Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2588: (245) The betrayal family is here!

Ouyang Xiasha is not the kind of angry soft buns. To be precise, not only does her temper have nothing to do with the so-called soft buns, but on the contrary, she is also very overbearing. Typically, only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed. The type of lighting, in other words, is if the other party does not actively provoke her, or does not touch her bottom line, then it is okay, she can continue to maintain the so-called rational and low-key, but once the other party actively provokes her, humiliate and contempt , Or violated her bottom line, then I’m sorry, it’s a matter of minutes to kill you. As for the situation where she took the initiative to provoke and provoke others, that is another matter and another set of reference standards.

Of course, Ouyang Xia Sha is not stupid, she certainly won't be brainless. Seeing everyone is impulsive, let's take it without scruples! After all, before she fully recovers her strength, no one can guarantee that there is no better than her in this world, right? Therefore, the premise of Ouyang Xiasha's willful and arbitrary behavior is: under the premise that she has the ability to absolutely crush the opponent.

Well, for those who are higher than themselves, but provoke their own existence, Ouyang Xia Sha doesn't say that she will swallow it, so choose it. After all, Ouyang Xia Sha's temperament that must be repaid is there. Therefore, she will not choose to forget, she will only bear the humiliation in her heart first, and when her strength is reached, she will turn around and add interest to retaliate back together. This is what the so-called'gentleman's revenge, ten years are not too late' probably means.

And now the group of people in front of Ouyang Xia Sha, whether it is Xiao Rongtian who provoked her at this moment, or the group of betrayers who have not seen her for many years, because of the influence of the interface pressure, they obviously belong to the kind of people who can be affected by Ouyang Xia. There is nothing to worry about the type that Sha absolutely crushes. What's more, one of the goals that Ouyang Xia Sha set for herself to be solved in the underworld is to destroy them. Although the Xiao family is only one of the goals, there are they are not? Therefore, it is conceivable that Ouyang Xia Sha will counterattack Xiao Rongtian's words, and this can be regarded as solving some troubles that must be eliminated in advance for herself.

It's just that the wish is beautiful, but the reality will always have some sudden situations of this kind, which affects the calculations that have been determined in their hearts, and the calculations in the plan are like this at this moment. No, just when Ouyang Xiasha was about to fight back, and satirize the arrogant, arrogant, defiant person, thinking that this world is the sky boss, the second child, and his third child Xiao Rongtian, there are bursts of things that cannot be ignored. The sound of footsteps, as well as a series of unidentified voices, interrupted Ouyang Xia Sha's sharp words about to export in this way.

"Yeah, come and see who this is? Our Xiao family is well-known, self-proclaimed aristocratic, unbelievable, and the young master Xiao Rongtian Xiao, whose eyes can grow on top of his head, will one day be like a market shrew, here. It’s really weird to have quarrels with people every year, especially this year!" A seductive, bright, red lips and white teeth, and a red-dressed beauty, with a team in pure black costumes, turned towards Ouyang Xia. When Sha and the others walked up to the location, while using Chi Guoguo, with an unconcealed mocking tone, she said with a gleeful tone. If it weren’t for this beauty’s chest wide open, and a Ma Pingchuan, and the slightly raised Adam’s apple, based on his appearance and that weak and boneless posture, it is estimated that no one would regard it as a man, even I don't even have this idea. To put it simply, this person has a typical male and female appearance. As for his height, that is not a problem. After all, there is no such thing as a man's height among women, right?

"Ji Run, what do you mean?!" Without waiting for the people mentioned by the male beauty to respond, the first thing that couldn't help it was the person mentioned, Xiao Rongtian, and it could be seen that the two people’s The relationship, in fact, is not good, quite a bit incompatible.

"Sneer one by one! What do you mean by this young master? Are you not talking nonsense? This young master obviously wants to express what you mean literally! Xiao Rongtian, have you eaten too much **** lately? Or is your mind flooded? Has it turned into a paste? How come you have become so stupid that you don’t even understand Ben Shao’s obvious meaning!" When asked by Xiao Rongtian, the man in red not only didn’t take it seriously, he took it seriously. He even became more and more sarcasm. How ugly to say, how to be bad, it was like trying to get Xiao Rongtian's most arrogant self-esteem under his feet and slam on his feet. It can be seen that for the two of them. Regarding the guess of the relationship, Ouyang Xiasha did not have any problems. Looking at the attitude, the wording, and the tone, it is obvious that even if the two of them are not incompatible with each other, there is indeed a big deal. contradiction.

"You are one by one!" Like Xiao Rongtian, who has good eyes and low hands, is used to flattery. In Yunxiao City, a villain who is lawless and bullying, how could he be good at fighting lawsuits? Even if it used to be, after so many years of good times, it would be almost degraded. Therefore, for a while, he would be choked by the man in red, the Ji Run they called, and stay there for a long time without knowing what to say. How to fight back is actually not a big deal.

"What's wrong with this young master? You one by one" Although I don't know what hatred or contradiction exists between Xiao Rongtian and that young master named Ji Run, so that they would be so tit-for-tat and not giving in to each other, but obviously This young master named Ji Run was very happy when he saw Xiao Rongtian’s deflated appearance, and even wanted to continue to carry it forward, but before he could continue to speak, he was suddenly shown next to him. One of the men interrupted.

"Arun, it's enough. Even if you hate him again, at least you have to maintain the surface peace? After all, the family behind us and the family in which we belong are still very close to each other, if it's because you are alone. If the relationship between the two is destroyed, I don’t think you want to see the result. Of course, it won’t be what Xiaoxue wants to see. What do you think?" Ji Run holding on to the impulse, took his family The black-clothed man who was caught up with the team from, said to Ji Run in a serious and serious analysis very rationally, and even in the end, in order to increase the persuasiveness of his words, he specially mentioned a man named Xiaoxue. Although I don’t know who this man named Xiaoxue is, whose surname is and whose name is, it’s not difficult based on the words of the black-clothed man and the various attitudes of these people with guilty conscience or grief after hearing this name. Judging its importance and the facts familiar with the two parties, Xiao Rongtian and Ji Run.

"Arun, A Jing said it was right. As early as the day when we chose to join the four major families, we decided that we were all grasshoppers on the same rope. , What's wrong with one family, the other three will definitely not get better. Such a closely connected relationship, not to mention that the family behind you will not allow you to destroy it, that is, the two families behind us will not agree to it. But having said that, what happened that day, after all, was their Xiao family, and Xiao Rong’s Tianli was the first to lose. I believe that as long as it does not affect the family’s interests and does not make him fatal, the Xiao family should not care about proper revenge. Yes, of course, all of this must wait until the end of the'Day of the Moon, the Hundred Years Grand Competition'! You know, how serious the consequences will be if the order of the Grand Competition is broken, isn’t it? So, let’s not say we want you all the time. Hold it back, at least for now, you still need to be rational before the big match is over." Immediately behind the black-clothed man, another team and its leader also rushed up, and the leader did not tire of it. After analyzing Ji Run carefully and in detail, the level of patience is really impressive. From this it can be seen that the two men who followed up later had a very good relationship with the young master named Ji Run, otherwise, who would have the idle time and work hard to do this thankless thing! And between Xiao Rongtian, although not as big as Ji Run's reaction, the attitude of not waiting to see did not do anything to cover up.

"I understand! Ajing, Ayu, thank you, I know what to do!" The so-called loyalty is against the ear, I want to know that these words are not very pleasant, at least they are not very pleasant to the ears of Ji Run, the person involved. Yes, but fortunately the final result was good. Ji Run obviously listened to what the two said. And his breath that has gradually subsided and his peaceful but affirmative answer are the best proof of this!

Although Ouyang Xiasha has never seen these people, just listening to their tone of voice and the rude attitude of interrupting her own words, Ouyang Xiasha can't like them, and even vaguely produces a kind of inexplicable disgust. Sense, combined with the current power distribution of the underworld, as well as the content of their statements and the names mentioned, it is not difficult to discover the identity of these speakers and the relationship with their friends and enemies in the underworld. In this way, Ouyang Xiasha I despise them even more and hate them even more.

After all, she is not ill, nor is she a masochist, how could she have a good impression of her enemy? As the saying goes, "When the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous." Ouyang Xia Sha didn't directly kill them. That was her reason.

Therefore, the identity of the three people who appeared later is also obvious. It is not that they betrayed Ouyang Xiasha, betrayed the Mingdian, and chose to join the Ji family, the Nigu family of the four major families, and the other family in power in Yunxiao City. Home, who else can there be? As for their names, they are Ji Run, Niguyu, and Yun Jing.

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