Chapter 559 Winning the Championship (1)

   As soon as the commentator's voice fell, the referee's voice sounded: "The team that finally won is Xingyao."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

   "Xingyao! Xingyao!"

   "Long Live the Stars!!"

In the cheers of everyone, Wan Zexi reached out and removed the earphones from both sides of his ears and hung them on his neck. His slender and tender fingers were pulling at each other, and everyone around him could hear the sound of the knuckles breaking. Click sound.

   Chu Yan and the others all breathed a sigh of relief.

  Xingyao won!

  Gu Rou, who was standing outside the arena, had a flushed face with excitement, her eyes were flushed, and her mouth was even more so. She didn't even know how many times she jumped in place.

   That feeling of finally being able to breathe a sigh of relief is really indescribable joy.

   At this time, the barrage has been dazzled, and many barrages have overlapped.

  Lin Qi's eyes were gloomy and his face was ashen. He even lost to the group of people in front of him with Mo Shangxie's account.

  Wan Zexi lazily tidied up his collar, his legs and knees were slightly bent upwards, and his fingers played invisibly on the keyboard.

   "By the way, shouldn't you return Mo Shen's account?" The young man suggested in a casual tone: "Or should I bring it myself?"

   "Yes, I almost forgot Mo Shen's account number!"

  Wan Zexi said these words, and Mo Shen's fans began to question Lin Qi.

   "Lin Qi, why is Mo Shen's account in your hands?"

   "I'll just say it! How could God Mo even be unable to use his own tricks well!"

   "Hand over our Moshen account number!"

   "No, although I also think it is very likely that he is not Mo Shen, but that is not ruled out!"

   "What's not necessarily, don't try to fool us, Mo Shen will not be so inferior, look at his face, it's embarrassing."

  The fans started shouting, and many fans even quarreled.

  Lin Qi felt resentment in his heart, and more panicked, because if he really handed it over, wouldn't he be ignoring himself?

   "Why do I have to hand over my account number?" Lin Qi pretended to be calm and refused to admit it.

  Chu Jun said coldly: "His account is in your hands, it is really contaminated."

   Hearing this, Lin Qi's eyes flashed a trace of resentment.

   Little did they know that Dio Qian was sitting in the police station at this time, and the person who called the police was Xiao Hei.

  The game company was developed by Mao Qian's father at the beginning. At that time, Longtu was operating quite well. Since Mao Qian took over the company, its performance has slowly started to decline.

   In order to maintain the company’s operations, the dime chose to evade tax and evasion. At first, it was only a little bit, and then when nothing happened, the dime became more courageous.

  The amount of money that is tax evasion and evasion is getting bigger and bigger.

   "Lin Qi hand over the account number!" The old fan shouted indignantly.

   The narrator saw that the situation was getting worse and worse, and immediately said: "Everyone, don't be so excited, calm down."

   "Captain Lin, I want to know why Mo Shangxie's account is in your hands." Another commentator couldn't help asking.

  Lin Qi sneered: "My account is naturally in my hands."

  Leng Yuan couldn't stand it any longer, "This man's face is really the thickest guy I've ever seen!"

   Mo Yu narrowed his eyes, and his slender fingers quickly operated on the keyboard before the teenager.

   Lin Qi didn't have time to react, his computer went black all of a sudden.

  Lin Qi subconsciously went to operate the computer, but it was too late, the computer was no longer under his control.

   It can be said that in the Matrix, few people dare to compete with Mo Yu.

  Lin Qi, not to mention!

   "Is that Black and White a hacker?" Someone couldn't help but guess with Xingxingyan.

   "I don't know, it looks like it."

  After all, people like hackers have always walked in the dark and always acted in secret.

   When the computer automatically turned on again, Mo Mo Shangxie's account no longer belonged to Lin Qi.

   This account originally did not belong to Lin Qi from the beginning.

  The manager at the backstage suddenly received a phone call. He didn't know what was said there. The staff only felt that the manager's expression was very complicated at this time.



  Lin Qi was really defeated right now.

   It should be said that from the moment he started the game with the Mo Shangxie account, he had already lost.

  Mo Shangxie's account can only be used by Mo Shangxie himself.

   But this is not the end.

   The exciting part has just begun!

  Wan Zexi said, "Director, can I ask for a piece of news?"

  The director was stunned for a moment, why did he put a piece of news on it so well?

   "Why do you want to break news?"

   "I don't know, but don't you think that Black and White Mo is more familiar the more you look at it?"

   "...Inexplicably feel like my Royal Highness, is it an illusion?"

  Cui Xi was startled.


   Like Your Highness!

   She said why it felt so familiar!

   (end of this chapter)

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