Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 279: The people behind it are even more difficult

   The person behind Chapter 279 is even more difficult

   As soon as the video came out, the group of people who scolded them just now didn't dare to come out and make trouble again.

  Jin Qianqian watched the situation on Weibo suddenly reversed, she couldn't help but grit her teeth.

  This bitch... Every time his life is so big, every time he can escape the chance of being reviled by everyone.

   That's right!

  The paparazzi was created by Jin Qianqian, and she secretly sent the video to those marketing websites to post it. In order to make this matter more and more troublesome, she also ordered others to cut out the unnecessary clips.

   I just didn't expect her to escape this time. Thinking of this, Jin Qianqian hated it.

  ——"So cool!"

  ——"Is it the first time that your Highness can be so handsome?"

  ——"I want to be a fan, I am His Highness's bodyguard!!"

   Zhang Xiaodong originally planned to contact a few old friends to help solve this matter, but he didn't expect that someone would solve it for them.

   Watching the trend of Weibo comments turned, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

   I almost thought that Mo Yu was going to be hacked by the whole people. After all, most people can't accept such pain, not to mention that Mo Yu's star career has just developed a little.

   But I don't know that the kind person sent the video. If he knew, he would have to thank Mo Yu for the other party.

   And when Wan Zexi saw the change in his reputation, his typing fingers finally stopped.

  The fox's eyes narrowed with a half-smile but not a smile, how could this happen so coincidentally, who is helping Xiao Yuyu behind the scenes?

Seeing that the number of followers on Weibo was still growing, Wan Zexi planned to cancel his Weibo account, but after thinking about it, he might still need it in the future, so our crown prince left it on Weibo. A vest such as a "focus bar".

   "Xiaohei, help me find out who is the owner of Tianye Bar?" Wan Zexi always believed in Xiaohei's ability.

  Xiaohei is still very reliable at the most critical time. After all, she is also a person trained by her father, and her ability and brain are still good.

After   Wan Zexi hung up the phone, he clenched his hands close to his chin, and his eyes were thoughtful.

   About five minutes passed.

   The phone rang.

   "Hey! How's it going?"

   "Prince Prince, the owner of Tianye Bar is Tang Wen who came to our Wan family to buy our Wan family last time. Tianye Bar is just a small part of all his properties."

   "Tang Wen?" Wan Zexi frowned, and then she seemed to think of something, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

   "Is there any other information?" Wan Zexi then asked.

   "No, I also managed to find out that the owner of the Field Bar is Tang Wen." Xiao Hei said solemnly: "Tang Wen is not a simple person, it is better for the prince to be careful."

   "Well, go get busy first!" Wan Zexi was about to hang up.

   "Prince Prince, wait-"

   "What else?"

   "It's the person you asked me to take care of last time. I don't know that a group of people appeared there and wanted to kill him." Xiao Hei frowned.

   Hearing this, Wan Zexi's face turned cold at first, and then he sneered: "Idiot."

The man behind    is nothing more than trying to make a fuss, and it will only make himself more stupid.

   "He is now one of my Wan family, you protect his personal safety for me."

   "I will." Xiao Hei responded.

   Looking at the black screen of the phone, Wan Zexi hooked his lips carelessly, as if mocking and mocking.

   Tang Wen is not simple, but the person behind him is probably even more difficult.

  If you guessed correctly...I saw the dark pupils of the young man shimmering with thick moisture, like a hunter, fiercely waiting for the moment to hunt animals.

   (end of this chapter)

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