Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 178 There is only one truth

Caltech senior faculty apartments.

Room 6B.

"So, is your boyfriend okay?"

Owen looked at Alyssa Page, who had dilated pupils and was extremely absent-minded, and smiled playfully.

"What do you want to say?"

Alyssa Page shuddered and fell from the paradise of happiness. A trace of apology and sadness flashed in her beautiful eyes. Obviously, the negotiation with her Marine Corps boyfriend was not so pleasant.

If you want to live a good life, you must wear some green on your head. If it is dark green, Alyssa's boyfriend may not be able to tolerate it. The key is that Owen's reputation is so famous that everyone knows it.

When friends knew that Alyssa had gone to work as Irving's assistant, everyone knew what would happen.

What I fear most is the sudden silence in the air, and what I fear most is the sudden concern from my friends...

Those who can be selected into the Marine Corps, let’s not talk about other things, at least there is blood in a man. He tried his best to endure it at the beginning, but in the eyes of his friends’ concern, he collapsed instantly!

When they were able to take a vacation, Alyssa's boyfriend rushed over as soon as possible, and the scene was naturally not as friendly as Irving told Leonard.

It was a hazy moonlit night. When Owen and Alyssa were having a friendly exchange of arts, Alyssa's boyfriend David suddenly came to him. Regardless of Alyssa's hard explanation, he punched Owen with red eyes. He was hit directly on the temple, obviously with murderous intent.

Owen is a considerate and generous person. He easily avoided David's fist, pulled the pajamas on the side and put them on. He smiled slightly and said, "Don't get me wrong, we are innocent."

"David, calm down, let's go out and talk about anything."

Alyssa stepped forward to stop her boyfriend and begged.

"fk u!"

However, David didn't understand art at all, and he didn't believe that Owen and Alyssa were just discussing art. He pushed Alyssa away hard, with red eyes, and rushed forward with a roar.


Owen frowned slightly. He would not be used to shameless David. As soon as the Ultimate Fighting Technique came out, David collapsed there, completely losing his fighting ability.

"Are you OK?"

Owen stepped forward to help Alyssa up.

"I will kill you, I will definitely kill you!"

David, who collapsed there and couldn't control his body, continued to roar.

"You go first."

Alyssa pushed Owen away, lowered her head, and said in a low voice.

She really didn't want things to come to this point, but reality obviously wouldn't change according to her will.

She might have been able to cover it up with work needs before, but her boyfriend David saw her and Owen so immersed in discussing art. No matter how hard she explained, David wouldn't believe it at all.

How could a man like David, who was so moved by art and devoted everything to art, understand this lofty state? In his blood-red eyes, all he could see was vulgarity and music. astringent……

"All right."

Owen knew that this was not a good time to chat, so he hugged his clothes and was about to leave. But when he walked to the door and saw David still there, insulting him, he suddenly stopped, turned around and walked back.

"what are you doing?"

Alyssa exclaimed.

"Relax, let me do you a favor~"

Owen's voice was slightly weird, and something happened that made David's eyes wide open.

Owen, who understood the meaning of the gun, vividly showed David the traditional culture of the other side, such as Peach Blossom Spring, Twenty-four Bridges on a moonlit night, and the city was filled with golden armor...

Later, David's insults completely stopped. He breathed heavily and began to watch carefully. He was obviously moved by the splendid culture of the other side that has been passed down for more than five thousand years without any interruption.

Irving is very satisfied with the results of this cultural promotion.

As for whether this kind of propaganda is slightly coercive and immoral, Irving has his own set of benchmarks in mind.

Marines like David are the main force in the United States causing trouble all over the world. They are stationed abroad for a long time. It would be a joke to say that they are not free from hormones!

Take Sheldon's father, George Cooper, for example. When he learned that his son's best friend was Vietnamese, he worriedly asked, "Isn't your mother's name Kim Lee?"

The connotative information revealed is just a microcosm of the wantonness of these soldiers abroad.

The young woman in the boudoir knows no worries, and goes up to the green building with makeup on the spring day.

Suddenly I saw the color of willows on the street, and I regretted teaching my husband to look for a title.

As a peace lover, Owen naturally couldn't stand the bastard activities of soldiers like David, so he didn't mind discussing art with Alyssa, singing their hearts out with artistic tunes, and helping them even to the death. Dispel sorrow and sadness...

What's this?

This is the great humanitarian spirit and the ethics of a great artist. Perhaps most people don’t understand it, but Irving definitely dared to touch his chest and say loudly: “I have a clear conscience!”


"Can you please take your hands off me?"

Seeing that she couldn't push away Owen's hand, Alyssa could only interrupt Owen's wandering mind with a voice.


Owen came back from his memories and saw Alyssa frowning. He immediately understood what happened and apologized: "I just thought of something."


Alyssa shook her head slightly.

"I just saw a few red marks on your body. Didn't he hit you?"

Owen Sage Li casually said: "If so, tell me, I must teach him some common sense. There are only two kinds of people in this country, one is the rich, and the other is the poor. Poor people like him are the ones to be messed with." I can’t afford the rich!”


Alyssa couldn't help but look at Irving and said coldly: "Why is there a red mark? Don't you have a clue?"


Owen was stunned for a moment, then remembered something, smiled, and changed the subject: "So, what's your current situation? Have you broken up?"

"I don't know either."

Hearing this, Alyssa murmured: "I proposed breaking up, but David..."

The matter has come to this, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, she still has some sense in this!

"What's up with him?"

Owen asked curiously.

"He said he still loves me deeply and doesn't want to break up..."

Alyssa struggled: "He even said that he can accept everything about me, good or bad..."


Owen shouted in disbelief: "Did you hear that right?"


Alyssa said with a complex expression: "Even when he mentioned you, he didn't have the hatred he had before. I can feel that he is not pretending."


Owen was stunned and his eyes looked strange.

A person like David, who is full of muscles, has no pretending acting skills at all. If what Alyssa said is true, then there is only one truth.

That is, after Irving angrily displayed the culture of the other side, the other party received the powerful visual impact of art, and seemed to have awakened some extraordinary artistic talent...

PS: Thanks for the reward of Sword Hengkong 2!

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