
Diagon Alley.

"Wow, what a magical magical world!"

A young couple pulled a little girl with a beautiful face on either side and walked in through the Leaky Cauldron. They looked at the decorated Diagon Alley in Middle World and the wizards wearing wizard robes who walked by from time to time. Thinking of the magic stories spread in Europe since ancient times, the young mother couldn't help but exclaim.

"Calm down, Mom."

The young father was the same. Only the teenage girl in the middle looked at this legendary world calmly. When she saw someone looking at her mother's exclamation, she pulled her mother and reminded her: "This is just the most inconspicuous corner of the magical world. Mom, don't get excited."

"Really, Hermione?"

The young father couldn't help but said: "This place looks very good, it feels like the wizarding world in the middle world. Our country is awesome, forget it on the surface, but secretly there is such a powerful wizarding world, I bet , the United States is not as good as us in this regard, after all, Europe is the birthplace of world civilization!"

"Dad, you are wrong!"

The little girl Hermione shook her head.

"Dad was wrong?"

Hermione's father smiled and said, "Where did Dad go wrong?"

"It's all wrong!"

Hermione let go of her parents' hands, raised a finger, and said cutely: "First, our country has stopped being awesome a long time ago. Not only openly, but also secretly. When others call us awesome, it's just a way of thinking. It’s just sarcasm, Dad, please don’t take it seriously in the future.”


Hermione's father's face suddenly froze. He wanted to refute the arrogance of the citizens of the Great Ox Kingdom. An ordinary citizen of the Great Ox Country would have scolded him. If he scolded him, he would just be messing around, otherwise he would be a bully. But it was him who said this. The baby girl could only put away her temper and said with an embarrassed smile: "My Hermione knows so much..."

In fact, do people like them really not know the shortcomings of their own country and themselves? Of course not, they are just pretending not to know.


Hermione smiled knowingly and raised her second finger: "Secondly, America is not only more powerful than us on the surface, but also secretly. After all, wizards are just one of many powers, and there are all kinds of forces in this world. All kinds of magical powers.”

"So that's it."

Hermione's mother quickly added: "Knowing this, we should have immigrated to the United States in the first place, so that Hermione could go to a better magic school."

"Humph, what Hermione is saying is that America has other magical powers, but in terms of wizard magic, it is not necessarily better than here, right? After all, this is the origin of wizard magic, and wizard magic is naturally more powerful the older it is. ”

Hermione's father snorted unconvinced: "Isn't that right, Hermione?"


This time, Hermione nodded.


Hermione's father was immediately proud, and he held his head high and said, "I dare say that the wizards and magic here are the most powerful! Do you need to immigrate?"


"Hermione, what's wrong?"

“If this is possible, we really need to immigrate!”

Hermione said seriously.


Hermione's father froze with pride and said in disbelief: "Why? Didn't it mean that the wizard magic here is stronger than that in the United States? Didn't you awaken the wizard blood?"

"It's the blood of witches."

Hermione nodded first, then shook her head and said, "But the need for immigration is for you, and the country of immigration is not America, but the other side!"

"The other side? Haha, Hermione, are you mistaken? The other side is so backward. I heard that they still have braids hanging on the back of their heads and drink blood like hair! You want us to immigrate there?"

"Yes, Hermione, why do you have such thoughts?"

Hermione's father laughed, while Hermione's mother touched Hermione's head and asked with a worried look on her face.

"Oh, Dad, you are good again!"

Hermione sighed: "Dad, if I don't say anything else, I will just answer with what you just said. Does the wizarding world become more powerful as it gets older?"


Hermione's father was suddenly speechless.

"Look here!"

Hermione pointed at Diagon Alley: "Why is it that this place is ancient and mysterious, and there is so much decay and backwardness? You know, the history of the other side is much longer than ours. When we were drinking blood, there was already a highly developed civilization on the other side. !”


Hermione's father didn't want to accept an answer. He just shook his head and said, "Who did you listen to? It's just random nonsense!"

"Whether it's true or not, Dad, you should know in your heart!"

Hermione laughed.


Hermione's father's face stiffened again.


Hermione's mother tried to smooth things over and said, "Hermione, even if what you say makes sense, we are living well here, so why should we immigrate there?"

"Because it's safe!"

Hermione sighed: "This world is dangerous, very dangerous, even extremely dangerous! The more I know, the more worried I am for your safety. If you can immigrate to the other side, then I can practice magic with confidence. You know, the other side is the safest place on this planet and even in this universe! There is no other place!"

"Hey, Hermione, are you exaggerating?"

Hermione's mother took a breath and seemed to believe it or not: "This world has been peaceful for decades, how can there be any danger? Is it still extremely dangerous?"

"Hermione, you mean that very dangerous events that may even harm us ordinary people have happened in places we don't know about?"

Hermione's father's expression changed.

Compared to his wife, as a man, even though he was as proud as a fool before, he still knew it well.

There are many things that ordinary people cannot know at all, but it does not mean that they have not happened and have been covered up. When everyone knows it, it means that the country cannot cover it up, and it also means that it is extremely dangerous!


Hermione nodded and said seriously with a delicate little face: "This world has never been safe. Those extraordinary powers are not only controlled by the righteous side. Even if the righteous side is more powerful, for mom and dad, you are always on the defensive. On the righteous side, there will always be times when the supernatural power of evil breaks through the defense and affects you.

Therefore, it is not safe here, nor is the United States, which has two continents and is known as the strongest on earth, let alone the small countries in Oceania and Antarctica! The only place that is truly and absolutely safe is the other side! The mysterious power there is the most powerful, so powerful that no one dares to offend!

It’s a pity that it’s very difficult to live and work in peace and contentment there! The difficulty of naturalization is the highest five stars! Not to mention you have a daughter like me who has wizard blood. "

"How is it possible? I admit that the other shore is indeed mysterious, but it is not as incredibly powerful as you said, right? Are we talking about the other shore? The other shore in Asia?"

Hermione's dad's eyes widened.

"Yes, the other side of Asia!"

Hermione pinched her sleeve, feeling the shape and temperature of the thing inside the sleeve, and murmured: "The most powerful power on the entire earth is concentrated in Asia and the other side, which is also his country..."

"who is he?"

"Who is he?"

Hermione's parents felt a thump in their hearts. They looked at each other and saw the ominous premonition in each other's hearts. Their daughter was only 11 years old. Who is this person who is not her...

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