Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 270: The school grass of the two famous schools

   Chapter 270 School drafts of two famous schools

"Feng Qing, she is a very good child. She is my favorite student among the students I teach. She is lovable, well-behaved, and clever. It didn't take long for Mu Xi to drop out of school, and I don't know much about him. What's going on now?"

   After listening to this description, Wan Zexi narrowed her eyes slightly. She always felt that this matter could not be as simple as Hua Bo said, and I was afraid that there were other inside stories.

   But anyway, knowing a clue about the mother's relatives can be regarded as a gain.

   "Senior Huabo, thank you very much for telling me this." Wan Zexi said with a very sincere attitude.

  Hua Bo waved his hand, "These are not secrets, because you are Feng Qing's child, I told you these things, and the rest will only add to the sadness."

   "The junior won't bother you anymore." After saying this, the boy stood up and turned to leave.

   Looking at the distant back, Hua Bo couldn't help sighing.

  The children of Fengqing and Wan Lin are really excellent, and their speech and behavior reveal the dignity and calmness in their bones. The dragon and the phoenix among the people are just like that.


   "Heiba." Wan Zexi squatted down gracefully and put his fingers on Heiba's snake head.

   "Where did you go to play?" Wan Zexi released the black bus early.

   As for whether Heiba ​​will come back to find her, she is not worried, she will come back when she comes back, and if she doesn't come back, she will just smile.

   After all, Heiba ​​is a snake, it should belong to nature, and it is understandable not to come back.

   "His!" Heiba ​​arrogantly rubbed Wan Zexi's cool fingers.

   At this moment, Wan Zexi's eyes darkened, "Why does your body smell of blood, Heiba?" Although it was not strong, Wan Zexi could still smell it.

   "Hiss!" Heiba ​​looked at Wan Zexi innocently with a pair of red pupils.

   "Didn't you eat something?" Wan Zexi asked with raised eyebrows.

   "Hiss!" Heiba ​​spit out snake letters towards the forest.

   "Hunting?" Looking at Heiba's movements, Wan Zexi immediately guessed what Heiba ​​meant.

   "Is it an animal?" Wan Zexi asked.

   Heiba ​​rubbed the boy's finger again, which made Wan Zexi helplessly chuckle.

   "You are free to hunt, but don't hurt people easily. Of course, if the other party wants to hurt you, there is no need to endure it." The low-pitched voice said slowly.

"When we're full, let's go home! I'm sure you're not used to eating here." Said the boy put one hand in his pocket, the other hand put the black and white bag on his shoulder and left There.

  Weibo was very lively at this time.

   What is shocking is that the first few hot searches on the hot search list are all about Wan Zexi.

  #Wan Ye has come to Yunlan#

  #Wanye answer video#

  #Wanye School Grass Ranking#

   The teenager in the video looks a little blurry, but it still can't stop the handsome boy.

  I saw the slender black figure solving the problem on the blackboard in a chic and free manner, which made a bunch of fans in the video comments scream, calling for licking the screen.

   At this moment, a post was placed at the top, and the administrator added a fine word at the back.

"#School Grass Ranking List# Yunlan and Yunnan's common first-ranked school grass is Wan Zexi. All five stars in the overall evaluation, and the number of votes is still rising. Congratulations to our Wan Ye for being awarded the joint school grass of the two famous schools. List number.1."

   "Chocolate Cookie": My family is so good, and this kind of beauty is truly worthy of its name!

   "Little Ice Cream": Wan Ye is mighty and domineering.

   "I'm Lonely": As expected of a son, no one can take the place of number one.

   Almost all the comments in the comment area are praised and licked, even except for a few sour chickens, fans dare not come out.

   After all, although the little fox guards are Buddhist, their mode of attacking people has reached a high level.

  There is no way. Although Wan Ye is not floating in the rivers and lakes, he still causes many people's acid and jealousy. During this process, the cohesion of the little fox guards is comparable to those of Liu Yingdi's fans, and there is even a faint trend of overtaking.

   Good afternoon~



   (end of this chapter)

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