Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2390: Valley of Extinction (1)

After hearing the words of the two little guys, Ouyang Xiasha was sweaty in her heart, and she was speechless. You know, her original intention was to hope that they could give some suggestions, but it’s better now. Don’t look at them one by one. That babbled for a long time, but in the end they said nothing and did nothing. Except for arguing hard for a long time, they didn’t make any contribution. Dare, they just threw the problem away. Gave it to yourself?

I don't know who were the two little guys who threatened each other and defended each other in the ancient tomb before? If they hadn't been following her all the time and didn't leave her half a step, she would really think that they had been dropped in the middle of the way. In fact, the character and attitude before and after this is too far away!

Ignoring the two little guys who were still staring at each other with evil eyes, Ouyang Xiasha decided to rely on her own. With the two of them, Ouyang Xiasha didn't doubt that she would be annoyed by them sooner or later. You know, fight for favor. You can't afford to hurt your baby!

I thought carefully about the current situation they are facing. Although she holds the space of'Wrist Bi', she can absolutely guarantee the safety of the little guys like Xi Hengzuo. With her current strength and the dark chess deployed in the past, even now His self is not in an absolutely complete state, but it is not too difficult to destroy the few families that are staring at the Underworld Hall, but what will happen afterwards? After that, what should we do next? You know, no matter whether she is successful in returning to the position of God Emperor in the end, she can't have too much time to worry about coming to the underworld.

If succeeds, as the **** emperor, she will not only be in charge of a lower realm, a mortal realm, or an underworld. As the absolute boss of the entire vast sky, she is doomed It is impossible to put all the focus on the lower domain as before. If it fails, then it indicates that the people in the Underworld, like the lives of thousands of years before, will continue. In other words, whether it is success or failure, Ouyang Xiasha's return to the meditation home is basically empty talk. At least it is impossible to stay in Fengdu for a long time as before. At best, it can only be regarded as a vacation place. , Live for a few days from time to time.

In other words, Xi Jing, and their descendants, need to have enough ability to carry the burden of the Underworld! Never let yourself become so passive as it is now. After all, even if Ouyang Xiasha destroys the Queen’s faction and the four old families of the underworld, who can guarantee that in the near future, there will be no second Queen, the second one against the Underworld? What family?

Therefore, one cannot put all hope on others, and strive to increase one's own strength and influence. That is the real kingly way, or call it the way to victory, it is not indispensable. This, no matter it is For Ouyang Xiasha, or everyone in the underworld, they all made sense.

Xi Jing and the others, after all, were brought out by Ouyang Xiasha himself, so the potential they can play has been thoroughly inspired by Ouyang Xiasha. To put it bluntly, in addition to their strength in this life, they can also increase. That's it for the others. If one day, Ouyang Xia Sha really returns to the position of the **** emperor of the world and throws the burden of the underworld on them. Although they can't carry it forward and let it reach the so-called peak state, there is still no problem in maintaining the level state. Therefore, , The future of the underworld, what really depends on is Xi Jing and their next generation, that is, Xi Hengzuo and them.

Since the children of Xi Hengzuo are so important, they are here anyway. Therefore, the necessary exercise is of course essential. Even if their qualifications are ordinary, she cannot let them leave them alone for the future of the underworld, not to mention, Their aptitude is still so good, at least much better than Xi Jing and the others, but they are spoiled by Xi Jing and their habits are a little bad, and like this, they need to suffer even more. Anyway, there is still some time before the "Golden Lingzi" was born. Why not use this time to give Xi Hengzuo and the others a full range of overall exercises?

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