Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 511: Competition (10)

   Chapter 511 Competition (10)

After    shopping, Wan Zexi and Moyu were ready to go back.

   Along the way, the two of them didn't know how many people's attention they attracted, and they turned heads.

  I don’t know if it was a coincidence or what happened, but the photos of the two of them when they were eating were secretly photographed and posted on the Internet.

   In the photo, the teenager leans back on the chair, lazily, with an inexplicable flirt.

The young man wearing a hat next to the young man lowered his head slightly, his knuckled fingers peeled the shrimp shells very elegantly and calmly, his sideways face was handsome and noble, especially the strong nose bridge and thin lips. , looks great together.

   "My God, is this a date?"

   "I recognized at a glance that it was His Highness and Lord Wan, tsk, these two actually went on a date."

   "I feel like they have forgotten about us fans, woohoo, fans are having a hard time these days."

   "This place is a bit familiar."

   "I remember that Longtu is not going to compete? Could it be that Mo Yu also went with him?"

   "Maybe in the past to cheer for Man Ye. Anyway, I have already bought the tickets. I will go to see Man Yeh's competition at that time, haha."

   "Suddenly my opinion of Mo Yu changed a bit. The previous black material almost forced me to become a black fan."

   "By the way, I don't seem to have played the game Longtu, only other games."

   "In the online game rankings, Longtu barely made it to the top four. Although it is quite popular now because of the appearance of Mo Shangxie, not many people have heard of it."

   "It can't be said the same, the star shining back then was the real star shining, every star was indispensable, and it was a real star gathering."

   "Xingyao was all the rage back then, it was truly unstoppable."

   There is a very credible big V on Weibo who once said such a sentence.

   "In those days, the stars were shining, but now the stars are falling one by one."

   On the day of the competition, everyone from Xingyao left early.

  Chu Jun looked at the photo on the screen of the mobile phone, there were three people standing in the photo.

   The red-haired youth in the middle bent over and put his arms on the shoulders of the two left and right. The young man smiled uninhibitedly, and his eyes were full of confidence and vigor.

   The childish man on the left is the former Chu Jun, and the sunny young man on the side is Leng Qi.

   "Who is this young man with dyed red hair? Damn me, why is this guy next to me so like my uncle when he was young." Leng Yuan couldn't help exclaiming.

  Chu Jun returned to his senses, it was useless to turn off the phone screen, after all, Leng Yuan had already seen it.

   Liao Chong glanced at the phone screen in Chu Jun's hand inexplicably.

   "This is the former captain." Wang Xiao replied, "The one on the left is the captain, and the one on the right is Leng Qi."

   "That Mo Shangxie?" Leng Yuan couldn't react a little, what the hell! That red-haired young man was actually the first captain of Xingyao, Mo Shangxie.

   And her uncle actually knew Mo Dashen, it was incredible.

   Could it be that her uncle used to be a member of Xingyao?

   The scale of the finals is huge, and the field is more than double the size of the previous field.

   Ye Qing laughed inexplicably: "It seems that the boss of Longtu has made a lot of money this time, and the scale of the competition is larger than that of the previous dozens of games."

  Deng Zhuo: "This year's competition looks much more intense than in previous years."

  Wan Zexi closed his eyes lazily, sat on the chair in the backstage, leaned his back, closed his eyes and rested.

   (end of this chapter)

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