Seeing Ouyang Xiasha agreed, Baicheng Mansion was a little anxious, so he became anxious. To Ouyang Xia Sha to persuade.

"Baicheng Mansion, the game is a matter for the two of them. What are you participating in?" Before Ouyang Xia Sha could answer, Ji Run, who stood by, couldn't help but speak. Of course, when he said this, it wasn't that he had reconciled with Xiao Rongtian, or chose to forgive him, it was just that he would be more receptive to the Xiao family than the Bai family who was not on the same rope, that's all. Even if the relationship between them is not good, there are still some contradictions that are difficult to resolve, that is no exception.

"Yes, it's none of your business, what are you up to?" Niguyu had betrayed Ouyang Xiasha and the only one of the four families that betrayed Ouyang Xiasha and the Underworld. The young master of the Nico family, who tears his face and is unwilling to maintain even the surface peace, coupled with his relationship with Ji Run, it is not unacceptable that he will follow Ji Run's words like this.

"Baicheng Mansion, your Bai family is not good at this point, each is a dead brain, and it is an alternative with one intestine to the end!" The stubbornness of the Bai family, unlike the other four families who are also called the "five emerging families" Obviously they are very dissatisfied. In their opinion, if the Bai family hadn't been stubbornly refusing to transfer to the four major families with them, they had to insist on their allegiance to the Underworld Hall and the Underworld Emperor, they would not be in such a passive position. One step must be so careful, and this kind of dissatisfaction obviously also affects his descendants, and this Yun Jing, isn't it the best example?

Ouyang Xiasha didn't care about Ji Run's dissatisfaction at all. It was just that the trace of goodwill that had arisen from his brotherhood was completely wiped out, and that was true. After taking a look at Ji Run thoughtfully, Ouyang Xia Sha took back all her mind and turned her attention to Baicheng Mansion who was looking at herself seriously, ignoring Ji Run and others' so-called dissuasion.

The boy in front of him who looked a few years older than him, but actually didn’t know his age, Ouyang Xia Sha felt pretty good about him, plus he was the offspring of his deceased. Of course, this was a pretty good feeling. It’s a bit better again. At this moment, he kindly dissuades him. Although it seems to underestimate himself, the concern is not at all involved. Therefore, although Ouyang Xia Sha doesn’t like being petty Look, but the concern for Baicheng Mansion is still very much bought, so everyone heard Ouyang Xia Sha say to him lightly: "Don't worry, what is my own strength, don't I know? Just his pills piled up? At the demigod level, I don’t say that there is a 100% certainty to defeat, but there is still 90%.

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