Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2430: Kidnappers (1)

Although Ouyang Xia Sha said so, in her heart, she already regarded these little guys as her real self, and even made up her mind to teach these beasts to be like a little black for the later transformation of these beasts. It is imperative to black them, full of bad water.

But no matter what Ouyang Xiasha thinks in her heart, but at present, these incomparable little guys, obviously take Ouyang Xiasha's words seriously, thinking that she is really only going to conduct the so-called'equivalent exchange' with them. That's it, I even think what she said is quite reasonable, otherwise they will not only not be angry, but also say,'Well, how about we exchange it with you on the condition that we take you through the rift? ’That's the case. It wasn't until the near future that Ouyang Xiasha revealed the natural appearance when he contracted with them, and they didn't know how outrageous they were at the beginning, and how black-bellied their master was. It turned out that from the beginning, She began to count them. From the beginning, they fell into her gentle trap.

But at that time, although these little guys were a little surprised, a little surprised, and a little unexpected about Ouyang Xia Sha’s previous behavior, they never regretted the contract with Ouyang Xia Sha, and even faintly rejoiced and rejoiced. The'despicable and shameless' of their own family owners, otherwise, where would they find such a good owner who treats beasts well, does not treat beasts as slaves, and is even willing to pet beasts, love beasts and beasts, wash their hands and make soup for beasts, especially when they wait On the day Ouyang Xia Sha returned to the throne, after they took a step forward in strength that they could never imagine, their thoughts were even more clear and obvious. As for why these little guys took the initiative to bring Ouyang Shasha and the others through the rift, in fact, thinking about it, it’s not so difficult to understand. Think about it, these beasts have become The forbidden land relationship is one side of the house every day. Although the taste of food is not very good and the conditions for sleeping are also limited, it can be considered that they have no worries about eating and drinking every day. What valuable things can they have on them? Therefore, it is not uncommon for them to hit the valley of extinction on the other side of the rift. After all, Warcraft cannot be an alchemist and a refiner. Since it cannot be, then those heavenly materials and earth treasures, medicinal ores Except that they can be used as food reserves and help them advance, it really has no other effect. As for the value of these things in the eyes of humans, please redeem them for staying in the valley all year round, isolated from the world, I don’t know. The external situation and the value of the goods are nothing strange.

Of course, it is also because they are always isolated from the world and have no contact with people. These beasts are not as afraid of humans as the beasts in the outside world. Well, this is also inseparable from their strength. After all, Ruruo It wasn't the pervert like Ouyang Xia Sha, including Xi Jing, it was indeed not their opponent.

You know, God loves every race. Although the orcs cannot have alchemists or refiners, their combat power is three times, or even four times, that of humans of the same level. This kind of abnormal combat power, plus At their perverted level, it is no wonder they have the confidence to contact Ouyang Xia Sha and the others. Well, the premise is that they don’t know the true level of Ouyang Xiasha, just like this moment, otherwise, no matter how stupid and simple they are, they will inevitably be a little more wary of it, not like they are now, carefree. Yes, he stood directly in front of them.

"Are you sure? I heard that there is a forbidden area. Can you do it?" Originally, Ouyang Xia Sha just wanted to be more intimate with these little guys, but she didn't expect that it would There is such an unexpected result, and it is definitely a lie to say that you are not happy. After all, although she is sure that she can take everyone there, she is only sure, and there is no guarantee that there will be no 100% risk, such as halfway. What kind of problems will be there, or what kind of harm she will need to pay to achieve this goal, but she knows nothing. Now that someone has taken the initiative to take care of this problem, the one who takes care of it is still going through the crack. The local aboriginals, who are as easy as eating, have such a guarantee, how could she be unhappy? However, for a person who is not surprised and has reached the highest level of fooling people—that is, if you want to deceive the other party, you must first deceive your own existence. Those happy people cannot be seen on her face. Any flaws, no, isn't this guy still pretending to be innocent fools? And her purpose, of course, is to have a guarantee.

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