Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 537: disappointed (6)

   Chapter 537 Disappointment (6)

   At this point, the faces of both teams appeared in the camera, as well as the fingers they were operating.

   I have to say that they were attracted by the fox-eyed boy at first sight.

   The light hit the boy's cheeks softly, highlighting a bit of softness and mystery.

   "My God!" Someone couldn't help but exclaim, "His hand speed is too fast!"

   "Don't you think the hands of the gods are particularly beautiful? They are the type of beautiful hands I like."

   The hands on the keyboard are snow-white and snow-white, with slender and slender bones, and neatly trimmed fingernails. It looks neither too thin nor too fleshy. Every place seems to be carved, just right.

  Cui Xi looked at the hands and couldn't help being lost for a moment, she suddenly remembered the paintings she had posted on the wall.

   Many of them are the hands of Man Ye, who were specially painted.

   Looking at it this way, Cui Xi just thinks what she painted before?

  The game has entered a white-hot state.

   Ignoring the black fans who have been mocking her, Wan Zexi pursed her lips, swiped the mouse handsomely with her right hand, and then killed her in a cool move.

  Bai Qing's eyes darkened. Through the contact just now, he realized just how terrifying this Lord Long Live was, and how perverted his hand speed was.

   What is even more powerful should be the physical strength of this Long Live Master, otherwise it would have been too much for ordinary people.

  Xu Yang just wanted to press the Enter key, but he didn't have time to react at all, and a figure came to him.

  The boy's hair was messy, his fingers were very clean, and his eyes were cold and he slammed into the opponent's head.

   Looking at Xu Yang who fell to the ground, Wan Zexi opened his lips slightly and spat out two letters: "K! O!" The moment the two letters fell, the system sounded.

   "Ah ah ah ah!" The scream sounded like an explosion.

   "All gods! All gods!" The fans stood up uncontrollably.

   "I'm afraid it was the fastest speed in the history of the gods just now! Even Xu Yang couldn't react." The commentator shouted excitedly.

   At the same moment, Mo Yu manipulated Black and White to steal the opponent's pennant, and the outcome of the game is self-evident.

   "Xingyao PKCQ, Xingyao wins!" The moment the referee's voice sounded, Xu Yang's face turned very pale, and his fingertips trembled uncontrollably.

   How can you lose?

How could    be lost?

  Why lose?

  The camera cuts to the boy again.

I saw the young man in the camera raised his chin slightly, stared directly at the screen in front of him, and said softly in a mellow voice: "The gift has been delivered to your computer, I think everyone of you CQ can see it. ."

   After saying that, the boy stood up from his seat.

  Xingyao and others also followed and left their seats.

  Bai Qing and the others were completely confused, and they couldn't understand what Wan Zexi was talking about.

   For a while, he said that he would give them CQ a gift in return, and for a while he said that their captain was cheating, which was simply a bad character.

  The narrators just thought the atmosphere was really embarrassing, and some CQ fans were completely annoyed.

   "Who is this!"

   "How can such a person win?"

   "Disgusting, I won't watch Longtu's game again."


   "What's the matter?" Bai Qing, who was about to turn around and leave, saw that the computer screen went black all of a sudden.

   "Why did this computer shut itself down?"

   "Mine too, suddenly shut down."

   "Probably the staff controlled it!"

  Xu Yang's heart was numb. At this moment, he suddenly expected something. He pressed the power button hard with his fingers, but the computer did not turn on.

   Bai Qing: "Captain, maybe the background is shut down, let's get out of here first!"

   Zichen only felt that the captain's expression was very wrong today, and his eyes narrowed.

   "Strange, why did Xingyao's computer not shut down, but CQ all shut down."

   Mo Yu narrowed her eyes, her thin lips slightly raised at this moment.


   I saw that the computer in the row of CQ suddenly lit up, and a few lines of words appeared on it.

   Looking at the above information, Bai Qing and the others were stunned.

   The atmosphere became silent for a while.

  The characters on the big screen are also clear enough for those in the audience to read them clearly.

   Leap Yue was surprised: "So this Xu Yang really bought it."

  Wan Zexi put her hands in her pockets, her posture was lazy, and after finishing the game, she returned to her previous laziness.

   "Team... Captain..." Bai Qing only felt his lips tremble.

   "Captain...this is fake...isn't it?" Zi Chen asked with some difficulty.

   "Captain!" Everyone else looked at him expectantly, hoping that Xu Yang himself would say that the news was fake.

   Seeing that these teammates were all looking at him with expectant eyes, his thin lips moved silently.

   The words he wanted to quibble about were finally swallowed.

   In fact, he could quibble that this was fake information, but he didn't know what he was thinking, and in the end he chose to remain silent.

   Seeing that Xu Yang chose to remain silent, Bai Qing and the others only felt that their hearts were half cold.

   Bai Qing's eyes gradually dimmed.

   They never thought that the captain would do such a thing to win.

   "Captain, you said it was fake, we believe you."

   "Captain, it's fake, right?"

  Xu Yang lowered his head decadently and said nothing.

   Zichen looked at Xu Yang for a while, and finally sighed softly, "You have changed after all."

  Bai Qing only felt his eyes numb and moist, "Captain, we are very disappointed in you."

  The fans on the field immediately exploded.

   The commentators and referees were also shocked.

  Multimedia even carried the camera to film this scene frantically.

   (end of this chapter)

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