Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2437: Kidnappers (2)

"You are right, so what they are really afraid of is Xiao Jiaojiao, not me!" Little Suzaku glanced lightly, and the group nestled together, bowed their heads and ate, trying to ignore their own king beast, the emperor. The beasts, without even thinking about it, answered bluntly. However, Ouyang Xia Sha still heard a trace of resentment, a trace of contradiction, a trace of unwillingness, and a trace of helplessness from the little guy's tone.

But think about it, the ancient sacred beasts were originally a proud race, whether it was Suzaku, Qinglong, Baihu, or Xuanwu, it would not be that exception. And with the arrogance of his Suzaku clan, how could he allow himself to use the power of his beast to run wild in this valley of extinction? This made him quite feel like a fox and a tiger. This feeling is not completely bad. After all, the prestige and prestige is better than being oppressed and suppressed, but for the proud tribe of ancient mythical beasts, this is a disguised insult, although Being bullied and suppressed by other beasts that are not as good as their own blood is also a kind of insult to the ancient beasts. But beasts and beasts are like humans. Sometimes they are so contradictory and so greedy. I want fish and bear paws to work together. Little Suzaku is still a young child now, no matter how powerful and arrogant, after all, it is still limited in ability, and still needs the shelter of other powerful beasts, but the arrogance of the ancient mythical beasts made him dissatisfied with this status quo, so he also No wonder this little guy will be both contradictory and resentful, unwilling and helpless.

Contradictions, contradictions, and his own arrogance did not allow him to take advantage of his beast’s protection, but because of his lack of ability, he had to make such a choice; resented, resented his lack of ability, resented himself for knowing that this was a kind of anti-ancient animal group Humiliation, in order to survive, but had to give in to it; unwilling, unwilling to be so helpless, can only rely on others; helpless, helpless, helpless of one's own age, helpless of one's own ability.

Although Ouyang Xiasha clearly saw the emotional fluctuations of Little Suzaku, she also felt that his state of mind was stable. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha did not perform as well as before for the various ups and downs of Little Suzaku. Nervous.

Since Little Suzaku has no big problems, Ouyang Xiasha can of course continue to ask the next question! So everyone heard, Ouyang Xia Sha calmly continued to ask: "That's it! Then the third question is, what kind of Xiao Jiaojiao? I look like a dragon, and I look like a snake. Flood Dragon, right? His color doesn't seem right!" Although Little Suzaku has no major problems with the previous question, it's just a little bit unstable, but Ouyang Xia Sha also understands the so-called'just enough'. So, for the previous question, whether it was the question or the answer, she took a one-off approach and no longer mentioned it. After all, she had already got the answer she wanted, didn't she? Then there is no need to continue entanglement.

"Xiao Jiaojiao is a flood dragon, an ancient flood dragon!" Little Suzaku didn't seem to be disgusted with this question, and soon gave the answer Ouyang Xia Sha wanted without hesitation, even a slight mood swing. , Or unhappy expressions.

"It's really an ancient dragon!" For this answer, it can be said that it was not only in Ouyang Xiasha's expectation, but also outside Ouyang Xiasha's expectation. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha simply sighed, and then proceeded. There are no more reactions.

Saying that he was expected, it is because Ouyang Xia Sha is already 70% sure that Xiao Jiaojiao is just a dragon. After all, apart from the fact that he is different in color from the dragon, other things are not legendary. Is the dragon in the original form?

But it is also said that he was unexpected, because, as we all know, in the world of Warcraft, if a color is not used, it will split into another group or branch, just like the difference between a golden dragon and a black dragon, and a red dragon. Green The difference between the phoenix and the golden phoenix and the black phoenix, and the real reason why Ouyang Xiasha suspects the Xiaojiaojiao population is that Jiaolong is a relatively special species. Before he failed to transform into a dragon, their colors were the same. It does not mean that the black dragon will transform into a black dragon, but the golden dragon must have been transformed into a golden dragon. Of course, the dragons formed by the dragons are stronger and more versatile than the dragons that are directly reproduced by ordinary dragons. For example, his amphibious nature is not comparable to that of ordinary dragons, but this is also a later story. I will not mention it for the time being. .

"Yes, that's right, Xiao Jiaojiao is indeed a purebred ancient male flood dragon!" Although I don't know where Ouyang Xiasha's unexpected emotions came from, the little Suzaku still gave it to Ouyang Xiasha. Confirm the answer very positively.

"Male?" Ouyang Xia Sha was a little dumbfounded when she heard this gender.

"What's the matter?" Little Suzaku asked suspiciously.

"The male is called Xiao Jiaojiao?!" For this name, I didn't think it could be matched with its gender. Ouyang Xia Sha suddenly felt awkward. Ouyang Xiasha was even thinking that Little Suzaku would be called "Little Jiaojiao" just because it was a dragon, so if it was a homonym, would it be called "Little Jiaojiao"? I have to say, Shasha Children's Shoes, you are the truth. After all, can you expect a little doll equivalent to four or five years old for a human to have a good and meaningful name? Fortunately, Ouyang Xiasha didn't really ask this question. Fortunately, she just thought about it in her heart, otherwise, she might actually vomit blood!

"Is there a problem?" Little Suzaku became more confused, especially Ouyang Xiasha's weird twitching expression, which made Little Suzaku feel confused.

"No!" Whether it is to make a good impression on Little Suzaku or not to discourage Little Suzaku's enthusiasm, Ouyang Xiasha will not choose to tell her true thoughts in her heart. Therefore, she denies that she can The most correct choice.

"Really not?" Although Little Suzaku is still young, he is not stupid. How could he not feel Ouyang Xiasha's weirdness? Therefore, it is not unpredictable to repeat this question. thing.

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