Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 217: Extraordinary panacea

   Chapter 217 Abnormal All Souls

   "Is he the one who bought the suit?"


  Because the boy's appearance is so amazing, it is impressive at a glance.

   "What the hell? I've already bought that suit!" Wan Ling said angrily, looking at the waiter in front of him.

   "Don't be angry yet, let's see what the other party is going to do?" Wan Zexi's words easily calmed Wan Ling's anger that was about to explode.

  Wan Ling frowned, she wanted to see who was so thick-skinned.

   However, when she turned around and saw two familiar faces that could no longer be familiar, Wan Ling's body suddenly stiffened, and his face suddenly paled.

  Wan Huimin...and the person beside her...

  's face couldn't help turning paler, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and a trace of panic and fear suddenly flashed in the depths of those watery eyes.

   Roar, cry, explosion.

   She is so scared!

   The scene with the firelight seemed to be mocking her wildly, she was cowardly, she deserved it, and she deserved death.

   His body couldn't help but trembled slightly, no, she was going to leave, she was going to leave, and the heart-piercing roar from the bottom of her heart made Wanling's brain hurt even more.

   "Hey! I'm talking to you, do you hear me? I want that dress, and you can pay the price." Looking at the sluggish girl in front of her, Wan Huimin's beautiful eyes flashed with contempt.

   "Wan Huimin, it's just a suit, just buy something else." Qin An looked at the girl's eyes, and suddenly felt a little unbearable in her heart.

   Seeing Qin An's eyes locked on the girl in front of him, Wan Huimin became more and more unwilling to compromise like this.

   "No, I have to buy this suit back. Did you hear it? Are you deaf?"

  Wan Huimin watched the girl ignore her, she couldn't help being a little annoyed, she couldn't help but stretch out her arms and go in the direction of Wanling.

   "Crack!" However, Wan Zexi firmly grabbed her arm.

   "You!" Looking at the young man in front of him, Wan Huimin suddenly felt a little familiar, as if he had seen the young man somewhere, "Let me go, do you know who I am?"

   said, Wan Huimin struggled to break free, but she didn't expect that the boy's strength was so strong that she would not be able to break free no matter how hard she tried to break it.

   looks pretty, but it's so vulgar.

   "Qin An save me."

   Qin An's eyes were cold, looking at the young man in front of him, he couldn't help squinting, "Master Wan, can you let go of my face?"

   "Wan Zexi!" Wan Huimin's eyes widened when she heard the words of Prince Wan.

   "Crack!" At this moment, Wan Zexi suddenly let go of Wan Huimin's hand, and the delicate fox's eyes were full of coldness.

   Looking at his hand, Wan Zexi took a tissue and wiped it carefully with some disgust.

  Wan Huimin looked at the boy's movements with embarrassed eyes.

Wan Zexi suddenly hooked his lips and smiled: "I like this suit, sir, no matter what, as long as it falls into the hands of the young man, there is absolutely no reason for it to be taken away. President Qin will not want to grab it. !"

   "Wan Zexi!" Wan Huimin's eyes contained resentment, because of him, because of him, her parents and her brother died.

   She didn't believe what she said that she died in a car accident. It definitely has something to do with Wan Zexi.

   Looking at Wan Huimin's gnashing of teeth, Wan Zexi sneered, "Speaking of which, you should call me cousin too!"

  Because of seniority, even though Wan Zexi was younger than Wan Huimin in actual age, the other party still wanted to call her brother.

  Although it's not close, it's interesting to see Wan Huimin's gloomy and aggrieved look.

  Wan Zexi's eyes glanced at Wanling casually, seeing that her face was not right just now, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she was obviously afraid of something.

   It was fine just now, but when I saw the two people in front of me just now, my face was very ugly.

  Inadvertently, Wan Zexi's eyes scrutinized Qin An's body, and a hint of deepness flashed in his eyes.

   cousin? Hearing this title, Wan Huimin's face was ugly. She was married, and she was much older than Wan Zexi. In addition, she looked down on Wan Zexi from the beginning, how could she be called Wan Zexi's cousin.

   "Wan Huimin, don't cause me trouble." A sneer appeared on Qin An's handsome face, "I doubt whether you really want to buy me clothes or show your identity."

   "Qin An!" Wan Huimin looked at Qin An in disbelief, am I like this in your heart? "

   "Of course not." Qin An smiled warmly. When he saw Wan Huimin getting happy because of his words, his next words were like cold water poured on Wan Huimin.

   "You have been like this in my heart from the very beginning." Qin An spit out these words with disgust in his eyes.

  Wan Zexi raised his eyebrows with interest, oh, so exciting! This wealthy marriage is so interesting.

   (end of this chapter)

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