Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 172 Time is a butcher’s knife

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"All right."

Faced with Owen's rejection, Penny couldn't tell whether she was disappointed or grateful.

Her friends have indeed urged her to invite Owen to play, because Owen is famous all over the world, and his scandal with the Eternal Gun Chorus has made many girls become gun fans.

And the 'crazy girls' who hang out with Penny, with her open-minded personality, can't help but smack their lips, they might cause some trouble once they see Owen.

Boom, boom, boom!

"What is this sound?"

Sheldon looked up at the ceiling warily.

"Oh, the people in room 5A upstairs are moving out."

Penny said casually.

"Shh! ×n!"

Leonard and others waved their hands.


Sheldon yelled in horror, drawling his voice.

"The people upstairs are moving out."

Penny repeated in confusion.


Leonard slapped his forehead and shouted, "Why did you say that!"

“Extremely scary~”

Sheldon murmured nervously: "no, no, no~"

"Then what should I say?"

Penny was confused.

"Sheldon doesn't like change."

Irving explained: "Although he has never met the residents upstairs once, but because of this, he likes the residents upstairs very much, just like if Leonard listened to Sheldon and didn't say hello to you, thank you I definitely like you more than I do now."


Sheldon nodded repeatedly.


Penny rolled her eyes, too lazy to complain.

"Let's change the topic."

Not wanting to be tortured by Sheldon, Leonard interrupted.


Howard responded positively, looked at Penny, and said with a lewd smile: "Penny, I want to take this opportunity to express to you that you look really fascinating today."

Penny said with a look of disgust: "Howard, a thousand protective umbrellas won't work!"

Once it comes to this aspect, Howard's brain circuit has always been very strange. His eyes lit up and he asked excitedly: "Does that mean there is really a quantity? One thousand is not enough, how about two thousand~"


Irving quipped: "Enough, Howard, is there any difference between two thousand umbrellas and the air through the pants?"


Penny couldn't help but shudder, and looked at Owen with a strange look. She really couldn't understand how Owen, a handsome man, could be so vulgar.

"Of course it's different."

Howard did not go offline at all, and explained enthusiastically: "The problem is not the one thousand or two thousand protective umbrellas. The key is whether Penny is willing. As long as she is willing, one look is enough, hehe~"

"Penny, where are you going?"

Leonard said reluctantly when he saw Penny getting up and walking out without saying a word.

"Are you serious?"

Penny turned around and said with a cold face.


Leonard paused, and then he remembered that what Howard just said was really disgusting, and he couldn't help but glared at Howard.

Owen looked on with amusement.

On the other side, if a good friend dared to tease the goddess he had always pursued, he would fall out every minute. But in America, if Penny hadn't expressed her strong dissatisfaction, Leonard wouldn't have cared at all.

Just like in the future, Rajesh wrote a poem to Howard's fiancee Bernadette. Compared with that poem, Howard teasing Penny now is as pure as a primary school student...


Penny slammed the door and left.

"Howard, can you not be so obscene next time!"

Leonard shouted dissatisfied.

"You said to change the subject."

Howard muttered.

“Extremely scary~”

Leonard looked to his left at Sheldon, who was still there nervously, and to his right at Howard, who looked vulgar, and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he was discouraged.

a week later.

The stairwell of TBBT apartment.

The five Owens walked out of the room and were about to go downstairs when they met Penny who was coming back from get off work.

"Hi, Penny, it's time to get off work."

Leonard greeted quickly.

Since being disgusted by Howard that night, Penny has ignored Leonard and the others for a full week.


Penny answered through her nose while taking out her keys.

"We're going to the comic store."

Leonard stood behind Penny with a smile on his face: "Do you want to go together?"

"No, thank you."

Penny shook her head.


Leonard looked disappointed, and at Sheldon's urging, he reluctantly moved towards the stairs, looking straight at Penny.


Penny's heart softened and she rolled her eyes.


As soon as she finished speaking, Leonard had already rushed in front of her, startling her.

"My nephew is celebrating his birthday, can you help me choose some comics?"

Penny pondered.

"I assume you're talking about comic books?"

Sheldon couldn't help but interjected: "The comics are just pale humor, with little talking figures and anthropomorphic pets, eh~"

As he spoke, he shook his head and sighed.


Penny took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to blast Sheldon n times. Although she was unhappy with Sheldon who criticized her every day, she was extra tolerant every time she looked at Sheldon's cute face: " He is a 13-year-old kid, Leonard, you can help him pick out a few books."

"Just pick a few books?"

Sheldon's voice rose and he was about to launch into a long speech when he was interrupted by Owen.

"Penny, come together, or Sheldon won't finish."


Penny still showed respect to Owen, turned around and followed everyone, asking as she walked: "Is it the same comic shop as last time?"

"Yeah, Stewart's Comic Shop."

Leonard turned his head and smiled charmingly.


But it was Leonard who missed a step and almost fell. Fortunately, with Irving's current strength, he easily grabbed Leonard's collar at the moment he fell, lifted him up in the air, and then He gently put down the dancing Leonard.


Leonard took out his asthma inhaler and inhaled furiously.


Although Penny had heard reports that Irving might be able to learn kung fu from the other side, she saw with her own eyes that Irving lifted Leonard in the air with such ease. The shock of this contrast was still very strong.

Leonard pouted and thought to himself, "Why don't you let Irving teach you how to do it?"

He himself likes Bruce Lee's Kung Fu very much, but because like Sheldon and the others, he is a typical sports incompetent otaku, so just thinking about it, now seeing Penny's expression, his heart rose again for three minutes. enthusiasm.


Stewart's Comic Shop.

"Hi, Leonard."

"Hi Stuart, this is Penny, she wants to buy some comic books."

"Oh, is it so?"

Stuart walked up to Penny and whispered: "If you didn't come here willingly, just blink twice."

"Ha ha."

Penny was startled, then laughed loudly, and glanced at Stewart. This pale comic shop owner seemed to be quite humorous when compared to the middle-aged uncle in her impression who was wretched and weird...

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