Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2389: Beginners (2)

"Master, let us out quickly!"

"Yeah yeah! Master, let us go out and breathe!"

When Ouyang Xiasha was in deep thought, two children's voices suddenly came into her mind, and these two voices were not the star Yao Shi Jingjing, and its companion beast, the Star Yao Anaconda. Who could it be? Because when she first entered the underworld, Ouyang Xiasha was unable to connect with the space of'Wrist Bi' and the space of monsters because of geographical restrictions. Therefore, it also led to the fact that she temporarily forgot these two little guys. fact. To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the sudden opening of these two little guys, I'm afraid Ouyang Xiasha would not remember them for a while. Of course, Ouyang Xiasha would never tell them about this.

"Hehe, why did you two think of coming out to play? Don't you dislike human society?" Since the two little guys have spoken, Ouyang Xiasha certainly can't continue to pretend to be ignorant, so she will soon follow their intentions. , Let it out, and then the two little guys occupied Ouyang Xiasha's other shoulder, and the other occupied Ouyang Xiasha's head. They were very affectionate and coquettish towards Ouyang Xiasha. I don't know if I really have doubts in my heart? Or is it to divert the subject? Suddenly, Ouyang Xiasha asked, a question that could not be asked, which is why the two little guys came out.

"Compared with the Warcraft space and the'Wrist Bi' space, I am still more comfortable on the shoulders of the master!" Hearing the question from the owner, Xing Yao Shi Jingjing nuzzled Ouyang Xiasha's cheek coquettishly. Dogleg said flatly.

"Xiaoxing, you shit, you're just being ridiculous! You have never left the ancient tomb, never left the realm of cultivation, so, curious about everything in the underworld, I strongly urged you to come out and practice with your master. How could this be? The child has something to do with the owner's shoulders?" Xing Yaofan expressed extreme contempt for Xing Yao Shi Jingjing's dogleg behavior. No, without hesitation, he pierced it. With that contemptuous tone and contemptuous attitude, if Ouyang Xia Sha did not witness it with his own eyes and knew that they were in a companionship relationship, then he thought there was any enmity between them!"Xiao Heihei, you are not the roundworm in my stomach. How do you know that what I said is not the truth? I just came out because of the comfort of my master’s shoulders. What? You say I’m a shit, nonsense, you have the ability to get evidence? If you can’t get evidence, you are slandering!" I don’t know if it’s from Ouyang Xiasha’s other zoology, or the essence of Xingyao and Shijing. The accusation of its companion animal Xing Yaofan, when he first saw Ouyang Xia Sha, he was still innocent, and the little guy who was nervous to tell a lie, he actually learned to fight back at this moment, and he was quite sluggish to fight back.

Of course, it’s not enough to fight back. The little guy actually learned to sue Ouyang Xia Sha like a baby. No, after targeting the Xingyao Anaconda, Xingyao Shi Jingjing turned his attention to Ouyang Xia Sha and weakened him. Yes, and said in a crying voice: "Master, Xiao Heihei bullied me! You have to be the master for me!"

"Master, don't listen to him! This guy has a bad stomach at the moment and is cunning!" Well, during this period, not only Xingyao Shi Jingjing has grown a lot, it is Xingyao Anaconda who first met Ouyang. When Shasha was going straight, he knew what a counterattack was now. No, he didn't hesitate to expose the true face of Xing Yao Shi Jing Jing. I don't know, I thought what happened between them? Who would have thought that they are just like this, just to fight for favor?

""The quarrel between the two little guys, in the end, it was Ouyang Xia Sha that really needed a headache. No, Ouyang Xia Sha was speechless. After all, the palm of the hand is meat, and the back of the hand is also meat, isn't it? Helping this, that will be sad, helping that, this will be uncomfortable, so Ouyang Xiasha decided that she would not help anyone, this is the best choice. Of course, even if she doesn't help each other or protects each other, she can't just watch the two little guys continue arguing, right? Therefore, Ouyang Xia Sha thoughtfully glanced at the two little guys on her body (excluding the honest and non-speaking little Bifang, they are indeed two little guys), and quickly changed the subject, pretending to be Seeking their opinions is average, and smiled and asked: "Xiaoxing, Xiaoheihe, which direction do you think we should choose now?"

"Um, master, actually we don't have any ideas. Where the master is going, we will go, as long as the master wants to go, Xiaoxing is willing to go." Xing Yao Shi Jingjing tilted his head and said with a cute face. .

"Hmm, I know that you pretend to be cute and flatter in front of your master. I said you are a flatterer, but I still don't admit it!" Xingyao said with a disdainful expression after hearing Xingyao Shi Jingjing's answer. This is the way of speaking, and it is finalized. Unexpectedly, after accusing Xingyao Shi Jingjing, he suddenly lowered his head, stretched his head to Ouyang Xiasha's eyes, and smiled flatly at Ouyang Xiasha: "Master , Xiao Hei Hei has no opinion. As long as I follow the master, I will go wherever the master goes. Where there is a master, it is a good place, and a place with a master is Xiao Hei’s destination."

After saying this, Xing Yao Shi Jingjing said that he was really upset! Just ask, is there any difference between what the **** little Heihei said and the version he said before? Is there a difference? Is there a difference? (I'm telling the important thing three times!) It's just a few words, but the meaning to be expressed is exactly the same, okay? It's not that he accused him righteously before, saying that he was a flatterer, but what about him? It's not like this! Didn't he just rightly said before that he despised this kind of flattering behavior? Why do you still learn from him now? Sure enough, this guy's heart is as dark as his skin. And what kind of bad water from Lao Shizi, he is talking about himself, right? What a cheeky guy, how could he be embarrassed to blame himself before? Don't see what you are like?

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