Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 241 Negative Maximum Universe

Time flies, the years are like a shuttle.

Happy days always pass very quickly.

While Owen is accumulating positive pole points in the positive universe of the Big Bang Theory, he collides with the endless evil negative pole points that come with the god of death, forming a vital point of existence for the multiverse.

On the other hand, he travels through the Negative Universe at intervals, leaving the mark of the God of Death, balancing the balance of the Negative Universe, repairing the God of Death, and accumulating Goddess Driver Cards to redeem skills.

In the blink of an eye, six years have passed, which is 2017 in the Big Bang universe.

Owen comes back from the world of Scream Queens with a refresh of his system.

Existence points: 10800 points (minus infinity)

Driver cards: 38 (Chanel Oberlin, Chanel No. 2...)

Intelligence: lv5+ (the next level is lv6, which costs 2000 points)

Strength: lv3- (next level lv3, the limit is 3t, it costs 100 points)

Speed: lv3- (The next level is lv3, the limit is 200 kilometers per hour, and it costs 500 points.)

Endurance: lv3 (the next level is lv3+, which costs 100 points)

Energy release: lv1

Combat skills: lv7

Skill list:

Skill 1, Eternal Interference Gun

Skill 2, Scholar Mode

Skill 3. Mysterious Chinese Medicine

Skill 4, Ultimate Fighting Technique

Skill 5, Spider Sense

Skill 6, Death

"I have accumulated so many existence points without realizing it. It's time to comprehensively strengthen the basic abilities of the body!"

Owen looked at the system panel and said with some sigh.

In recent years, the negative worlds he has entered and exited are not very dangerous. With his existing skills, he can easily handle them, so that he did not use the existence points immediately after the mission was over in order to accumulate them. , used on the blade.

In terms of physical basics, what Irving wants to strengthen most now is endurance and speed, but it is the most difficult to strengthen speed. The lv3 supernormal level alone is divided into three completely different stages, 50 kilometers per hour and 200 kilometers per hour. per hour, and the limit value is 700 kilometers per hour!

Strengthening in other aspects is a jump of hundreds of existence points, but speed is measured in units of thousands between stages. Of course, this is related to the fact that the system takes the official Marvel ability values, because the official Marvel The ability value settings are not reasonable at all.

After comprehensive consideration, Owen chose to spend 1,000 points to increase the speed from the lv3- limit of 50 kilometers per hour to the lv3 limit of 200 kilometers per hour. This is already a very exaggerated speed and is sufficient in most worlds. .

Next, Owen spent 4,000 points to increase his endurance value from lv3 enhancement to lv7 almost immortal at one time.

Although the cost is very high, it is worth it. Wolverine's endurance is only 7. With an immortal body that is almost like Wolverine, Owen's ability to survive in various worlds has been greatly increased.

Of course, although the endurance value has reached 7, it is still a multiverse away from true immortality, and the existence points to be spent are simply uncountable.

Irving will not fantasize about improving his endurance again in the short term.

After being unable to improve his endurance and speed, Owen set his sights on strength and spent 3,000 existence points to increase his strength from the limit of 3t at lv3- to the limit of 100t at lv6 at once!

Power works wonders!

After that, he spent another 2,000 points to upgrade his intelligence from lv5+ to lv6, a super genius.

Calculating the existence points, there are 10800-4000-1000-3000-2000=800 points left.

Just when Owen was about to consider redeeming a new skill, his heart suddenly palpitated and his hair stood on end.

"Warning! Warning!"

The system's reminder suddenly sounded: "There is a mysterious force passing through the heavens and the world, and the aftermath of the breath is about to arrive. It is dangerous, extremely dangerous! Master, be prepared for impact!"


Owen's face changed drastically and he complained: "Are you sure it's just the aftermath of breathing?"

"Yes! The mysterious power is supreme. Although it is not targeted at this system, the aftermath of turning over and breathing is enough to cause devastating blows to countless systems! Master, please be prepared for impact! 10, 9, 8..."

"Damn it! If I had known this, I should have been a pure top student! How could there be so many bad things!"

Owen complained crazily as the system counted down.


A mysterious force slammed into Owen's sea of ​​consciousness. Owen felt that he was going to die, and boundless pain swept through his body.

"Warning! Warning! The mysterious power is too powerful and the system is about to disintegrate. For the survival of the master, the system enters the automatic master protection program!"



A thrilling shattering sound sounded in Owen's consciousness. Owen's remaining consciousness knew that this was the sound of the system disintegrating.

At the last moment, Owen seemed to enter God's perspective, and his disk-like system was shattered. Part of it fell directly away from Owen, and the remaining part enveloped him and escaped into the endless void.

What Owen didn't know was that the fallen system fragments had been impacted by mysterious power, and all the colors hidden on them were washed away, leaving only a faint red light. In an instant or eternity, a circle flying from outside the endless void Pan catch...

When the two collided, the entire positive universe centered on the Big Bang Theory experienced a huge shock. Even the timeline was affected. Traces of Owen Lee's existence were automatically diluted to adapt to the new world.

On the other side, the fragments of the American drama system protected Owen, leaving the positive universe of the Big Bang, passing through the endless void, and arriving in a mysterious universe.

According to the previous classification of the American TV series system, this is a large universe opposite to the positive maximum universe of the Big Bang, and can be called a negative maximum universe.

When Owen woke up from the system's protective slumber, he was stunned.

He witnessed with his own eyes Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen leading the way. The hometown of the Black Brothers was reshaped with particles on this continent known as New America. In a flash, cities were rising from the ground, and in them were the brothers that Owen was familiar with. Tan City, Metropolis, Central City, Star City, International City...

Next door in America, Captain America leads the Roaring Agents, who are victorious in every battle and can fight anyone 50-50, becoming a symbol of spirituality!

The big bald heads exuded an extremely powerful aura, so Owen could only keep a low profile and keep a low profile, for fear of being invaded by some bald man in a wheelchair. Even though this bald man looked very kind, it turned out that Owen's worry was correct, this bald man was just Can't rather won't...

Irving didn't want to provoke another bald one-eyed man, nicknamed Ma Fake Man, who could crush him to death even if Irving raised his hand, but the power and trouble he represented were something Irving didn't want to provoke either.

There is another female bald head who is the most fearful to Owen. For fear of making her unhappy one day, Owen can be easily thrown into another dimension and sealed with exile. When the system only has fragments, it will be endless loneliness and Tortured!

This is nothing. At least when Owen keeps a low profile, these three bald strong men ignore him. However, the world is very complicated, and it is not just these strong men.

After wandering around for a full 100 years and seeing all the prosperity of the world, Owen got into big trouble. He was trapped in a dimensional world that is very close to the earth, the top powerhouse in the witch world, the Queen of Darkness who is the combination of the Snow Queen and the Evil Queen. From the witch world to the earth.

Although there was a female bald head blocking the Queen of Darkness at the junction of the two worlds in Europe, the Queen of Darkness was not in vain. Owen only had time to escape his soul, and his entire body was frozen.

The Ice Queen, who recovered from the Dark Queen's combined state, brought Owen's body back to the Ice and Snow Kingdom, to be the tool of the Ice Queen's words, "If I can't get your heart, I must first get your people"...

ps: Interest-driven weekly update, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend series...

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