Los Angeles.

"Oh, my god! What happened!"

In the area that was tightly blocked by the police with Irving as the center, they heard the flapping of armed helicopters. The nearby residents finally reacted and looked out of the windows one by one. When they saw heavily armed people in all directions, , many people screamed as the police advanced silently.

On the other side of the ocean, maybe the people would sit on a bench and sit in the window to watch and eat melon, because the security on the other side of the ocean is the best in the world, and the people feel safe.

If you change it to the United States, a country that is hated by everyone because of its wanton hegemony around the world, there are simply not too many retaliatory terrorist activities!

When people see this kind of posture, their first reaction is that there are extremist terrorists nearby, and the extremist terrorists are accompanied by explosions, killings and endless panic!




Accompanied by screams, there were waves of heavy window closings!

"Shit! The media is going to explode again tomorrow."

The CIA director in charge of this operation cursed with a headache: "Heather, this operation must be successful!"

"Yes, sir."

In the tactical command vehicle, the cold beauty Heather Lee looked at the computer and responded solemnly.

As a top student at Yale University, she knew clearly that even if this operation was successful, the CIA director and the police would be under great pressure from public opinion, because the movement this time was so huge that she could not even understand it. The target is just one person with a burden, and there is no need for this.

This is true for success, let alone failure!

"Are the snipers in place?"

Heather Lee asked.

"Sniper No. 1 is in place."

"Sniper No. 2 is in place."

"Sniper No. 3 is in place."

"Sniper No. 4 is in place."

Four snipers blocked four directions. No matter which direction Owen broke through, he would fall within the range of the snipers. The armed helicopters hovering in mid-air and the outer blockade ensured that Owen could not escape by car.

Armed helicopters can only serve as a deterrent. They don't dare to use them unless they are forced to do so. Otherwise, whether it's heavy machine guns or missiles, the noise will be too great. But once Owen chooses to drive away, the missiles on board will be useful. You can easily kill Owen by firing missiles.

"SWAT, force the target out!"

Heather Lee ordered.

Snipers and helicopter gunships are already in place, and all that needs to be done now is to force Owen out of the residential area.

"Go, go, go!"

Under the command of the captain, the SWAT tactical team formed a tactical formation and approached Owen!

"Holy shit!"

The big-mouthed beauty Jane hid in a room, peeking out of the window to see what was going on outside. Her eyes swept across a series of official arrangements, with a look of shock on her face. Even she had never seen such a big scene before. This was simply a scene. A small N vs. 1 war.

"Fortunately, I didn't choose to stay with him, otherwise I would have been dead!"

Jane muttered to herself.

Yes, in her eyes, Owen is dead. In this situation, no one can escape safely, unless Owen chooses to be a terrorist and kidnaps a large number of people to have a chance of survival.

But will Owen do this?

"Owen, let's surrender."

Ramsay said tremblingly.

Owen didn't answer. At this moment, he naturally turned on the deep learning function of the academic mode. He entered an absolutely rational state. He took the tablet with the half-finished Eye of God inserted in Ramsey's hand. After a while of operation, , hacked all the cameras in the city.

At this moment, his mind flashed, and he instantly understood why the authorities were able to find him!

The early warning function of the Eye of God is indeed useful, but everything has its advantages and disadvantages. When Owen turned on the early warning function and controlled the surveillance within a 5-kilometer radius, he also exposed his position in disguise. When encountering top hackers, he could easily Follow this clue to find Owen.

Experts are good among the civilians, but more experts are in the officialdom. The on-site commander of this operation is Heather Lee in the tactical command vehicle, CIA information technology director, and undoubtedly a top electronic information genius!

"After losing the target signal, the target blocked the entire city's surveillance and closed the Eye of God!"

Heather Litong reported: "Attention everyone, the target may have to break through, guard the blockades everywhere..."

After saying this, she paused for a moment, and then ordered with a cold face: "If you find target No. 1, kill it immediately!"

"Received! ×n!"

"Let us surrender."

Seeing that Owen didn't respond, Ramsey repeated in fear: "We can't run away!"

Owen glanced at her lightly. The comparison of strengths and weaknesses, coping strategies, pros and cons, had already been calculated clearly in his super brain. The probability of a successful breakout by force was less than 10%, while the success rate of coercing the people was 50%!

As for why it is only 50%, it is because of Owen's identity and the value of Ramsey's Eye of God. The real big man behind this operation will definitely not mind making sacrifices.

Public opinion may explode for a while afterwards, but as long as they respond properly, characterize the incident as a terrorist activity, and then introduce a scapegoat to bear the public's anger, it will not have much impact on them at all.

Moreover, Owen wants to be the king of agents and achieve the king's hegemony. Has anyone seen the king of agents using innocent people as a shield?

That is the method of assassins, killers, gangsters, terrorists, and terrorists! Super agents are disdainful!

Didi didi!

Thinking of this, a trumpet sound suddenly sounded in Owen's consciousness.

"The master understands the Heart of the King and gains 100 points. It triggers skill 5: Spider Sense (predict danger). It requires 5 driver cards and 200 existence points. Do you want to redeem it?"

After redeeming Ultimate Fighter last time, Owen has 6 driver cards left, with 11 points in existence. After killing the strongest killer John Wick, he got 100 points. With the 100 points this time, he can just redeem them.


Owen's eyes lit up and he chose to exchange without hesitation. At this time, nothing would make Owen happier than acquiring powerful skills!

"Confirm the exchange, the exchange is successful, please check the owner!"

As soon as the voice of the American drama system fell, a strange feeling filled his whole body. At the same time, when Owen exited the American drama system in his consciousness and returned to reality, a creepy sense of crisis hit his heart. Owen raised his hand and looked at his arm. The hairs on your body stand up, which is an extremely dangerous sign!

"Fire in the hole!"

The SWAT tactical team finally advanced outside the room where Owen was. After a slight explosion, the door was kicked open, followed by flash bombs and concussive bombs. Team members wearing tactical sunglasses rushed in in a tactical formation. Come in……

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