Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 510: Competition (9)

   Chapter 510 Competition (9)

   "Don't just peel the shrimp shell, remember to eat it." Seeing that Mo Yu has been sitting there carefully peeling the shrimp shell since the beginning, Wan Zexi raised her eyebrows and couldn't help saying.

   Mo Yu finished peeling the shrimp shell in his hand, and said in a leisurely tone: "Peel it for you."

   The other party's knuckles are distinct, and the slender and white fingers are very beautiful, like works of art, people can't help but watch it carefully.

   Even if the white fingertips were stained with oil from peeling the shrimp shells, it was hard to take their eyes off.

   "Enough to eat." Wan Zexi stopped the other party's urge to continue peeling it off.

   Mo Yu decisively stopped the urge to continue peeling.

   "Hand, reach out." I saw Wan Zexi pulled out a few napkins.

   Mo Yu glanced at the boy, then obediently stretched out his two hands.

  I saw Wan Zexi lowered his head, pulled Mo Yu's hand, and wiped his fingers with a serious look, wiping each finger very carefully.

   This slice of crayfish is quite famous for its taste.

   It was just one day before the game, so Chu Junte allowed them to stroll around and play casually during these two days.

   So, Wan Zexi and Mo Yu came here to eat crayfish.

   "What a coincidence!" A girl's voice suddenly came from the side.

   "I didn't expect to meet you here." Qin Yun smiled softly.

  Wan Zexi greeted this lady as soon as she came up, raised her eyebrows slightly, and said in a loose tone, "We know this lady?"

   Qin Yun's expression was still soft, but her fingertips tugged at the corner of her clothes unconsciously, feeling a little breathless.

  Wan Zexi glanced at Mo Yu, Mo Yu shook his head, "I don't know."

   Seeing that the young man's eyes were alienated and he looked unfamiliar to her, Qin Yun hooked his lips and said with a smile: "It's no wonder, after all, it happened a long time ago, it's normal to forget, you once rescued me at Emgrand."


The time when    rescued Mo Yu?

  Wan Zexi carefully looked at Qin Yun in front of him, and there was a vague impression in his mind.

   "I have an impression." Wan Zexi tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, and his movements were very regular.

   Qin Yun's smile suddenly deepened. Just as she was about to continue to say something, her face became a little stiff in the next second.

   "Mo Yu, who was rescued that time, is quite impressive."

   Qin Yun's eyelids drooped, and a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes. Since she concealed it well, she only felt awkward on the surface.

   "Is there anything else?" Wan Zexi was a little cold towards unfamiliar people, with a bit of detachment and detachment between his brows and eyes.

   Qin Yun barely maintained the smile on his face, "I just want to thank you, my name is Qin Yun, I wonder if I can make a friend with you?"

   Mo Yu's expression was indifferent, and a trace of gloom flashed in his long and narrow phoenix eyes.

   Hearing this, Wan Zexi leaned back lazily and said indifferently, "Sorry, I don't like making friends."

   Qin Yun bit his lower lip subconsciously when he heard this, and his hatred for Mo Yu became even stronger in his heart.

   "It's okay, it's fine as long as I know you." Qin Yun smiled softly, then turned and left, walking towards her seat.

  Wan Zexi's red lips raised meaningfully: "Strange, this person is quite hostile to you."

   "Is it because I was implicated by you last time, taking revenge?"

   Mo Yu's eyelids drooped, and her extremely long eyelashes covered the gloomy emotions that flashed in her eyes, "Well, take revenge."

   "No wonder." Wan Zexi smiled knowingly. She was a little emotionally retarded and didn't think about love at all.

   After all, in the matter of Mo Yu, she finally got the hang of it, how could she know that Qin Yun had a crush on her.

   (end of this chapter)

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