The next day, Shangguan Yingrui and Ziyun washed up and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Wow, today's breakfast is so rich, my favorite steamed buns, I want to eat a hundred of them!" Xinxin picked up the most fragrant and soft steamed bun on the plate and put it into her mouth, squinting her eyes and enjoying the food intoxicatedly.

"Eat slowly, be careful not to choke!"Ziyun poured a bowl of porridge for Xinxin and handed it to her, smiling and admonishing her.

""Yeah! I know! Thank you, brother~!" Xinxin smiled sweetly, then took the spoon and started to drink the porridge.

"Brother Ziyun, I want to drink porridge too, you feed me~" Shangguan Yingrui next to him looked at Ziyun coquettishly, and said coquettishly in a numbing tone, which made Ziyun tremble all over.

"Uh... OK, OK……"Ziyun stuttered and quickly scooped a spoonful of porridge and put it on Yingrui's lips.

""Ah~!" Shangguan Yingrui opened her mouth and took the porridge from the spoon. After eating, she licked the corners of her mouth that were stained with soup shyly.

She looked so seductive that Ziyun was stunned and almost forgot to feed her porridge.

"Hehe~ Brother Ziyun, you are so cute!" Seeing Ziyun's silly look, Yingrui giggled, then wiped the corner of her mouth with a tissue, took a sip of milk, looked at Ziyun again, and seduced coquettishly:"Brother Ziyun, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and feed me some porridge! I'm starving!"

"Forehead……"Ziyun swallowed his saliva, then came back to his senses, scooped up another spoonful of porridge and fed it to Yingrui's mouth. Seeing Yingrui closing her eyes and enjoying it, he suddenly felt that he was very happy to feed her, and even his appetite became very good.

The man in the main seat seemed to be fed a mouthful of dog food. He was very upset, but he couldn't complain.

Xinxin looked at her brother who was feeding that bad woman porridge, and immediately pouted her little mouth, and said angrily:"Huh~ Brother only cares about that bad woman to drink porridge, and doesn't care about me, he is so partial!"

After that, Xinxin put the bowl and chopsticks aside, and lay on the table with her little butt sticking out, with a sad expression.

""Ahem!" The man looked at Xinxin's arrogant look and pretended to cough a few times to remind her to pay attention to her image.

But Xinxin seemed to have heard nothing and continued to lie on the table, constantly poking the dumplings on the plate with a fork to vent her anger.

"Xinxin……"Ziyun looked at the little girl making such a fuss and was immediately in a state of confusion.

"Humph~~" Xinxin still pouted and ignored him.

""Xinxin, be good~! If you ignore me, I will ignore you~" Ziyun pretended to stare at Xinxin fiercely and threatened viciously.

Sure enough, this sentence successfully stopped Xinxin's riot. She opened her watery eyes wide, looked at Ziyun aggrievedly, and asked with a pursed mouth:"Brother, don't you like Xinxin anymore?"

"Of course not, Xinxin is my brother's most precious little princess, how can my brother bear to ignore her?"Ziyun touched Xinxin's head and said with a smile,"Okay, dear, eat quickly! You will be starving in a while."

""Brother, you have to feed me too. Don't just feed your sister and ignore Xinxin!" Xinxin pouted her little mouth, looking aggrieved, which made Shangguan Ying beside her feel secretly happy.

"Okay, brother will feed you too." Ziyun said with a smile, then picked up a piece of cake and put it into Xinxin's mouth.

""Hehe, Xinxin likes brother the most!" Xinxin showed a bright smile, and then chewed the pastry in her mouth happily.

While feeding the two beauties beside him, Ziyun asked the man:"Godfather, is my mother not back yet?"

"Not yet... I guess you're still being pestered by your second aunt.……"The man shook his head and said,"Why don't you tell your mother something?"

"Nothing, just telling my mom that I'm leaving today!" Ziyun said, and continued to feed Xinxin and Shangguan Yingrui.

"Leaving so soon?"The man asked in surprise

"……Well, I'll go play with Yingrui for a few days, and then I'll go to school.……"Ziyun glanced at Shangguan Yingrui and hesitated for a moment before saying,"

When I just got up this morning, Shangguan Yingrui rubbed against Ziyun like she did yesterday, leaving her marks all over his face. She also took advantage of him sleeping and pounced on his lips, making his whole body hot.

She didn't stop until he agreed to her request."

"That's good, but you have to take good care of yourself. After all... after all, you are still young and have a long way to go. Don't make the wrong decision because of impulse."The man earnestly instructed Ziyun.

"Oh, I see……"Ziyun replied calmly

"Then when will my mother be back?" Ziyun changed the subject.

"You don't have to tell your mom. If you tell your mom, you can still go. Xiaoyun, don't forget that your mom tried to stop you last time you went to sign up, let alone this time?" The man pondered for a moment, spoke slowly, and then added:"So, pack up and leave before your mom comes back, otherwise you won't be able to leave!"

Ziyun frowned and thought about it. It was indeed the case, so he sighed and said,"Okay! I get it!"

When Xinxin heard that her brother was leaving, she was immediately panicked. She immediately threw herself into his arms, hugged his waist, and cried,"Wuwu...Brother, don't go, Xinxin, don't let brother go... Wuwu...Xinxin, don't let brother go……"

""Xinxin, be good! I'm just going to school. I'll come back to accompany you during the holidays, okay?" Ziyun patted Xinxin's soft back and comforted her.

"Really? Don't lie to Xinxin!" Xinxin raised her tearful eyes and stared at him expectantly.

"I really won't lie to you. How could I lie to you?" Ziyun pinched Xinxin's pink and tender face lovingly, then rubbed her head and said

"That brother must keep his word! Don’t lie to Xinxin!"Xinxin blinked her wet eyes and stared at Ziyun pitifully. Her pitiful appearance made people feel pity.

"Okay! Brother, you keep your word! I will never break it! Ziyun raised his hand and promised

""Yes! Xinxin believes in her brother~" Xinxin burst into laughter, put her arms around Ziyun's neck, and buried herself in his broad and warm chest.

Ziyun touched Xinxin's furry head lovingly, and raised the corners of his lips slightly.

After dinner, he accompanied Xinxin for a while.………

After coaxing Xinxin to sleep, he drove away with Shangguan Yingrui.


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