Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 576: Who made you wrong?

   Chapter 576 Who made you wrong?

  The Chu Jun yesterday made Gu Rou unable to believe that it was Chu Jun.

last night.

  Gu Rou drives home.

   Before entering the house, Gu Rou closed the car in the garage and then went straight to the door.

   After all, she was really tired that day.

   But just as she stepped up the steps, the moment she raised her eyes, she was stunned.

   I saw a drunken man sitting on the ground in front of my house.

   He had messy hair and disheveled clothes, and the drunk man was holding a half-drinking wine bottle in his hand.

   Gu Rou's first reaction was a homeless.

   But it doesn't look like it if you look closely, but it looks more and more familiar.

   She couldn't help but squeeze the bag in her hand, and then, step by step, slowly, walked towards the door.

   However, the moment the drunk man raised his head with a mutter, Gu Rou was frightened.

   "Chu Jun!!" Gu Rou hurriedly snatched the wine bottle from Chu Jun's hand.

   "What's the matter? You were very drunk." Gu Rou raised her face and asked with a frown.

  Chu Jun looked at Gu Rou with a drunken look, "Who are you? I'm looking for A Rou!"

  Gu Rou was startled.

   At the moment when she was stunned, Chu Jun suddenly pushed her away, and then stood up staggeringly.

   pointed at Gu Rou and said word by word, "Tell me, did you hide my A Rou? Hurry up and return A Rou to me."

  Gu Rou came back to her senses, looking at such a childish Chu Jun, Gu Rou couldn't help crying for a while.

   "I am Gu Rou! Your A Rou is right in front of you, see clearly!"

   Gu Rou pulled Chu Jun's arm and planned to pull him into the room, who knew that this guy would suddenly be unable to fall down at this moment.

   Gu Rou quickly supported the half of Chu Junchao's body that fell to the side with her body.

   "Wait a minute, let's go inside and talk about it later."

   Gu Rou said softly, her eyes full of helplessness.

   How many bottles of wine did this guy drink!

  Chu Jun's eyes were hazy and his head was dizzy, "Arou..."

   "Well, I'm here." Gu Rou replied softly, and reluctantly helped Chu Jun into the room.

   Looking at the man lying on the bed, Gu Rou took a deep breath.

   In her impression, it's not that she has never seen Chu Jun drinking, but Chu Jun has always been drinking a lot and will not be greedy.

  Why did you drink so much this time?

   also brought her own drink to her.

   In this big night, Gu Rou is too embarrassed to send the person back, so she can only let the other person stay here for one night.

  Gu Rou poured a cup of hot tea and came over.

   "Drink some hangover tea, or your stomach will be sick for a while."

  Chu Jun seemed to have regained a trace of consciousness. He was lifted up by Gu Rou and leaned against the bedside table. A pair of dark eyes looked at Gu Rou in front of him with a hazy look.


  The man's voice was unexpectedly soft and pleasant, but Gu Rou could sense a trace of grievance and depression.

   "What's wrong?" Gu Rou stretched out her fingers and brushed the man's messy hair, and said softly, "Who made you wrong?"

   Gu Rou's heart softened.

   Chu Jun like this reminded her of Chu Jun when she was a child.

   At that time, Chu Jun was very soft and cute. It was easy to be shy when talking with friends and classmates, but when dealing with those celebrities and powerful people, he exuded a self-confident charm.

   At that time, she was thinking, this is really a strange and contradictory person.

  , however, firmly attracted her attention, and it has been attracted until now.

   (end of this chapter)

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