Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 558: The stars shine and never fall (13)

   Chapter 558 The stars shine and never fall (13)

  Cui Xi was speechless. Although she didn't know what kind of person Mo Shangxie was, how could someone who can build Xingyao with one hand go so far.

  This Lin Qi is not a good bird at first glance, no, if he insults the bird, he is not a good bird at first sight.

  The second round has begun.

   Under the light, a row of silver earphones shone faintly.

   At this moment, I don’t know why the originally noisy arena suddenly became quiet.

   For some reason, a feeling of being shocked suddenly poured out of their hearts.

   It was a silent shock.

  Chu Jun draws down the field, removes all equipment, and then outputs accurately.

  Lengyuan and the others activated their dodging skills and roamed the field, guaranteeing support at any time.

   Black and white silent god-level prediction, 100% accuracy, attack the opponent with zero attack.

  Long Live Lord rushed into the enemy's territory, continuously dodged enemy attacks, and captured the flag to the limit.

  What about one hand, he can still lead these people to the top.

   Along the way, he has experienced so many misunderstandings. Facing the accusations and abuses of those sunspots, both he and Xingyao have resisted.

   He will never defend, because those who abuse you will only believe what they see and hear, and defending will only make them pale and powerless.

  In the beginning, he always believed that as long as he persevered, he could stop the mouths of those sunspots sooner or later.

  Chu Jun only felt that the moment his heart was relieved, there was an indescribable kind of blood that kept rolling and boiling in his heart.

  Mo Shang is a goal for him, e-sports is a belief for him, and Xingyao is his responsibility and mission.

   They have always loved games, and they have always believed in e-sports.

  Longtu has never been played for fun, freshness, and profit. The reason why they play Longtu and go to professional games is purely because they like it, it’s that simple!

   This truth, Chu Jun did not understand until now.

   "Xingyao seems to be different?" Someone muttered to himself.

  The fans stopped shouting, cheering, and holding up cheer sticks.

   That is a silent tacit understanding.

  Because the real fans have always believed in Xingyao and the group of teenagers, and they are even more convinced that Xingyao will win.


  Lin Qi began to panic in his heart, a few beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the operation of his fingertips gradually became messy.

  Chu Jun squinted his eyes, his eyes were shining, and his voice was solemn: "Are you confident to follow me to win this championship?"

  Chu Yan and the others were stunned for a few seconds.

   "Yes!" Wan Zexi replied with serious eyes and a serious tone.

   "Yes!" Mo Yu replied.

   "Yes!" Chu Yan and the others replied in unison, their eyes full of tenacity.

   "Are you ready?"

   "Ready!" everyone shouted.

   "Okay, let's go!"

  The audience was silent for a long time, and in a trance, they actually saw the match that Mo Shen led Xingyao to win the championship.

   A group of high-spirited teenagers, wearing team uniforms, earphones on both sides of their ears, with youthful smiles on their faces, waving the mouse vigorously, and tapping the keyboard seems to be beating their hearts.

   Their youth and blood seem to be back.

   There is no God Mo this time, but Xingyao is still there.

   Starlight is always there!

  Where there are these teenagers, the stars will always shine and never fall.

  Wan Zexi's dark pupils seemed to be rubbed into a little starlight. At this moment, she looked unexpectedly wanton and extremely dazzling.

   "None of you can let me down, do you hear that?" The boy's wanton and arrogant voice spread to the ears of each teammate, and also to the hearts of each teammate.

   "I heard!" They answered very clearly and loudly!

   Looking at the well-distributed youngsters, the corners of the eyes of the veteran players slowly began to moisten.

   It's great, Lao Tzu's youth is back!

   Those who are watching the video and watching the live broadcast have always thought that this team is nothing without Mo Shangxie.

   I also don’t believe that this team with more young people can win the game.

   They just want to watch the fun and think the current Xingyao is a joke.

   But until the sound of the system kept ringing, until the white light cut through the screen, they were silent.

   As the young man asked, not a single teammate was left behind by them, and not a single person died. Those who have played online games seem to be able to feel the same way, and the warm blood buried in their hearts was finally awakened at this moment.

  Lin Qigang wanted to unleash Mo Shangxie's stunt, but he didn't want Wan Zexi and Mo Yu to cooperate tacitly and make big moves together without giving him any time to think about it.

  Lin Qi was killed!

  The audience has no time to take into account the suspicion of Mo Shen's account, and at this moment their attention is all on Xingyao.

  Chu Jun's fingers quickly switched, the speed must be fast, breaking the limit, a unique trick that belonged to him began to form.

   A blue light pierced the screen.

  The audience subconsciously held their breath.

   The figure was so fast that it kept traversing each map, and at the moment when the audience was about to suffocate, Chu Jun finally activated his ultimate skill.

   merged with Wan Zexi's white light and Mo Yu's blue light.

   Everyone is pushing their limits, and everyone is trying their best to play the game.

   Because they want to win, want to win, still want to win.

  The time is frozen at 5 o'clock.

   Feihong was destroyed by the group!

  The audience was silent for a few seconds.

   Immediately, the audience was boiling.

   The commentator was also stunned for a few seconds before he reacted: "This game was so exciting, everyone in Xingyao was so dazzling."

   (end of this chapter)

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