California Institute of Technology.

Staff cafeteria.

"Leonard, I have something to show you."

Sheldon took out a document from his bag and handed it to Leonard: "According to the roommate agreement, this is a 24-hour notice that I will have an unrelated woman staying in our apartment for two nights."

"Speak clearly first!"

Everyone looked over, and Leonard confirmed: "The unrelated women you mentioned are people, right?"


Sheldon said seriously: "The roommate agreement stipulates that pets are not allowed!"

Howard looked at Sheldon and said hesitantly: "You're not going to kidnap a woman, are you?"

Sheldon was puzzled: "Is it ironic?"


Howard said funnyly: "But it also contains sincere concern!"

"It's okay to tell you in advance."

Sheldon said, "I'll be hosting Dr. Elizabeth Plimpton!"

"That world-famous cosmological physicist from Princeton University?"

Rajesh was surprised.


Sheldon explained: "She and I have been corresponding for several years. We are both very interested in the gravitational wave characteristics of the expansion of the early universe. Now she is considering coming to work at Caltech, and this time she came to investigate."

"Why didn't you tell me that you knew Dr. Plimpton?"

Leonard asked unhappily: "I am a huge fan of hers. When I was at Princeton University, she was the goddess of all of us!"

"Owen didn't tell you either."

Sheldon tilted his head and retorted: "As far as I know, Dr. Plimpton and Irving have a very deep relationship..."


Owen coughed lightly and interrupted: "Academic level!"


Leonard's mouth twitched and his face looked a little unhappy. He didn't believe a word of Irving's explanation!

Compared to Penny, Elizabeth Plimpton, who is at the goddess level in both beauty and wisdom, is the ultimate goddess in Leonard's dream.

But even such an ultimate goddess could not escape Owen's clutches, which is simply heartbreaking.


Owen said sincerely: "You all know that mathematics is the core driving force for the advancement of physics. In particular, cosmic physics is more of a theoretical level, and there is obviously more communication with mathematics!"


Howard winked and said, "Then does your math push her physics forward, or does it push her back?"

"You are thinking too much."

Owen smiled slightly: "As the backbone of basic science, our mathematics has always played a supporting role. The step-by-step advancement of physics depends entirely on the active exploration of physicists like Elizabeth.

Believe me, when faced with the supreme truth of the universe, their desire to explore is enough to shock the world. Even I am sometimes shocked by Elizabeth's genius imagination~"

"Holy crap!"

"Oh, god!"

"You lucky dog!"

The three Leonards looked envious and jealous.

They are all genius scientists with sufficient IQs. Even if Howard is a little bit behind, he still has the "superpower of making mistakes" and can naturally see the essence through phenomena.

Owen's words allowed them to extract rich connotations instantly and start a series of brainstorming...

"In this case."

Leonard couldn't help but ask: "Why did Dr. Plimpton want to stay in our apartment? You obviously have a closer relationship with her?"

"Well, how should I say it~"

Owen said thoughtfully: "Remember Leslie?"

"How could I forget~"

Howard murmured with a melancholy look on his face.

"Holy shit!"

Leonard shouted in disbelief: "Don't tell me, she, like Leslie, uses men as a tool to vent her anger. Even you were thrown away after she used you..."

"of course not."

Owen shook his head and said, "I'm not you~"


Leonard and Howard suddenly twitched their mouths, why did these words sound so harsh!

"Elizabeth and Leslie are very much alike..."

"I can't agree!"

Irving was about to continue explaining when Sheldon interrupted him directly: "How can a bad guy like Leslie, who has a worrying IQ and has not made much contribution to physics, be compared with the genius Dr. Elizabeth Plimpton?"

"Shut up! Sheldon!"

Leonard yelled at Sheldon.

"Owen, keep talking about Dr. Plimpton!"

Howard's eyes lit up.

As long as he can eat meat, he doesn't care what kind of meat it is!

Although Leslie dumped him after using him before, she finally added a lot to his list of free intimate women.

To women like Leslie, all he wants to say is: "Give me a dozen!"

"To put it simply~"

Owen smiled and said: "She and I have differences on the importance of individuals and groups. I think that one man is the one who can control everything, and I am invincible. Elizabeth thinks that eating too much delicacies from mountains and seas will make you tired, and you will be happy alone." It's better to have fun with everyone.

You also know that my character is that I have always been among thousands of flowers without a leaf touching me. Therefore, after an interesting relationship and the publication of the phased experimental report, the academic discussion of mathematics and physics came to an end. "


Howard looked envious: "In my case, as long as we can participate in scientific experiments, I don't care how many people are on the team!"

"Me too."

Rajesh echoed: "And I think Dr. Plimpton's idea is very good. Being happy alone is not as good as being happy with everyone~"

Owen glanced sideways at Rajesh and saw the gay look on his face, and complained: "Of course it is like this for you, as the 200-pound Sailor Moon at the last San Diego Comic Con can prove!"

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Howard looked embarrassed and concealed his guilt. As he spoke, he turned his head to look at Rajesh and shouted in a low voice: "Did you tell Owen? Didn't we agree never to tell!"

Rajesh said weakly: "I didn't~"


Leonard was obsessed with the goddess and didn't even bother to tease Rajesh and Howard about the homosexuality they revealed from time to time. He interrupted: "So, Owen, you don't have anything to do with Dr. Plimpton?"


Owen nodded affirmatively, and then said to the point: "With Elizabeth's personality of sharing, she is not a mortal, so she is not limited to our brotherhood laws. I guess this is what you want to ask, right?"


Leonard smiled sheepishly and covered it up: "You know, I just broke up with Penny. I have been tortured both physically and mentally, and I urgently need comfort~"

"Me too!"

exclaimed Rajesh.

"come on!"

Leonard objected: "Dr. Plimpton was invited by Sheldon and lives in our apartment. How can you join in the fun?"

"Didn't you hear what Owen said?"

Rajesh retorted: "Dr. Plimpton likes to share, I don't mind sharing with you~"

After saying this, he looked Leonard up and down, gave Leonard a small look, and said angrily, "On the contrary, I miss you very much~"


PS: Thank you for seeing me stunned and guest officer 01 for the reward!

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