Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 278: Specialist Leverage Online (3)

   Chapter 278 Dedicated to Governing the Golem Online (3)

   "You stop her for me." The administrator ordered.

   Mo Yu saw these men in black rushing up not afraid of death, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   Mo Yu's speed was very fast, so fast that no one could imagine it. He only saw that he knocked these people down to the ground.

   Seeing those people falling to the ground and wailing, the administrator cursed in a low voice: "It's all trash, the boss knows that he won't be able to spare you."

   And Mo Yu didn't even look at those people on the ground, and left there under everyone's terrified gaze.


  Mo Yu held his forehead, he didn't expect that the incident would be photographed so coincidentally, and he was on Weibo hot search today. He watched the video, and it was obvious that it was deliberately edited and sent out like that.

   Mo Yu clicked on Weibo and logged into the Weibo account.

   It’s still okay to delete these videos as a hacker, but this time it’s not like last time. If you delete it this time, it will only make those people more convinced that this thing is true.

  The only way is to find out the original video and post it.

   Looking at the stinky comments under the hot search, Mo Yu's face was calm, these were meaningless to him, and what about the hurt in his heart.

   Just one person caught Mo Yu's attention because of frequent comments.

   Specializing in gangsters? ?

   Watching Jizhi Gangjing happily replying to those black fans under every hot search, Mo Yu felt a little funny in his heart.

  1st Floor: @國zhizhujing, sister!

   2nd Floor: @國zhizhujing, brother!

  3rd floor: @國zhi kongjing, awesome!

  Fourth Floor: @導zhigangjing, hello big brother!

   There are a group of fans who want to be brothers and sisters with Ji Zhi Gang Jing.

   Because of this incident, our gangster is on fire.

   The number of Weibo followers has been rising, and the number of followers has reached about 20,000 in an instant.

  Passers-by have to say: Awesome!

  Because of some curiosity, and being used to being a hacker, Mo Yu couldn't help but simply check the true identity of this "specialist gangster".

   However, when he knew who this brother was, he: "..."

  Ah? ? !

   Mo Yu couldn't help opening his eyes slightly, looking very surprised.

   He quickly turned his head to look at the boy lying on the sofa.

  I saw the young man look leisurely, and his slender fingers kept tapping on the black keyboard.

   Mo Yu, who has good eyesight, has already determined the identity of the other party as soon as he saw the word "gang fine".

   Mo Yu was dumbfounded for a while. But, looking at the young man who was so eager to fight those black fans for him, he couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in his heart.

Mo Yu turned around and looked at the hot search, but suddenly felt that the hot search looked quite cute. Mo Yu, who was originally indifferent, looked at the comments of "specializing in the gangster" and couldn't help but slightly hooked the corner of his mouth. Lips smile.

   I'm afraid that if the fans of His Royal Highness know that the Lord they are distressed is smiling at this time, I think they may vomit blood.

  Mo Yu's action was very efficient. He used hacking technology to save the original full video well.

   Those black fans who were trying to spray, step on, and scold Mo Yu were taken aback for a moment when they watched the video that was suddenly pushed up.

   The video content this time is very complete, and it looks much clearer than the previous one.

   When they saw Mo Yu neatly kick the disgusting yellow-haired man who was teasing him to the ground in the video, those black fans said: "!!!"

How to do? They actually thought that such Mo Yu was a bit handsome.

  ——"I rely on me! His Highness is so handsome!"

  ——"Your Highness actually fought so hard!"

  ——"Slap in the face!! Your Highness is excellent!"

   (end of this chapter)

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