Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 271: sprinkle sugar (1)

   Chapter 271 Sprinkle Sugar (1)

   "Principal, Wan Zexi has already left."

   Hearing this, Xiao Hong immediately raised his head.

   "Did he say something?"

  Si Jing shook his head, "No, I didn't mention a word."

  Xiao Hong sighed: "Ordinary people don't allow Yun Lan to enter if they want to. This is really a virtue for the father and son. If they want in, they can go in and out."

  Si Jing lowered his eyes slightly, which was self-evident to the father and son in the headmaster's mouth.


  Wan Zexi said goodbye to Leng Yuan and left.

   sat on the 988 bus again.

  The teenager still chose to sit in the last seat.

   Maybe because it was late, there was only a teenager in the car.

   And the driver of the car is a middle-aged uncle.

  Wan Zexi glanced at the sleeping Heiba, then turned his head to look out the window.

   I saw bright lights outside and cars coming and going on the road.

   In this quiet atmosphere, Wan Zexi's heart also calmed down.

  I don't know what Xiao Yuyu is doing at this time?

   After about twenty-five minutes, Wan Zexi finally arrived at the community in front of the apartment.

   It was just that Wan Zexi was far away, but he saw a slender figure walking there staggeringly.

  Wan Zexi paused, why did she feel familiar with this figure?

  Wan Zexi took a few steps forward, and under the illumination of the light, she could not help shrinking her pupils slightly.

   Xiao Yuyu? !

  Wan Zexi stepped forward quickly, and then supported Mo Yu with both arms.

   Mo Yu's fair face was a little pink and red, and the usually cold phoenix eyes were as ignorant and ignorant as a child at this time, which made people couldn't help but like it.

   However, Wan Zexi frowned for the first time, and said in a somewhat unpleasant tone: "How much alcohol have you drunk?"

   "Who are you?" Mo Yu tilted his head, this kind of Mo Yu is the exact opposite of the usual high-cold Mo Yu, with a contrasting and cute feeling.

  Although he didn't want to admit it, Wan Zexi couldn't help but feel so cute because of such Mo Yu.

   "I'm Wan Zexi?"

   "Wan Zexi?" Mo Yu said, and his body almost swayed, and then Wan Zexi walked forward with his eyes and hands quickly hugging Mo Yu.

   "Yes, I'm Wan Zexi, do you remember?"

   "Wan Zexi, Wan Zexi, Wan Zexi..." Mo Yu kept mumbling in his mouth, as if he wanted to keep this name in his heart.

   "Here, we're home." Wan Zexi quickly entered the password with his fingers, "Crack!" The door was opened.

  Although Mo Yu looked thin, but it was really heavy, Wan Zexi put Mo Yu slowly on the bed with a little effort.

   moved Mo Yu's long straight legs from under the bed to the bed, and finally took off the other party's shoes carefully.

  Speaking of which, Wan Zexi is the first time to take care of someone.

   And Mo Yu is also the first person who can let Wan Zexi do this.

  Wan Zexi sighed, then poured a cup of hot water from the kitchen and brought it into the bedroom.

   "Xiao Yuyu get up and drink a cup of hot water, don't feel uncomfortable for a while." Wan Zexi's voice was obviously three points softer than before.

   "Huh?" Mo Yu's eyes stared at the young man's flawless face.

   "Get up and drink water." Wan Zexi said patiently, and by the way lifted Mo Yu's upper body up against the pillow placed behind him.

   "I don't want to drink." Mo Yu frowned.

  Wan Zexi was slightly startled.

   It was the first time she saw Mo Yu like this, she was a little willful and a little disobedient.

   But not annoying.

   "Good, drink, we can go to sleep." Wan Zexi coaxed each other like a child.

   Thank you for your monthly pass~



   (end of this chapter)

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