Bowling alley.

Everyone is teaming up to play bowling, and the other team they are playing against is led by Sheldon's current number one enemy, Will Wetton. In view of Sheldon's 'love-hate relationship' with Will Wetton, this battle is crucial. !

If they lose, everyone will endure Sheldon's endless complaints, which is simply called: I'm annoying you to death!

"This time we have to hit a strike."

Leonard hugged Penny, who was about to come on stage, and reminded her.

"I know."

Penny responded.

"Concentrate and don't rush!"

Leonard added.

"Stop talking, stop putting pressure on me!"

Penny stood up and shouted in a bad tone.


Leonard was stunned and laughed at himself: "Sorry, I just shut up~"

"That was not what I meant."

Penny also knew that her tone was harsh and apologized.

Leonard had an ominous premonition, so he stood up and walked towards Penny, pleading: "Tell me what to do, and I'll just do it!"

"I know it's unfair to you, but I'm sorry~"

Penny covered her mouth and ran away.

"Is this a breakup?"

Rajesh raised his hand weakly.

"Don't be too sad."

Irving patted Leonard on the shoulder and comforted: "This is not the first time, and of course it will not be the last time!"


Leonard's sad expression froze, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I really can't figure out why Penny doesn't love me?"

"Because you're a good person."

Owen said nonsense seriously.


Leonard was puzzled.

Irving hit the nail on the head: "In this world, women like to give good guys cards to spare men. When they call a man a good guy, it means that the man has not entered their hearts."

"Good guy card~"

Leonard said confused: "Why can't I get into Penny's heart?"

"There are many reasons."

Owen said implicitly: "You don't have any of the things that can hit their hearts, such as looks, figure, wealth, etc., let alone the best speed parameters to get into their hearts."

"Optimum speed parameters?"

Rajesh asked in surprise: "What is that?"

"Speed ​​is equal to distance divided by time. The same speed value can have various distance and time parameters."

Owen raised the corner of his mouth and smiled meaningfully: "When you have the longest distance and the longest time like me, and control this optimal speed parameter, even if you don't have external conditions such as appearance, body, and wealth, , you can pass through thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching you."


The water in Howard's mouth suddenly squirted out, and he kept coughing and said: "Ahem, cough, cough, this is okay?! I remember there is only a shortcut, right?"


Irving joked: "In the past, it might have been just a shortcut, but in modern society, the shortcuts that no one took before, but only a few took, have been trampled by the world into roads leading to Rome. Just like Leonard, you Could it be that he didn’t take shortcuts?”

"I am leaving."

Leonard also heard the connotation of the words of Irving and others, and murmured: "And every time I work very, very hard! It's foreplay and dance, and it's Google technology. After each time, I sincerely thank you and write Thank you letter, I worked really hard!

During the last intermission after the event, when I confessed ‘I love you’ to Penny, I also lamented that if my former physical education teacher had told me that physical exercise has this purpose, I would definitely work harder! "


Irving raised the corner of his mouth and changed his words: "Of course, nothing is absolute. From another perspective, Leonard did not take shortcuts!"

"What do you mean by that?"

Leonard said in surprise.

"You don't understand this?"

Sheldon glanced at Leonard with contempt: "Leonard, I must say that since you and Penny became boyfriend and girlfriend and had regular coitus, your IQ and thinking have deteriorated too much. The fact that you were dumped by Petunia may be very beneficial to your status as a scientist."

Leonard growled with an ugly face: "Sheldon!!!"

"ok, ok."

Sheldon raised his hand and said the key point: "Irving just mentioned the two parameters of optimal speed, which are the longest distance and the longest time. He also mentioned that the so-called shortcut will not be used if it is taken too many times. Then there’s the interesting topic of shortcuts.

The reason why Irving said that you didn't take shortcuts in some way is obviously because you didn't achieve any of them.

Taking the longest distance as an example, when you have this parameter, you will automatically differentiate yourself from others and take a path that others have never walked before, that is, create your own shortcut.

And it will be easier to understand in the longest time. I think even your brain, which has been dulled by long-term regular coitus, should understand it, right? "

"Holy shit!"

Howard exclaimed: "This makes so much sense, I'm speechless!"

Rajesh clicked his tongue and said, "Although this topic is a bit dirty, this statement is really great! For an individual with a fixed distance, aside from the constant of the longest distance, the maximum time and the optimal speed do have a certain inverse proportional function. Relationship~"


Sheldon hummed: "Owen, I must admit, this is an interesting subject. Maybe we can use Leonard as an experiment."



Howard and Rajesh raised their hands and laughed.

"Hey, Leonard, where are you going?"

"Leave you alone!"

Leonard stood up and left. Seeing Sheldon asking, he turned back and glared at everyone and shouted: "I bet that after I leave here, I can find anyone who is more qualified as a friend than you. Even Penny, when I confess my love." I love you' and she didn't want to respond the same way, at least she said 'thank you'!!!"

"Oh! Did we go too far?"

Rajesh asked weakly when he saw Leonard slamming the door and leaving.

"Too much?"

Sheldon was puzzled, frowned and thought, "Where?"


"Wait a minute!"

Rajesh was about to explain when he was interrupted by Howard. Howard looked at Sheldon and said with a playful smile: "Let him think for himself and see if he can figure it out~"

"I'm afraid I'll have to wait until tomorrow!"

Owen laughed.

"He won't die, right?"

Rajesh said with a worried look on his face.

"It doesn't matter."

Howard joked: "You can still restart it if it crashes. It won't have any impact anyway!"

"Actually, I pay more attention to Penny than Leonard."

Owen laughed.


Rajesh and the two looked over in confusion.


Owen's lips curled up: "Although it was Penny who initiated the breakup this time, after all, they have been in love for a long time, and she and Leonard still have feelings for each other, so this breakup will be uncomfortable for a while."


Howard has the 'superpower of hitting things out of the blue'. After hearing this, he murmured thoughtfully: "I heard that Penny heals her wounds after every breakup~"

"Penny Cure!"

Rajesh blurted out, and then said with a longing look on his face: "I really want her to use me as a healing tool. Don't pity me because I am a delicate flower~"

Howard couldn't help but nodded and said: "yeah~"

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