Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 109 The world is so wonderful (please vote for recommendation!)

St. Juliana Hospital.


With a soft snort, Owen woke up in a soft state, cursing in his mind what bullshit identity the system arranged, which was simply murder, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Upon entering the eyes, there was first a vast expanse of white, like the floating clouds covering the eyes and the heavy snow covering the mountain tops. Then a fragrant wind blew by, the floating clouds drifted, the ground shook, and a pure face came into Owen's eyes.

"Yeah! You're awake, great!"

The young female nurse has obviously just entered the profession and has not yet been overwhelmed by the increasingly heavy nursing work. She is full of pride and enthusiasm for the nursing profession. When she sees the patient awake, she crosses her hands happily and her eyes smile into hearts.

This action makes Owen happy, but also secretly surprised, because this is the real world, not an anime world. A normal person puts on two-dimensional expressions, even if this person has the characteristics of an anime girl (pure appearance, figure Exaggerated), but it still made Owen look a little sideways.

"here it is?"

"Hello, sir, this is St. Juliana Hospital. I am Nanase Kyoko, a nurse at the hospital. I am happy to serve you."

The beautiful nurse straightened her body and assumed a formal professional posture. She bowed and introduced herself.

"Nanase Kyoko?"

Owen was shocked and blurted out: "Isn't it Nanase Ren?"

"Nanase Lian?"

The beautiful nurse was stunned for a moment, then narrowed her eyes and said with a sweet smile: "What a nice name, but my name is Kyoko, not Lian."


Owen was secretly disappointed when he saw that the other party was not that legend. Even he didn't know why... He muttered the other party's name, but felt that the name was also familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere...

Thinking like this, when he looked at Nanase Kyoko's innocent face, Owen felt that this face became more and more familiar.

It's a pity that Owen only liked American TV series and European and American movies in his previous life. I am very unfamiliar with movies from the island country and have only watched a few classic romance and action movies sporadically.

So even with Owen's current powerful intelligence, he couldn't remember who Kyoko was in front of him for a while?

"Sir, do you need anything else?"

Nanase Kyoko asked enthusiastically.

"Oh, not yet."

Owen said casually.

"Okay, Kyoko will leave first. If you need anything, please press the call button on the bedside. Kyoko will be at your service at any time."

After Nanase Kyoko reminded her, she turned and left.

Owen's mind sank into consciousness.

"System, system!"

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Did you make a mistake?"

Owen said angrily: "I just came across time and my car overturned. Do you want to kill me?"

"I'm sorry, Master."

American drama system: "But this kind of start can provide enough reminders for the master."

"What reminder?"

"This is the negative universe. If you are not careful, there is a danger of car crash and death, so please be careful, master: there are thousands of roads, safety is the first priority. If you drive improperly, your loved ones will burst into tears."


Owen's mouth twitched and he was speechless for a while. He reluctantly accepted this explanation. Thinking of the previous rollover and coma, he asked with some solemnity: "System, when can I return to the positive universe?"

American TV series system: "Only when the owner completes the assessment of the driver's license of the car god, defeats the car gods one after another, and becomes the universally recognized Akina mountain car god (in various senses), can he return to the positive universe."

Owen asked: "What is the way to obtain the negative pole point?"

He now only has 14 points of existence, which is a 14-year lifespan. He has no feeling in the positive universe. When he reaches the negative universe where life is in crisis at any time, he suddenly loses his sense of security.

Fortunately, he has also accumulated 120 positive pole points. As long as he obtains negative pole points here, the two will automatically collide, which can increase his existence points, extend his life, and provide enough fuel for the super powerful skill 2.

You know, intelligence is one thing, but the state of learning is another!

For example, Sheldon and the others each have genius intelligence, but when they met Penny, made girlfriends one by one, and started families, they almost degenerated into ordinary people. They had no achievements in the field of scientific research for more than ten years. Make a difference.

They themselves realized this situation later, so they sent their girlfriends away over a weekend to try to recreate the brainstorming of scientific ideas between the four of them, but unfortunately they were no longer in the same state.

They reluctantly gave it a try, but before they could say a word, they were either distracted by funny videos or punishing each other. In the end, the four of them rewatched the Star Trek series from beginning to end.

Brainstorming scientific ideas is already too far away from them.

The deep learning function in the academic master mode, as long as the existence point is enough and the body can bear it, can keep Owen in a 200% super learning state at all times and fully develop his super intelligence.

And the inspiration bonus in the academic master mode is even more overbearing.

Still taking Sheldon and the others as an example, Sheldon's IQ is as high as 187, and Leonard's IQ is as high as 173, surpassing their favorite professor Stephen Hawking (160) and even surpassing the great Einstein (165). , but why are their achievements far inferior to Hawking and Einstein?

That's because they don't have that critical 1% of inspiration!

What makes Einstein greater than other top scientists? It is this trivial 1% of inspiration!

When Owen burned his existence point and activated the inspiration bonus function in the academic mode, after consuming a full 50 years of life, he successfully solved the world's millennium mathematical problem, and then the financial mathematical model that swept Wall Street became Billionaire.

Therefore, he has a deep understanding of the domineering power of the academic master mode. No matter in the positive or negative universe, he has super intelligence and the academic master mode skills, and he has the confidence to be there.

But the academic master mode is a monster that devours existence points. Without enough existence points, it cannot be activated at all. Therefore, no matter what aspect, it is urgent for Owen to obtain existence points as soon as possible.

American TV series system: "As long as the master keeps challenging and defeats one car god after another, he can continuously gain negative points."

"I see."

Owen understood. After logging out of the system, a group of people appeared in his field of vision. The leader he recognized was the Rejing Police Chief, and the narrator was a mature woman with an exquisite appearance and an exaggerated figure in a white coat. He was surprised. I found out that he actually knew him too...

"Director of Jingu Temple, Li Jun is the pillar of our Rejing Police Station. He was injured in the line of duty this time. Please be sure to give him the most comprehensive treatment. Please."

"Chief Yamashita is so polite. The police station provides security for our citizens. Officer Li was injured on the job. It is our hospital's honor to be able to provide services to him. Please rest assured that Jingkong has arranged the best nurses to ensure that Li Officers provide the best service.”

PS: Thank you Master Bai for the reward!

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