Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 110 I’m afraid that love will tire the beauty (please vote for recommendation!)

St. Juliana Hospital.

"Thank you Cang...the director of Jinguji Temple for your concern."

Owen was lying on the hospital bed. After dealing with the police chief who came to express his condolences, and shaking hands with the female director of the hospital, he was in a daze and almost spilled the beans.


Seeing Owen's appearance, the people watching nearby burst into laughter that every man would understand.

In their eyes, Jinguji Sora, who is in her thirties, has a young and beautiful face, a body like an anime girl, and a charming temperament like a mature woman, is really indescribably enchanting.

It's normal for Owen to be dazzled for a moment and lose his temper!


Jinguji Sora knew this, but there was no difference. She smiled coquettishly. This kind of scene was too trivial. She was used to experiencing shocking scenes.

Even an experienced pilot like Irving was moved when he saw this smile. It was not because of Irving's lack of concentration, but because of the familiar face of the other party that made Irving sigh.

Thinking of this, Owen looked at Nanase Kyoko who was standing aside, and he already had a rough guess in his mind. This may not be the legendary anime world he imagined, but there is a high chance that it is a live-action movie of that legendary anime.

With the popularity of that legendary anime, there is still a chance of hiring a well-known character in the industry to make a live-action movie.

Judging from the two important female characters, Nanase Kyoko and Jinguji Sora, the quality of this live-action movie is truly top-notch.

I don’t know which master planned it. Others were making subtitles based on the main story, but he made the main movie based on the subtitles. It’s really awesome (broken sound)...

"Li Jun, take a good rest in the hospital and don't be in a hurry to return to the team..."

After the police chief put on a show, he led everyone away. Jinguji Sora, as the director of the hospital, naturally would not stay and talk nonsense with a little guy like Owen, so he left together. Only Nanase Kyoko stayed with a look of admiration. .

"Officer Li, you are so awesome and brave~"

Nanase Kyoko, who has a girlish face and a girlish heart, obviously took all the show-off praises given to Owen by the police chief seriously. She is so stupid and naive, no wonder she is so easily threatened and coaxed...

"Wait a minute, instead of being deceived by that scumbag, why not..."

A bold idea flashed through Owen's mind.

"Nanase-chan, is there a doctor named Hirasaka Ryuuji in your hospital?"

"Hirarasaka Ryuuji?"

Nanase Kyoko tilted her head and thought for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I've never heard of this name."

"Not here yet?"

Owen thought to himself, but then his eyes narrowed and he asked: "Is there a doctor named Hirasaka, or a doctor named Ryuuji?"

"Yeah! That's true."

Nanase Kyoko patted her head and said with a smile: "A doctor named Ryuji did come to our hospital recently. His full name is Kato Ryuji. He has very good medical skills. The nurses who performed surgeries with him are very good. He was praised for his miraculous surgical hands, and I heard he was a college classmate of our dean."


Owen thought: "This is a live-action movie. Naturally, it is impossible to completely copy the settings in the anime. After all, anime is banned. The surname is Kato, and he has a pair of magical surgical hands. Could it be the legendary..."

"Nanase-chan, do you have a boyfriend?"


Nanase Kyoko glanced at Owen shyly: "Officer Li, why do you ask that?"


Owen smiled and said: "Nanase-chan is so beautiful and cute. If she didn't have a boyfriend, I would definitely pursue her. Well, it's such a pity. I don't know which man is so lucky?"

"No way~"

Nanase Kyoko's face suddenly turned red, and she said shyly: "Kyoko is just an ordinary girl, and only Naoya likes her."


Owen's lips curled up: "Is he Nanase-chan's boyfriend? What does he do, a boxer?"


When Nanase Kyoko mentioned her boyfriend, she looked happy and said sweetly: "Naoya is not a boxer, he is an up-and-coming driver who aspires to be a professional racing driver. He drives well!"


Owen was shocked and thought to himself: "This is another change. It is probably because this negative universe is the universe of the God of Cars. So if you defeat the opponent, will you gain negative points?"

Afterwards, under Owen's deliberate guidance, Nanase Kyoko told everything that Owen wanted to know. She felt Nanase's strong and passionate love for her boyfriend. She thought of the goddess in the anime world who was most affectionate but was brutally humiliated. Owen sighed in his heart and adjusted his idea of ​​defeating Naoya in every sense to defeating Naoya in a racing competition.

He never hides his scum attribute, but compared with other scum, he is a very bottom-line scum, just like when he was in high school, he imitated Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and made a sacred vow: "I wish to This stinky skin of my own can save all the scumbags in the world. If there are no more scumbags, I will never become an immortal!"

Regardless of whether she is before or after her fall, Nanase has nothing to do with a scumbag. On the contrary, she is still a good girl and a true goddess who is devoted to love and sex.

Therefore, although Owen was quite moved by Nanase's appearance, he still resolutely chose to give up. After all, this negative universe was just a stop for him, and he would eventually leave alone.

I once whipped a famous horse because I was drunk, for fear that my love would burden my beauty.

The ancients never deceived me!

Although Owen's injury was just a trauma, and because of his level 3-enhanced endurance, he was completely fine for a while, but Owen still chose to stay in the hospital overnight.

First of all, this is a show of kindness from the police chief, and his subordinate must appreciate it.

Secondly, he also wanted to see what St. Juliana Hospital looked like at night in this live-action movie...

At night.

The lanterns are on.

"Hey, Nanase-chan, aren't you off work?"

Owen looked at Nanase Kyoko in surprise.

Nurses all work in shifts, divided into day shift and night shift. Nanase Kyoko has just been on the day shift, so in theory, she should be off work.

"Officer Li, I am the full-time nurse assigned to you by the dean. I must take care of you 24 hours a day."

Nanase Kyoko said with a smile: "And because I have become your full-time nurse, I have enough time to rest during the day, and the same is true at night."

"I see."

Owen was stunned.

In fact, calculated this way, Nanase Kyoko has far more rest time than before, because she is only responsible for Owen, and Owen has nothing to trouble her. If she wants to rest in her free time, she can just go to the nurse rest station in the hospital. rest.

Of course, the premise is that you must meet a worry-free patient like Owen, otherwise you will be in big trouble...

"Officer Li, is there anything you need me to do?"

Nanase Kyoko asked.

"This is it."

Owen smiled and said, "It really is~"

PS: Thanks to Endless 0 for the reward!

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