Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2438: Kidnappers (1)

"Really not!" Ouyang Xia Sha replied very positively with an uncompromising mentality, even if she might not think as she said in her heart.

"Oh! Then you continue to ask!" Fortunately, Little Suzaku is not the kind of beast that likes to wrap the scriptures and likes to break the casserole to ask the end. Therefore, although the attitude towards Ouyang Xiasha is still a little weird, it is very Soon, he gave up his intention to continue to ask questions, and moved directly to another topic.

"Ah one by one! The next question, Xiao Lingguang, you said Xiao Jiaojiao is a purebred ancient water dragon, why is he black?" Little Suzaku's reaction was somewhat unexpected by Ouyang Xiasha. She was caught off guard, so she was a little sluggish at first, which was expected. Of course, Ouyang Xia Sha's reaction was not slow, and she quickly adapted to the rhythm of Little Suzaku and shifted the problem to another direction.

But don’t be wondering why there is a group of ancient flood dragons. You must know that although flood dragons will eventually evolve into dragons, not every flood dragon will eventually emerge successfully. Many flood dragons, perhaps their entire lives, will never be able to meet that one. The opportunity for them to emerge and become a dragon may have encountered that opportunity, but unfortunately died under the thunder robbery, or failed once, and escaped by chance, but never had the courage to touch that opportunity again. And even if they succeed in eclosion, they need to go through a long process, and in this long process, they also need partners, and they also need partners to breed offspring. Besides, after the dragon family emerges as a dragon, it is more ordinary Normal dragons have more powerful bodies and more amphibious. Therefore, it is expected that other dragons will be jealous and repelled. Therefore, it is not surprising that they will be alone in a group. thing.

Well, it's a long way off. In other words, Little Suzaku's personality is really good and surprising, at least Ouyang Xia Sha thinks so, because Little Suzaku always seems to have inexhaustible patience for her problems, and she must ask questions. The meaning of the answer is like this is not the case at this time. No, I only heard the little Suzaku using his unique, somewhat arrogant, but very patient tone, and awkwardly replied: "It's very simple! Because he is a mutant breed. Ah! The dragon family all have their unique aqua blue body. You should know this, otherwise you won’t have to ask, but look at him. Where is the blue body up and down? That's it. It’s okay to tell you a secret. In fact, when I was a little petite, even the egg was black, like a big stone." The calm tone, the expression like a memory, should be heard even if he is a fool at this time. Yes, Little Suzaku meant it as if he had seen it with his own eyes, not the result of hearsay.

"Do you even know this?" Looking at Little Suzaku thoughtfully, Ouyang Xia Sha asked suspiciously. Ruuo Little Suzaku said that he and Xiao Jiaojiao, that is, the mutant water dragon, are very familiar and have a good relationship. For this, Ouyang Xia Sha still believes. After all, if the relationship is not good, how can the water dragon be unfamiliar. Let the little Suzaku sit on his head? You know, all monsters are arrogant, and the purer the blood of the monsters, the more so, and this mutant flood dragon, the little Suzaku also said before, he is a purebred mutant flood dragon, its blood strength, even if it is better than It’s not much different from the little Suzaku who has the blood of the ancient beasts. Therefore, one can imagine his arrogance. From this, it can be seen that the relationship between him and the little Suzaku is as good as the little Suzaku said. Cooked. But Little Suzaku said that he knew the color of Xiaojiaojiao’s eggshell, and he had seen it with his own eyes. Ouyang Xiasha was a little strange and suspicious. After all, how does Little Suzaku see it, how can it be smaller than the mutant flood dragon. Wouldn’t it be much smaller? How can the much smaller Suzaku know the color of the eggshell of the much larger variant Jiaolong Xiaojiaojiao? Is it fake?

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