Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 218: Heartbroken little fox guard

   Chapter 218 The Heartbroken Little Fox Guard

  Wan Zexi clearly captured the disgust in Qin An's eyes, and his eyes couldn't help thinking, and thinking of Wan Ling's expression just now, Wan Zexi seemed to have vaguely guessed something.

   "Qin An! It's alright, I know you're angry, right?" Wan Huimin barely kept her face. After all, she was outside and she didn't want to lose face.

  Wan Ling's eyes were dull, looking at the two people in front of her, her body could not help shaking, no, she just came to help her cousin try on clothes today, don't be afraid, don't think about it.

   Looking at Qin An's face, Wan Ling's lips couldn't help biting tightly, because her teeth were trembling faintly, she was afraid she couldn't help it, she was afraid that she would collapse here.

   Qin An was very keenly aware of the sight. He turned his head and locked Wan Ling with a glance. Looking at Wan Ling's resentful but complicated eyes, Qin An frowned, why did he feel like he had seen this girl somewhere.

   Just when he wanted to explore carefully, a slender and jade-like figure was carelessly blocked in front of Wanling, and also blocked Qin An's sight.

  Wan Ling was slightly startled, looking at the figure in front of her, her eyes were inexplicably red, and her nose suddenly became sour. If only she could have met her cousin earlier, at least she would have known that she had such a relative.

   "Wan Huimin, I want this suit, sir, and I want to get it back from the young man. I'm afraid you are not qualified." Wan Zexi said such arrogant words with a dull expression.

   Qin An looked at the handsome young man in front of him with deep eyes, and then he said, "I don't like this suit very much, and this suit is very suitable for you to wear, so I won't take it for granted."

  Wan Zexi hooked his lips like a smile, "It's still President Qin who is interested."

   "To be honest, the boy in this suit looks really good, even though the woman's husband is also good-looking."

   "With such a comparison, the gap will not come out. It's still a little better for teenagers."

   "The temperament of a teenager is really rare, so it's really attractive."

   "Why do I feel more familiar the more I look, ah! Damn, isn't this my son?"

   "No, it's Lord Wan!"

   "Young master looks really good in a suit!"

   "I want to sign, I want to take pictures!"

  Wan Huimin knows that she is in a very bad situation now, because she has no support from her parents, so she can't be willful, and now she can only endure.

   "Husband is right, this suit suits you very well, although I really want to buy it, since it's all like this, then forget it."

   "Husband, let's take a look elsewhere." Wan Huimin returned to her original gentle and amiable appearance, as if the arrogant person just now was not her.

Qin An didn't want to pay attention to Wan Huimin. When he turned around, his eyes glanced in Wan Ling's direction again, but unfortunately because Wan Zexi was blocking him, he couldn't see anything, but the girl's eyes and expressions just now were different. Be remembered by him.

   "Are you still trying?" Wan Zexi asked as he looked down at the girl in front of him.

Wan Ling was silent for three minutes, then she raised her delicate little face, took a breath, blinked her eyes, and said with a smile like a flower: "Try it! It's hard to come here, of course we have to try it, but we still have to look elsewhere. Look!"

   Looking at Wan Ling's smiling face, Wan Zexi frowned, but didn't say anything. It's better not to ask some things, "Yeah!" The mellow and gorgeous voice answered coldly.

   "Ah ah ah! The son is leaving, hurry up!"

   "Why did I just leave after taking the photo, I haven't asked for an autograph yet!"

   "Forget it, stop chasing it. Seeing how it was just now, our fans should not bother Master Wan."

   "Fortunately, I took a lot of photos, and they look good no matter how you take them!"

   The boy in the suit in the photo is standing there with a slender figure like jade, his eyebrows and eyes are exquisite and picturesque, his skin is as white as suet jade, and his temperament is luxurious, elegant and evil.

  Wang Rong looked at the photo, and while licking her face, she suddenly discovered a problem, "Then it's better to poke those people around in this photo, especially these three people."


   "You're stupid. Although this is the first time chasing stars, you still know some things in the entertainment industry. If you just put up the photos like this, I'm afraid that the son will be smeared by the marketing account."

   "That's right, although I'm curious about the relationship between Lord Wan and the woman wearing the mask."

   "Let's wait and see for now! After all, Master Wan doesn't play Weibo or anything, so we fans can only worry about it."

  Wan Zexi, who was walking on the road, didn't know that because of her, fans became more and more worried, and they seemed to be happy.

   (end of this chapter)

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