Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 538: Xu Yang who retired

   Chapter 538 Xu Yang, who retired from the circle

  The fans even shouted.

   "I don't believe Xu Yang is such a person!"

   "I don't believe it either!" Some fans even turned red with anger.

   In the hearts of these fans, Xu Yang and CQ are their beliefs, but suddenly one day they learned that their beliefs are dirty, and I am afraid that any fan will not be able to accept it.

   "Damn, why are you fans still obsessed, he is silent." Some popular people scolded, "Do you have to slap you to wake you up?"

   "...Captain, why do you do this?" Bai Qing looked at Xu Yang coldly.

  Xu Yang smiled wryly: "No reason, it's probably a ghost!"

   "Xu Yang, you're lying." Zi Chen could see at a glance that Xu Yang had ulterior motives, how could he be fooled by just a few words.

However, Xu Yang just shook his head, he looked up at the red-eyed fans in the audience, and smiled bleakly: "Sorry, I made you and CQ shame, I will leave CQ, leave this circle of."

   Looking at the back of Xu Yang's departure, the fans were so angry that they wanted to scold something. They never imagined that the person they liked would do such a shameful thing for the entire e-sports circle.

   But looking at Xu Yang's bleak back, they were inexplicably soft-hearted, and the swear words in their mouths could never be said.

   In the end, he could only silently watch the back of the other side walking away.

  The multimedia team took a picture of Xu Yang's departure. It seems that there is a topic for tomorrow.

   The narrators sighed, in fact, Xu Yang's strength is quite good, who knew he would do this.

   There is a channel port.

   "I'm sorry." Bai Qing bent down.

   "I'm sorry." The others also apologized.

  Leng Yuan was stunned for a moment, then she looked at the indifferent teenager, "...Brother Wan"

  Wan Zexi's expression was indifferent, "You don't need to be sorry, whoever made the mistake is responsible."

   Bai Qing's eyes dimmed, "Captain wasn't like this before. I don't know when he seems to have changed."

  Chu Yan sighed: "People always change, what are your plans next?"

  Chu Yan is not stupid, on the contrary she is very smart. There must be a reason why Zexi is targeting Xu Yang everywhere this time.

   As for the reason, Chu Yan didn't dare to think deeply.

   "We plan to disband CQ, the backbone has changed, and it doesn't make sense for us to stay."

   "Wan Zexi, I admit that you are very good. I hope we will have the opportunity to play a few more rounds in the future." Bai Qing smiled relievedly.

  Wan Zexi nodded slightly and said softly, "Well, see you by fate."

   Looking at the group of people who left, Ye Qing said leisurely: "What a good group of people, it's a pity that their captain has betrayed their trust."

   In fact, to be honest, CQ's team tacit understanding is really notoriously high. If it weren't for Zexi's presence, they really might not be comparable.

   "Stop talking, let's go back, Captain, they must be waiting for us now."

   Mo Yu smiled lightly, very gentle and elegant.

   This young man's smile is so gentle and amazed by the years, but unfortunately the group of people walking in front did not see it.

When    walked out of the passageway, they saw a very familiar person.

   That person is the captain of CQ, Xu Yang.

   "Xu Yang?" Leap Yue exclaimed.

   "Xu Yang, what else are you doing?" Leng Yuan frowned.

   Seeing that these people didn't want to see him, Xu Yang said lightly, "Don't worry, I just came to remind you."

   However, as soon as he finished speaking, the young man took a step forward and said, "Cash?"

  Xu Yang was shocked: "You know?"

  Wan Zexi: "I knew it before the game."

  Xu Yang only felt that he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. At this moment, he clearly realized how terrifying the young man standing opposite him was.

   Thinking of Dio Qian's scheming appearance, Xu Yang suddenly felt so ridiculous!

   It turns out that they are the ones who are stupid!

  Xu Yang's voice was a little decadent, "Don't worry, I won't continue to play professionally." Xu Yang didn't know how he said this, but felt that the pain in his chest was about to suffocate.

   "Brother Wan, who is the dime?" Looking at Xu Yang who was leaving, Leng Yuan couldn't help but ask.

   "Boss of Longtu Headquarters." Deng Zhuo replied for Wan Zexi.

   "Could it be that the captain's hands are the ghosts that made the dime." Leap Yue's eyes suddenly sank.

  Wan Zexi didn't speak, but there was a faint light in his dark pupils.


   My North Stars




   (end of this chapter)

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