In the car……

"Senior sister, where are we going?"Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui who was sitting in the passenger seat and asked

"Let's go to my house first." Shangguan Yingrui looked at the scenery passing by outside the window and said indifferently.

""Oh!" Ziyun nodded, and then drove towards Shangguan's house.

More than half an hour later...

Shangguan's manor

""Miss!" The servant called Ziyun and Shangguan Yingrui respectfully.

Shangguan Yingrui and Ziyun walked into the house together, and a woman in her forties came to greet them.

"Xiaorui is back!" Madam Shangguan looked at her daughter kindly, then looked at Ziyun,"Xiao... who is this?"

Ziyun smiled and said,"Hello, auntie! My name is Ziyun, and I am... my senior's boyfriend!" Ziyun revealed his identity

"'s Yun, hello, hello, come in and sit down!" Mrs. Shangguan was stunned for a moment, then quickly called Ziyun into the house.

"Thank you, auntie!"Ziyun smiled politely, then took Shangguan Yingrui into the living room.

"Come, come, have some tea. Try it. This is the new tea that Yingrui's father brought back from abroad." Madam Shangguan handed the teacup to Ziyun.

"OK! Thank you!"Ziyun took the teacup with both hands, took a sip of the tea, and then praised:"The taste is fragrant and mellow, and it tastes sweet after entering the throat. It is indeed a good tea."

"Haha, as long as you like it!"Mrs. Shangguan laughed happily, and then ordered the servants to prepare snacks and drinks.

Soon after, snacks and drinks were placed on the table.

"Come on, don't be polite, eat!" Madam Shangguan greeted Ziyun warmly. Ziyun was not polite either. He picked up the chopsticks and picked up the snacks on the plate and started eating. One, two, three, four pieces.……

"Eat slowly! Don't choke."Mrs. Shangguan reminded worriedly.

"Thank you, auntie. Ziyun put down his chopsticks, wiped the snack crumbs from the corner of his mouth and said

"Xiaoyun, you are too polite. You two can chat. I will go and see if lunch is ready."After Mrs. Shangguan finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

""Yeah!" Ziyun nodded.

After Mrs. Shangguan left, Ziyun relaxed and moved closer to the sofa as if relieved. Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun's relaxed posture and couldn't help but smile.

At this time, on the other side, Gong Yueke finally got rid of Gong Yuelan's entanglement and returned to her home. She was about to look for Ziyun, but found that there were only the man she hated and Xinxin at home. Her face instantly became gloomy.

""Mom~" When Xinxin saw Gong Yueke coming back, she got down from the sofa and called her tentatively, then stepped back.

Because she felt that her mother was very, very angry now, as if she would beat her to death in the next second.

The man who was washing dishes in the kitchen also heard the movement in the living room. He immediately wiped the water stains on his hands and ran out of the kitchen to check the situation, but saw Gong Yueke standing in the middle of the living room with an angry face, looking at her daughter Xinxin with cold eyes. When

Xinxin saw the man coming out, she quickly hid behind the man as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw, her little face full of grievance and fear.

""Xinxin, go back to your little room and play!" The man stroked Xinxin's furry head and said gently.

""Yeah!" Xinxin nodded obediently, then ran to her room and closed the door.

The man saw his daughter close the door, then looked at Gong Yueke and said,"Xiaoyun has returned to school."

He didn't dare to tell this crazy woman, otherwise, who knows what this crazy woman would do!

After all, this woman has done a lot of crazy things in the past few years! He has become numb!

""Haha, you're back to school after just a few days of vacation? Who can you fool with this?" Gong Yueke said sarcastically, with a sharp tone and a ferocious expression, looking very scary.

"Believe it or not!" The man snorted coldly, not wanting to bother with this crazy woman anymore. He knocked on his daughter's door and called softly,"Xinxin! Open the door! It's Daddy!""

""Oh, okay!" Upon hearing this, Xinxin immediately opened the door and let the man in.

After coming in, the man locked the door, squatted down, touched his daughter Xinxin's forehead, and then covered her little ears.

Soon, there was a sound of smashing things and a woman's hysterical roar in the living room. It took an unknown amount of time for it to stop.

Gong Yueke looked at the wreckage of the TV she threw away and the mess on the floor. She was so angry that her whole body was shaking. She gritted her teeth and said,"Shangguan Yingrui...Shangguan Yingrui……"Gong Yueke's eyes were bloodshot as she murmured, her fists clenched so hard that they made a clattering sound."

Shangguan Yingrui, just wait for me, one day I will kill you, and make sure you die without a complete corpse, and your bones will be crushed to dust.

Xiaoyun can only be hers, and anyone who dares to covet Xiaoyun shall die!"

Gong Yueke looked hatefully at the vases, broken glass, and smashed TV that she had smashed in front of her, and finally fixed her sight on the photo hanging on the wall. When she saw the boy in the photo, she suddenly became quiet, and then slowly stroked the boy's delicate eyebrows in the photo with her hand.…………

Shangguan Family Manor

"Xiaoyun, how about trying your aunt's cooking?" Mrs. Shangguan invited enthusiastically.

""Hmm!" Ziyun responded, and then walked over to the dining table.

Shangguan Yingrui followed closely behind him and sat directly next to Ziyun, but this time Shangguan Yingrui sat on the chair next to Ziyun, and her whole body pressed against his right arm. Ziyun frowned immediately, but because of the presence of the elders, he didn't say anything.


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