Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2431: Kidnappers (2)

"Of course, our beasts and beasts speak with one another, and we will never deceive people!" I don't know if credit is questioned, which makes these beasts intolerable. No, just after Ouyang Xiasha's voice fell, some beasts couldn't bear it. I stood up and spoke up to make sure.

"Humans, don't underestimate the few of us. You know, we are in this valley of stunts, but we are under one person and above ten thousand people, let alone just a few of you who have crossed the rift, pay After paying the reward, even if we bring a hundred or a thousand, no one will dare to question us!" Right after the first beast, the second was added immediately afterwards. Although it is a little weird to say such domineering words with its miniature figure, it cannot be denied that what he said is the truth. They are indeed apart from the one in the depths of the Valley of Extinction. The highest status in the entire Valley of Extinction, the one who speaks the most, especially after that many years ago, after choosing to retreat, their promise has become synonymous with credit. If you don’t believe it, look at what he said. After saying these words, the other beasts behind him, the natural expressions they showed, knew that the words were true.

"That is, if human beings weren't for our fear of scaring you, no one would cook for us anymore, and they would have revealed their main body long ago. How could they retain such a mighty image? You know, our main body is very scary. So, don’t look at us now and look down on us!” After the second beast said, these three came after him. It can be seen that Ouyang Xia Sha, with a tentative intention, is mixed. A little questioning words did hurt the dignity of these cute beasts, otherwise, they would not repeatedly emphasize their own strength.

It seems that Ouyang Xiasha’s questioning and questioning did make these beasts feel a bit aggrieved. She felt that Ouyang Xiasha insulted their beasts, especially the three beasts headed by this small group, which just spoke. The three of them couldn't help refuting even more. If it weren't for Ouyang Xiasha's lack of malice, I'm afraid they would really turn their faces immediately. Well, they will never admit that they are a group of beasts with the potential to eat food, or in other words, even if Ouyang Xia Sha is really malicious or calculating against them , They would not be willing to kill her, at most they would just lock her up. After all, who made her cook so delicious, or is it as delicious as no one has been before and no one has come after? Such a temptation, how can they bear this group of senior foodies?

However, for the rebuttals of the three leading beasts, the other beasts maintained an attitude of absolute support. If you don't believe it, listen to their sentence, ‘Yes, that’s right! ‘‘That’s it, that’s it! ’’S echoing words, you will know.

"Don't get excited! I don't know that you look so cute and you still have such a status? The ancients did not deceive me. It's really'people are not to be seen, and the sea is not to be able to measure.' Since you are This is guaranteed, of course I will choose to believe you! So, tonight, I have all your meals included. I am grateful to you. You can eat as much as you can, but I will trouble you to take us through the cracks tomorrow morning. After we have passed, we will fire up and prepare breakfast. I still have to take care of you. I don’t know what you want?" Now that we want to win the trust of these little guys, so as not to waste some unnecessary energy, of course we can’t. Come head-on, don't you? Therefore, the place that should be soft should be soft, and the place that should be compromised should be compromised. It is not an incomprehensible thing, especially these little guys, it can also bring some substantial benefits to Ouyang Xiasha and the others. One by one, for example, the various treasures of heaven and earth and medicinal ores in the Valley of Extinction. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha’s practice of abduction is worth recommending, plus the purpose of their trip. Isn’t it just these treasures, medicinal ores? In this case, she can directly have a "two birds with one stone", which can get all kinds of treasures, and she can also abduct some powerful beasts and beasts. Why should she waste her energy? Therefore, Ouyang Xia Sha's practice of complying with it is even more worthy of recommendation.

As for issues such as showing weakness and losing face, it is not a problem worthy of Ouyang Xiasha's consideration. After all, these beasts have already been treated by Ouyang Xiasha as her own people. In other words, Ouyang Xiasha treats these The beasts are bound to win. Since they are their own people, they lose face and show weakness, what does it matter? You must know that Ouyang Xiasha, in front of her own people, never cared about face.

"Since you apologized so sincerely, this beast will forgive you for your previous offense. As for your proposal, this beast has also agreed to it! As you wish, tomorrow morning, I will take you to the cracked side!" Sure enough, it was the most arrogant existence, even the one in front of him, clamoring that he was under one person, the existence above 10,000 people, no exception.

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