Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 157 Little fist beating chest (please subscribe!)

in consciousness.

"Confirm the exchange, the exchange is successful, please check the owner."

As soon as the voice of the American drama system fell, an exciting BGM sounded, Owen felt that his whole person was different, and an unprecedented sense of confidence came over him!

The mind withdraws from the American drama system, and time in the real world passes again.

Looking at the exaggerated movements of the Asian beauty, Owen was as steady as a rock. When the opponent's long legs kicked from a tricky angle, he lightly grabbed the opponent, exerted a slight force, and immediately pulled the opponent's body hovering in mid-air, and then held the small Punch, punch the opponent in the chest.

In the unknown high altitude, in the ghost plane.

Seve, the long-legged blonde beauty who saw this scene through the real-time screen, twitched the corners of her mouth and rubbed her chest unconsciously, feeling that her whole body was not good...


Asian beauty killer Charlene flew out and hit the wall hard, with blood spilling from the corner of her mouth. Owen's power was so great. It would have been easier to switch to an E-class killer with particularly good defense power, but she didn't. He is a top-level A-level killer who specializes in offense.

She couldn't afford Owen's powerful small punches because her defense was too weak...

"Where is Jane?"

Seeing that Charlene seemed to be no match for Owen, Seve asked directly.

"It will take another 5 minutes to arrive."

The subordinate reported the answer directly according to the positioning coordinates and movement speed.

"Tell her to speed up."

Seve ordered: "Mrs. M, let Charlene hold on, Jane will be here soon."


Mrs. M nodded with an ugly expression.

Charlene is her number one killer, always unfavorable, but she didn't expect that this time she would be in danger of missing out, but she still had to do it in front of her boss!

Charlene touched the blood at the corner of her mouth, held up one hand, and flew up again in violation of the laws of physics. She kicked Owen with her long legs, and the dagger in her hand followed closely, attacking Owen's upper body like a poisonous tongue.

"The waist strength is really good and the body is so flexible~"

Owen couldn't help but have this idea in his mind, but his hand movements were not slow at all, blocking Sha Lin's attacks one by one, and then locked Sha Lin's hands in a playful way, and punched the opponent's chest again with his small fist. Passed by!


Seve, who was watching this scene through Charlene's field of vision, had 10,000 words of mmp running through his mind. The other men's faces were full of weirdness and they thought to themselves: "What did this guy do before? Is he a cosmetic plastic surgeon? He beat me and I'm pretty." Floating fist..."

This time, Charlene spurted out a mouthful of blood. She lay there helplessly. She put her hands on the ground and tried to struggle to get up, but she seemed to be pressed by two mountains and couldn't get up. She watched Owen pick up the pistol and change it. Loading a new magazine, he walked over slowly, a complicated look flashing in his eyes.

There is no fear, just confusion, mixed with a hint of relief!

When she was a child, she was kidnapped by Madam M and trained with hundreds of companions for six years. During this period, she personally killed the companions she spent day and night with. After the cruel training, only three of the hundreds of companions remained, including her. , I thought it was over, but I didn't expect that the nightmare had just begun.

In a graduation ceremony, she was helpless and crying. The ferocious faces and wanton laughter of three strong men kept flashing in front of her. After the baptism of the graduation ceremony, her spirit was completely destroyed and she turned into a numb murderer. machine.

Over the years, so many targets have died in her hands. Many times, just like now, she overlooks the opponent and delivers the last bullet, but this time the position has changed, and she has become the one being overlooked.

On the ghost plane.

Seve looked at the black muzzle of the gun in front of the camera, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly ordered: "Ask Charlene to hand over the communicator to him. I want to talk to him."


Mrs. M lost the confidence and calmness she had at the beginning and accepted orders in a strict manner.

"My boss wants to talk to you."

Charlene was slightly startled when she heard the command coming from her ears, but the obedience habit she had developed for a long time still made her choose to obey immediately. She endured the pain and took out the miniature headset in her ear, holding it in her hand. Said lightly.


Owen took the miniature headset, played with it, gave instructions to Ramsay under the bed, and then put the miniature headset in his ear.

"You took something that belonged to me."

Sever's cold voice came over: "If you give up now, I can pretend that nothing happened. Otherwise, although the earth is big, there will be absolutely no place for you."

"Who are you?"

Owen said casually: "The last time I was threatened like this, it was the official. Do you think you are stronger than the official?"

"Although the officialdom is powerful, it is not dangerous enough!"

Seve said coldly: "Believe me, you will never want to go against me."

"Feel sorry."

Owen shook his head and smiled: "This reason is not sufficient, listen! I have no intention of having any conflict with you, but I absolutely cannot tolerate the Eye of God appearing in the hands of others. You should know that people like us who walk in the darkness, It’s unacceptable to be shined by someone’s light at any time!”


Seve's heart moved, and his cold voice softened slightly: "Is this why you captured Ramsay? Is there no other organization behind you?"

Seeing Ramsey turn the laptop screen over, a familiar face appeared in Owen's eyes. After looking at the photo, Owen felt everything clicked when he heard Seve's voice, and his heart moved: "What do you think? , Ms. Sever?"

"Ramsay is really good."

Seve paused for a moment. After being reminded by his subordinates, he looked at the system risks displayed on the screen and immediately understood what was going on: "I don't think there is any organization behind you. As long as you work for any organization, the other party will never let you lead it." As long as Ramsey stays in Los Angeles and does not move."

"Ms. Sever is indeed wise."

Owen clapped his hands and laughed.

"I have a suggestion."

Seve solemnly said: "Since you don't have an organization, how about working for me?"

"If I say no, will you let the snipers outside kill me immediately?"

Owen punched Charlene unconscious and dragged Ramsay away from possible sniper points. His vibrating watch reminded him that a new hunter had entered the scene.

"If you have to."

Sever said calmly.

"I'm sorry then."

Owen smiled and said: "I'm not willing to take the hard way. If Ms. Sever is really sincere, she will come to recruit me personally, and then we will talk about other things. Goodbye!"

After saying that, he took out the miniature headset and crushed it, raised his hand and fired several shots at the estimated sniper point, and then rushed out of the room with Ramsey.


On the tall building opposite, a beautiful woman with a hot body and a big mouth was hiding behind a bunker. She looked at the dust flying in front of her eyes and cursed bitterly. When she poked her head out again and searched for Owen with a sniper rifle, A black commercial vehicle had already driven away quickly.

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