Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1312: : The Heroine

Bai Chen's voice fell, and a strong figure walked out behind the screen in the distance.

"Hehe, boss, you are so nice." Fatty Guo smiled and scratched his head.

Seeing his proud look in the spring breeze, Bai Chen smiled speechlessly: "Dead fat man, don't be stinky, Mengyao and I can't leave easily. Junran is not from this sect, so among those who can be sent out, You are the strongest, but you also give me some comfort. If the little girl is not in absolute danger, you should never show up, otherwise I will send out the first general next to me when I fight a small country. It's really shameful to go out."

The first warrior?

Fatty Guo ran over, his eyes brightened: "Boss, did you just say that I was the number one fighter next to you?!"

"Otherwise? With your current ability, even if Tang Qin, Chu Yehong, scholar and Yang Qiuyu join forces, they may not be your opponents! My right arm is you and Mengyao!"

"Wow ha ha ha ha, boss, if you can say that, I'm so happy!" Guo Fatty's accustomed arm guard raised his arm around Bai Chen's neck.

The two of them have always been close as brothers when there is no one.

Back when Bai Chen was nothing, the first brother he met was Lao Xia, and the second was Fatty Guo!

Therefore, the people who met later, no matter how good their feelings were, they couldn't match the status of Lao Xia and Guo Fatty in his heart.

Seeing Fatty Guo's smug face, Bai Chen couldn't help but smile.

Back then, Fatty Guo had a poor foundation because no one taught him Kung Fu, and he was not an eye-catching figure at the academy.

So he has not been very confident for so many years.

Now, after Xumi's cultivation, he finally awakened his potential. He jumped from Samsara to the Heavenly Dao, and he was still in the Seven-Star Heavenly Dao realm, one level higher than the Lingcan who went to the Southern Territory. With this strength, he deserved it. With his unfathomable smart fist, he now finally has the confidence that belongs to the strong!

Moreover, Bai Chen did not believe that this was his limit.

Perhaps this fat man can become stronger.

The people whom Chenyao Jianzong can be brought out by Bai Chen are all geniuses with insufficient inheritance but strong talents. Among them, Fatty, Xiaoya and Xiaoyou have the strongest comprehensive potential. Bai Chen believes that after the three of them It must be a blockbuster, just like Lin Mengyao, becoming an eternal helper by his side.

"Fatty, don't be too conceited. Although the Western Regions of the mainland are invincible, the little celestial fox is still alive. If she is really the one who is behind Liang Guo, you must remember that you must never fight her. If you use brute force indiscriminately, you must look for her weakness."

"That little fox, I heard that she has reached the peak of the heavenly realm, hehe, I really want to learn from her!" Fatty Guo loosened Bai Chen's neck with an excited expression on his face.

"Don't underestimate that fox, she is also a rare opponent under the same realm, not to mention that she is originally two realms higher than you, and the gap between each star of the heavenly realm is huge."

"I know, I know, the boss, why are you like your uncle telling your brother-in-law? Isn't this little girl not clear yet~"

"You kid!"

Seeing Bai Chen got up to raise his hand, Guo Fatzi slid off quickly.

"Haha Boss, I'll go to bed first, good night!"

The voice fell, and the figure was gone.

Seeing the moonlight outside the door, it was faintly warm, Bai Chen shook his head helplessly, and went straight out.

Chenyao Sword Sect has become stronger and stronger, but it is far from enough to compete with forces like Xingchen Pavilion and Wanchao Pavilion.

He needs to think carefully about how he can continue to take shortcuts on the road of cultivation.


A few days later, Bai Zhixue took Luluo and Cuiying and appeared in the palace hall of the imperial city.

The three women may seem weak, but they have witnessed the strength of Dongfang Keer and Jing's sisters. These court officials did not dare to question their abilities.

After You Shu’s authorized Tiger Seal, Bai Zhixue was General Zhengdong, Luluo was Vice General, Cuiying was General Vanguard, and finally led the 100,000 army to the east gate of Xiuyun Empire.

Along the way, the people sent to each other along the road, shed tears and encouragement, and the soldiers were also greatly encouraged by this.

Chenyao Jianzong’s good name has long been spread all over the world. Today’s imperial teacher is also in support of You Shu’s ascension to the throne. Bai Zhixue is also inspired by this atmosphere to send people off. The enlightenment of the leader, and secretly vowed that he must return in triumph and return the people of the world to peace!

The army is mighty, looking like a long dragon across the river, as everyone knows, under the carriage Bai Zhixue rides, there is also a little girl hidden, Xiao Ya!

"Hey, come out and play without me, I'll do it myself!" Xiaoya lay on the bottom of the car, watching the wheels turn round and round, her little face flushed, and she smiled.

And her faint mutter was heard by Bai Zhixue in the car instantly, and her pretty face sank immediately.


Suddenly a cold voice came from inside the carriage.

When the carriage stopped, Cuiying walked out of the carriage and looked down the carriage. The two of them suddenly stared at them, one stubborn eyelid and the other speechless.

In this way, Xiaoya also got into Bai Zhixue's carriage, and followed everyone to the East Gate where the war was in urgent need.


Liang Guo, located in the east of the Xiuyun Empire, 10,000 miles of Xiangjiang River flows through this place, but it is blocked by the Shijue Mountain Range that uplifts three thousand feet straight on the flat ground, and has to bend and twist, and therefore the vast Tianchi of 300 miles was born. It is a miracle.

The windy weather in Tianchi is rare, and the smooth surface of the river is also the best in the world.

And on the left and right sides of this Tianchi are the east gate of the Xiuyun Empire and the shore of Liang Kingdom.

The armies of both sides were stationed here, and the soldiers clamored endlessly, occasionally bows and arrows attacked like rain, and screamed again and again, which stained the pool of blood red, and was washed away after half a day.

Because of the last ship battle, General Yang Xiu of Xiuyun Zhenguan was beheaded by the unknown general of Liang Guo, which greatly boosted Liang Guo's morale. Once the clamor resounded across the sky, looking at Xiuyun East Pass, no one dared anymore. Challenge.

The general was beheaded, and the soldiers were disgraced and demoralized. Everywhere, the soldiers on the city wall were weakly leaning against the iron shield, with lost eyes and no intention to fight.

The great country is so insulted by the small eastern country, which makes people sigh.

And at this moment, the mighty reinforcements finally came from a distance, from far and near.

When those Dongguan soldiers saw the elite teacher from the imperial capital, they finally resurrected and wept with joy and went to meet them.

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