Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 158 The Rhythm of the Big Villain (Please subscribe!)

Thousands of meters in the air.

Inside the ghost plane.


The loud-mouthed beauty Jane's questioning voice sounded on the communicator.

"Take Charlene away first!"

Seve pondered for a moment and then ordered.


Jane replied.

"Send the captured information to the police!"

Seve narrowed his eyes.


The bearded man was puzzled.

"The other party last hid for more than three months. Now the police's vigilance and investigation have been reduced to a minimum. Once the other party leaves Los Angeles with Ramsey, it will take more time to find the other party. We don't have that much time. Waste of time."

Seve said coldly: "Our old rivals must also be looking for Ramsey. Once we get the news, we will definitely mobilize all our forces to block and investigate. If they catch the opponent, we will snatch Ramsey from our old rivals." come over.

If we can't catch him, we will keep Ramsey in Los Angeles and give our people a chance! "

“The boss is wise!”

The bearded man said sincerely.

In their eyes, the official people are completely helpers. This is not arrogance, but a fact. In Fast and Furious 8, even the unknown places where very high-level unknown people were stationed in the army were swept away by them in sneak attacks. One can imagine the contrast between the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides.

Los Angeles.

FBI Los Angeles Division.

"Boss, there's something going on!"

One of the agents stood up and shouted to a strong man.


The tough American agent Luke Hobbs, who had his arms exposed at all times, walked over quickly, stood behind the agent, and looked at the computer.

"Ha! Finally caught you!"

Luke Hobbs' eyes lit up and he ordered: "Immediately pass on the suspect's profile picture, car model, license plate number and other information, and block all entrances and exits. This time I must catch this son of the bitch!"


His detectives responded and began releasing Owen's information to the police.

"Dom, where are you? I need your team!"

Luke Hobbs dialed Dominic Toretto's number.

"almost there!"

On the sunny beach in Los Angeles, members of the Toretto crime family were sunbathing, looking at their bikinis and long legs. They felt so uncomfortable. It was obvious that they were once a group of federal felons!

Dominic hung up the phone and said to everyone: "Hobbes discovered Ramsey's trace, let us help!"

"Finally it showed up."

Roman Pierce, a black man, took off his sunglasses, stood up and shouted: "Then what are you waiting for!"

"go together."

Letty stood up from Dominic's arms and said calmly: "It's not easy to kidnap Ramsey. We'd better be careful!"

Dominic and Letty looked at each other, knowing each other's thoughts.

Unlike Roman Pierce and Taj Parker's thoughts about Ramsey, he and Letty actually didn't want to wade into this muddy water at all. It's just that they were convicted felons in the past, and there was no possibility of rejecting Hobbes' call unless they They wanted to return to their lives as exiles.

After learning that Letty almost died because of his exile, coupled with the fact that his sister Mia and brother Brian now live a happy life, Dominic Toretto simply does not have the courage to live in that kind of exile again.

The four people left the beach chairs and walked towards the four cool sports cars parked side by side outside the beach.

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the roar of the four sports cars, they quickly drove away from the beach and headed towards the city.

"The suspect vehicle, a black Honda commercial vehicle with license plate number ZNB-9527, was found on Second Avenue, heading towards Franklin Avenue!"

On the police walkie-talkie, a police officer warned.

"Roger! Deploy police to block surrounding streets!"

Luke Hobbs ordered: "Dom, where are you?"

"almost there."

Dominic Toretto glanced at the satellite map on the car and replied in a deep voice.

On ZNB-9527.

"Owen, something's wrong."

Ramsey, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was operating the computer and reminded: "The police seem to have discovered us and are closing in on us."


Owen immediately guessed that Seve had revealed the secret, shook his head, smiled, and ordered: "Ramsay, find the weak points, control the traffic lights, and let's go back to the city!"

The police discovered their traces. At this time, running outside the city was purely seeking death. On the open suburban roads, no matter how fast the racing car was, it would never be faster than a helicopter. And with Ramsay's price, the other party might dispatch armed helicopters. They are all very big. Faced with fighting wars and armored helicopter gunships, no matter how awesome Irving is, he has to kneel down!


Ramsay is a top hacker and has half of the Eye of God at hand. It is easy to control the traffic lights along the way. Now she does have the opportunity to do something, but after being honest with Owen, she has no intention of doing so. .

Owen kept staring at Ramsay's movements with his peripheral vision, and saw that she was very focused on following his orders. He thought to himself: "Speaking of which, I now have four skills, but the ones that help me the most are skills from beginning to end. 1. Although skill 1 is just a skill, the various benefits and functions it comes with are really good and powerful..."

"We have company."

In the rearview mirror, several bright colors caught Owen's eyes, and Owen reminded him with a smile.


Ramsay also discovered it and hesitated to speak.

"Do not worry."

After all, Owen is also Li Banwan, who has never touched a leaf among thousands of flowers. He already has the super power of almost unilateral understanding of women's thoughts. Naturally, he can see Ramsay's thoughts and comforts: " As long as they don't go too far, I won't kill them."

"That's good."

Ramsay smiled sheepishly and explained: "After all, they saved me before."

"I see."

Owen nodded and said: "But don't forget that they are not just trying to save you, they are just trying to save you for the Eye of God that you represent, so I can let them go once for you, but if they keep pestering you without knowing what is good for you, , I hope you won’t be too sad when the time comes.”


Ramsay responded dully.

She is just a simple hacker, how can she stand up to such a slightly cruel topic.

"Target found, let's get started!"

Dominic Toretto warned on the intercom, hit the accelerator, and rushed towards Irving first.

"Come on, baby!"

Roman Pierce rapped, "Daddy's here to pick you up."

The four cars spread out, with Leti following closely behind, Roman Pierce and Taj Parker on both sides, and Dominic Toretto driving alongside Irving. He glanced at each other through the car window, and then stepped away. At the end, the car reversed 180 degrees and blocked Irving's car.


Dominic shouted, and the other three cars each ejected a rope and shot at Irving's car...

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