Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1311: : The Evil Emperor's Intention

"Sect Master, isn't Liang Country a small country on the eastern frontier, who has been humiliated by other countries all the year round, how come you suddenly dare to clamor with the Xiuyun Empire?" The scholar couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Bai Chen frowned, "I don't know, but if they dare to do this, it proves that there must be some force pushing the flames, otherwise they will not kill themselves."

"Then what do we do?" Lin Mengyao asked from the side.

Her question also caused the envoy in front to roll his throat with difficulty.

In his eyes, it is a great honor for him to hear the conversations of Chenyao Jianzong's bigwigs.

Bai Chen slowly put away the imperial decree, and Ling's eyes flashed with a sharp edge: "Since we are rooted here, the Xiuyun Empire is our home, no matter which force wants to confuse Xiuyun, you have to ask me!" Bai Chen glanced at the scholar and smiled lightly: "Scholar, come with me."

"it is good."

The situation was not simple, the scholar patted Chu Yehong's shoulder solemnly, and followed Bai Chen to the hall.

The rest stayed outside the hall.

Bai Zhixue frowned delicately and looked at everyone: "Brother Brother, is he going to send someone to help the royal family?"

"It should be. At this time, he is eager to call the scholar over, so he should decide who will go on the expedition." Tang Qin said on the side.

"Going out?! Okay!" Xiaoya's eyes lit up and she immediately became energetic.

And her move also caused the envoy in the distance to tremble.

If the evil emperor really sent an eleven or twelve-year-old girl to help the royal family's worries, then he couldn't let his majesty pull it out and kill him when he returned?

Lin Mengyao helplessly patted Xiaoya's head: "You, the leader of the war is an adult's business, so don't just join in the fun."

"What? I can stand up to a million troops alone!" Xiaoya curled her lips uncomfortably, causing everyone to laugh.

And the envoy who was still flustered before, after hearing Xiaoya's words, his eyes almost fell to the ground.

Is an eleven or twelve-year-old girl worth a million troops? What the hell?

He felt like he was listening to a god's speech, completely beyond the normal logic of mortal minds.

I don't understand, I dare not understand.

After waiting for a long time, Bai Chen and the scholar finally opened the door and walked out, all their eyes gathered on the two of them.

The scholar took a deep breath, looked at the envoy, and smiled lightly: "Our suzerain has decided to help and will send a very strong person to accompany you back to your life."

"Ah, thank you Lord Evil Emperor! Thank you!"

The envoys bowed again and again, facing Bai Chen, in awe, far better than the sanctuary.

"Little sister, I'll send you to help You Shu this time. It just so happens that you can also go out to relax." Bai Chen suddenly looked at Bai Zhixue.

"Oh, lead!" Bai Zhixue didn't care.

Sure enough to send a woman?

The envoy thought for a while and suddenly realized that since this woman is the sister of Lord Evil Emperor, she should be very strong, and Lord Evil Emperor should also send a strong person to protect her safety.

"Luluo, Cuiying, you two will go with the little sister." Bai Chen raised his eyes.


The two women glanced at each other, and both smiled.

It's best to be able to go out and play, but after all, cultivation is too boring.

But the envoy was perturbed. One woman is not enough, so why did she send two more women?

Before, his eyes remained on Guo Fatty. He always felt that this big guy should be very strong, but in the end, he didn't want the evil emperor to send three women to help. Is this possible?

I was terrified, but the envoy dared not show it.

"It's getting late. Why don't you rest in my Chenyao Sword Sect. When tomorrow morning, we will send flying mounts to send you back to the imperial capital." Scholar Qian said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll be harassing." The envoy continued to bow his hands.

Everyone dispersed, Bai Chen left Bai Zhixue alone.

In the hall, bright lights illuminate Bai Zhixue's jade-like white cheeks. Now she is slim, delicate and slightly mature.

Bai Zhixue is one year younger than Lin Mengyao, so over the years, she has been spoiled by everyone in Chenyao Jianzong as little sisters. After all, except for Xiaoya and Xiaoyou, she is also the youngest.

But this kind of pampering, it is bound to make a person lack in self-reliance. Fortunately, she went to the Hades for two years to experience alone, otherwise she is still the fourth lady of the Bai family in Yancheng.

"Three brothers, don't worry, there will be no accidents with Sister Luluo and Sister Cuiying with me." Bai Zhixue's eyes flickered.

"I don't worry too much. After all, the power of the Western Regions of this continent is basically the Xiuyun Empire and the Zixia Empire. And your current ability is more than wrong with the Zixia Empire, and it is impossible to fear that little one. Little Liang Guo is just a long way away. You have to be more wary of everything. Don’t be defenseless against them because Guandong is the site of Xiuyun."

"Yes, I understand."

Smiling at the first bloom of Bai Zhixue Qingzi, Bai Chen slowly took out a strange box from his sleeve.

"What is this?" Bai Zhixue frowned.

"This is the Ghost Lock Trap Box that was built for me by God Master Tang in the Fengyan Dynasty. After Tang Xiaoling's improvement a few days ago, it was already enough to trap the strong in the Xinghai Realm. Take your self-defense."

"Third brother, they are in the six-star ocean state anyway, don't worry so unreasonably, okay."

"It's not big or small, talk to your brother like that!"

Seeing Bai Chen sullen his face, Bai Zhixue smiled mischievously.

"Although you are in the six-star ocean realm, Luluo and Cuiying only have the seven-star reincarnation realm. It stands to reason that I should send a person from the heavenly realm to follow you, but the Liang country is a small country after all, because a small country, we will The powerhouse who wants to send out the heavenly realm will make other countries laugh at it if it is spread out."

"Yes~ I know."

"You girl!"

Pamperingly rubbed Bai Zhixue's forehead, Bai Chen smiled with relief.

Looking at this young and lovely face, while he is pleased, his heart is also silently sad. If the younger sister knows that the third brother in front of her is not her third brother at all, then she will accept it. ?

"Okay, you go back and rest, too." Bai Chen took a deep breath, unwilling to think about so many things.

"Well, third brother, you should rest earlier."

Bai Zhixue got up and bowed, and hopped out of the main hall.

When the sound of footsteps moved further and further in the courtyard, finally disappeared, Bai Chen chuckled slightly: "Fatty, you are the third strongest in Chenyao Sword Sect. The safety of my little sister is left to you! "

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