Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 163 Reloading to attack (please subscribe!)

Los Angeles.


Jane, the big-mouthed beauty, cursed secretly and struggled to get up, but was pinned down. The sniper rifle in her hand had been taken away, and the pistols, daggers and other weapons around her waist were also searched one by one, including the items in the boots. Backup firearms are no exception.

Just when she was at a loss, the strength in her body disappeared. She turned over and stood up flexibly. She saw the target of the mission standing there, looking at her with a half-smile.

"how did you do that?"

Jane looked at Owen warily and couldn't help but ask.

"What do you mean?"

Owen laughed.

"How did you find me!"

Jane said coldly: "This has been two consecutive times, and you have discovered me in advance. This is definitely not luck, nor is it the function of God's Eye."

As Seve's most trusted killer leader, and with the support of her team, she naturally knows what they are hunting for. There is no doubt about the power of the Eye of God, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve this level.

The most likely possibility is that there is a spy within them, who exposed her whereabouts to Owen, otherwise there is really no way to explain all this!


Owen smiled and said nothing.

In fact, it is very simple. Owen has improved the Eye of God so that it has an early warning function. Centered on Owen's foothold, surveillance within a radius of 5 kilometers is included in the observation scope of the Eye of God.

As soon as a target like Jane, who is carrying a large backpack and may be carrying a sniper rifle, enters the warning range, God's Eye will automatically track and analyze it, and then warn Owen.

Therefore, it is very difficult to snipe Irving. The later this kind of thing is exposed, the better it is for Irving. Irving will naturally not pretend to tell others.

"My boss wants to see you."

Jane paused, Seve's voice sounded in the headset, and then handed the tiny headset in her ear to Owen.

Owen took the headset and smiled slightly: "I told you that if you want to see me, come here in person."

"Give me 72 hours."

Seve's voice came from the headset: "I will go there in person, but the location cannot be in Los Angeles. I have received the news that you have completely pissed off the officials, and they have stepped up their efforts to arrest you. Wow, the order was given on the spot. Kill!"

In the United States, the death penalty is very rare. They believe in maximizing profits. After being captured, powerful criminals like Irving are usually imprisoned in special prisons while undergoing various psychological and physiological treatments for official doctors. Study it while waiting for a special occasion to use it as a chess piece across the river.

As for whether it will cause huge casualties again after being released?

It does not matter! As long as they don't harm their own people in the upper class, everything is expendable to them!

Most of those who were ordered to kill directly without contact with arrest were special figures with indescribable secrets, such as Jason Bourne.

Owen had received special agent training and had plot references, so he knew this very well. When Seve talked about it, he immediately understood that the people behind the Harvest Plan had discovered him and started to obliterate the plan.

"Where do you want to be?"

Owen asked.

If you want to become the king of agents and achieve hegemony, a crazy woman with strong strength and power like Seve is definitely a very good logistical helper. One person can defeat the sky and the earth by himself, unless Owen has more orders of magnitude existence points and drivers. Cards must be exchanged for more powerful skills, otherwise he would not have such an amazing ability now.

"New York."

Seve was obviously well prepared. New York is an international metropolis with a very large flow of people and is very easy to hide. Moreover, the headquarters of her subordinate female killer organization is also in New York, so security is even more guaranteed!

Although she wanted to meet Owen because of her intuition, she would never ignore the possible risks.

"Are you okay?"


Irving smiled confidently: "See you in New York in 72 hours!"

"Okay, I'll contact you then."

After Seve finished speaking, he asked Owen to return the headset to Jane, and after a few instructions, the connection was disconnected.


Just as Jane was about to leave, the watch on Owen's wrist began to vibrate.

"Owen, we have been discovered. We have been surrounded nearby and are advancing towards us quickly."

Ramsay's exclamation came from the headset. Owen's expression changed. He scanned around with the scope of his sniper rifle. Sure enough, he saw police cars in all directions, including a large black Chevrolet SUV. Owen knew that it was the police's. Elite SWAT tactical team.

SWAT's full name is Special Weapon And Tactics, which means "Special Weapons and Tactics". It is a special anti-violence, counter-terrorism and terrorism law enforcement unit in the United States with advanced technical and tactical means. It is affiliated with the local police station and generally exists in the form of a squad.

When police units from other departments encounter or suspect heavily armed criminals, they will apply for S.W.A.T. assistance. They use special weapons and tactics to control the situation as quickly as lightning, stop the criminals from resisting, and retreat without a trace. The following police detectives and investigators will enter.

"What's wrong?"

Jane keenly discovered Owen's anomaly.

"This place is surrounded."

Owen took a deep breath and regained his composure: "Come together, otherwise you won't be able to run away."


Jane snorted proudly, turned around and left.

She is also a top killer, and naturally has a lot of confidence and arrogance.

"Ramsay, take the Eye of God and come out immediately."

Seeing this, Owen had no intention of persuading him. He gave an instruction through the headset and went downstairs immediately. He didn't even prepare to use the car, because the other party actually set up a tight and solid fence around the perimeter, making it impossible for a car to pass.

In a tactical command vehicle.

"Sir, target found."

A cold beauty in a professional suit quickly operated the computer and reminded.

"Heather, identify target No. 1 and kill him on the spot!"

An old man gave orders on the other end of the video.

"Don't get close to Target 1. Target 1 has super fighting ability."

An assistant-looking person next to the old man reminded the old man in his ear, and the old man added: "Heavy weapons are allowed to be used when necessary! Target No. 1 must be killed on the spot!"


The cold beauty Heather responded and acted as the on-site commander to convey the order to everyone.

The SWAT team members were stunned and looked at each other with disapproval flashing in their eyes.

The fact that tough guy agent Luke Hobbs fell down with Owen has long been spread throughout the system. Naturally, they don't know about it, but capable people are arrogant. They don't think that with the advancement of their tactics, Owen There are also opportunities for close combat.

However, they are the elite among the elite, and it is instinct to obey orders. After confirming the kill order, they tighten their guns at the captain's wave, ready to kill the target on the spot at any time.

Da da da!

In mid-air, an armed helicopter flew over. Heavy machine guns and missiles were ready, ready to reload at any time. The scene was extremely dangerous...

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