Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 577: Childish Chu Jun

   Chapter 577 Childish Chu Jun

   Just when Gu Rou was a little lost, Chu Jun whispered: "He's gone..."

   "What?" Gu Rou came back to her senses, "what's gone?"

"he's gone……"

"he's gone……"

   Seeing Chu Jun's drooping eyes, Gu Rou couldn't help but ask softly, "You say it again, who left?"

  Chu Jun muttered to himself: "Big Brother Mo... gone..."

  Gu Rou is helpless: "Brother Mo, didn't he leave a few years ago?"

   Obviously Gu Rou understood that leaving and Chu Jun said leaving were two different meanings.

  Chu Jun froze for a moment, "No..."

   "Not what?" Gu Rou looked at each other patiently.

   "He left... left this world..."

   The smile on Gu Rou's face instantly stiffened.

"What did you say?"

   "Arou, he left, he left completely, do you think he really wanted to live before he died..."

   Thinking of every word Leng Qi said in his ear that day, Chu Jun felt an uncontrollable pain in his heart.

   "You must be drinking too much, right?" Gu Rou shook her head in disbelief, "Brother Mo, how could he have left this world, how could it be possible?"

  Chu Jun sighed softly: "He really left...the tombstone is in the Nanjiao Cemetery..."

  Gu Rou only felt a rumbling sound in her mind, as if she had been hit by five thunderbolts, and she stayed where she was.

   "How is that possible? How could he die?" Gu Rou still couldn't believe this fact, "You must have been drinking too much, you must have been drinking too much, it's just nonsense!"

  Chu Jun whispered softly: "Leng Qi said that the day he had an accident, he fell to the ground with blood on his face, his eyes blazing and desperate..."

   "I know, he must want to live..."

   Gu Rou only felt that her voice was hoarse, and she couldn't even speak.

   The eye sockets quickly turned a bright red.

   For a long time, looking at the man who was getting more and more depressed, Gu Rou stretched out her plain white hand and gently stroked Chu Jun's hair.

   "Maybe he has been... just in another form to exist in this world, maybe..." Gu Rou didn't know what to say for a while, but felt that these words were useless.

   "I just feel like...I've been living up to his expectations of me..."

  Chu Jun's eyes turned red, and his voice trembled faintly.

  Gu Rou patted Chu Jun gently, "I know, I know."

   Gu Rou didn't dare to say that she felt the same way, but she knew best how uncomfortable Chu Jun was at this moment.

   When Chu Jun was able to access online games and enter Xingyao, it was all because of Mo Shang.

  Mo Shang is not only a belief and goal for Chu Jun, but also for everyone in Xingyao.

   "If you feel uncomfortable, just cry!" Gu Rou said with her head lowered.

  Chu Jun gave a "um", but he didn't cry, just red eyes.

   "I think you've done a good job. If it wasn't for you, Xingyao might have been disbanded..."

  I am used to the mature and steady Chu Jun on weekdays, such a childish Chu Jun seems to be very far away in Gu Rou's impression.

  Mo, mourning!

   Gu Rou recited these two words silently in her heart.

  It's a pity that he was covered in mourning...


   "Arou?" Chu Jun frowned, his eyes returned to the mature indifference of the past, there was still a little bit of the cuteness of last night.

   "You're awake!" Gu Rou finally recovered from her daze.

   (end of this chapter)

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