"Brother Ziyun~, where are you going?"

Shangguan Yingrui stood on the stairs, looking down at Ziyun who was running out in a panic.

She was wearing a black lace dress, her long hair was scattered on her shoulders, her fair and smooth skin was as delicate as a baby's, her rosy and delicate mouth was holding a faint smile, her eyes were curved, just like the bright crescent moon in the sky, smart and charming, looking around, full of temptation... At this moment, she was a stunner.

However, her smile revealed a gloomy and terrifying look, like a soul-snatching messenger from hell, which made people feel cold all over.………

Shangguan Yingrui's words startled Ziyun. He stopped and looked up at the person on the stairs.………

"hehe……"Seeing Ziyun standing there in a daze, Shangguan Yingrui laughed softly. She walked down slowly, stopped in front of Ziyun, stretched out her slender jade hand to pinch Ziyun's handsome chin, and said with a charming smile:"Brother Ziyun, where are you going? Didn't you promise me that you would always be with me? How come you forgot so quickly?" There was a teasing tone in her voice, but it made Ziyun shudder.………

Ziyun stared at Shangguan Yingrui with a wary and suspicious look, and remained silent.…………

"Brother Ziyun, what are you thinking about?" Seeing that Ziyun ignored her, Shangguan Yingrui's expression gradually became sick.

She moved closer to Ziyun and sniffed his scent.

Smelling the faint fragrance on Ziyun, she closed her eyes and was intoxicated by it, as if she was in a world with flowers and birds singing, flowers blooming, butterflies fluttering, and cranes flying. This world is beautiful and elegant, magnificent and magnificent.

"Ah... so comfortable……"She murmured to herself, her voice was light and pleasant, and sounded very pleasant.

Hearing Shangguan Yingrui's murmur, Ziyun felt a sense of disgust in his heart. He suddenly shook off Shangguan Yingrui's grip and said angrily:"Don't touch me!!"

"Hehe~, brother Ziyun, you are so ruthless!" Shangguan Yingrui stared at Ziyun with a smile, without any anger on her face. She stroked the back of her hand and chuckled:"Brother Ziyun is so naughty~, he dared to shake off his sister's hand? Hmm~~? Should he be punished?………"

She raised her eyes and looked towards Ziyun's waist and abdomen.………

""Get lost!" Ziyun glared at Shangguan Yingrui angrily and shouted coldly.

He hated Shangguan Yingrui's hypocritical look.

"Tsk tsk tsk……"Shangguan Yingrui was amazed,"Have you forgotten how you knelt at my feet and begged me to let your family go? But now you treat me so cruelly, brother Ziyun, you change your attitude faster than turning the pages of a book~"

"However, the way Ziyun looks now still makes his sister love him more and more.……"Shangguan Yingrui said softly, with a charming smile on her face. She walked up to Ziyun with lotus steps and stretched out her right hand to touch his handsome face.……

"Get out of here, you pervert!" Feeling Shangguan Yingrui's cold and slippery palm, Ziyun dodged in disgust, not wanting her to touch him.

"Pervert? Hahaha..., yes! I am indeed a pervert, and I just like you like this! Hahahaha~~, I can't wait to see you……"Shangguan Yingrui was not sad because of Ziyun's words, but giggled.

Hearing this, Ziyun's eyes darkened, his cold gaze fell on her, and his cold tone sounded:"You dare!"

"Hehehe... Brother Ziyun is so humorous! How could I not dare? As long as brother Ziyun is obedient... I promise that you will not get hurt~, but I have one hundred and eight ways to torture people~" Shangguan Yingrui licked her lips and said coquettishly:"If you don't believe me, you can try it~, I am waiting for brother Ziyun's favor~"

There was a hint of expectation in Shangguan Yingrui's eyes, as if longing for something.

Ziyun narrowed his eyes, looked at Shangguan Yingrui dangerously, and said word by word:"I tell you, I will never let you touch me, I would rather die than let you succeed, unless I die!"

The smile on Shangguan Yingrui's face disappeared, replaced by a cold smile,"Brother Ziyun is really unromantic~"

Shangguan Yingrui said as she walked in front of Ziyun, raised her hand and lifted Ziyun's chin frivolously,"Sister can't bear to kill you~, Brother Ziyun is my sweetheart~"

Ziyun pushed her arm away with force, stepped back a few meters vigilantly, and kept a safe distance from her.

Shangguan Yingrui didn't seem to notice Ziyun's alienation. Instead, she took a step and walked towards Ziyun again,"Brother Ziyun, what's wrong with you?" Shangguan Yingrui blinked her watery eyes and asked in pretended confusion

"Shangguan Yingrui, I advise you not to anger me. Ziyun threatened coldly.

"Tsk tsk tsk~~, Brother Ziyun is so rude! I’m so scared~" Shangguan Yingrui said with a scared expression, and then put on a charming and seductive look and said:"But~ I just want to irritate you, to see who is the winner?"

"You are simply crazy!"

""Haha~, thank you! Brother Ziyun, you are so kind!" Shangguan Yingrui covered her mouth and laughed. Her voice was as clear and sweet as a silver bell, but with that eerie smile, it made people feel creepy.

Ziyun didn't bother to pay attention to her and turned around to leave the hall. However, as soon as he took a step, he felt dizzy. When he opened his eyes again, he was already lying on the bed, his limbs tied up with ropes, unable to move.

"Shangguan Yingrui, let me go!" Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui angrily and growled.

Shangguan Yingrui shook her head, walked to the bed, sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out her hand to touch her slightly curly long hair, and smiled:"Brother Ziyun, don't worry~, I won't hurt you, your sister is the most���is you!"

""Get away!" Ziyun yelled angrily,"I hate your touch!"

"Brother Ziyun, how can you say that? You are my baby. Shangguan Yingrui said, picked up the whip next to her, waved it lightly, and said to Ziyun with a smile.:" Okay, brother Ziyun, accept the punishment!"

After saying this, he whipped Ziyun.………

‘The whip hit his body, bringing a burst of intense pain.

The muffled groan of the whip hitting his flesh and the low cry of Ziyun gritted teeth intertwined together, making it even more exciting.

Ziyun bit his lower lip tightly, clenched his fists, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Tsk tsk tsk~, brother Ziyun, it seems that your skin is quite fair~, this whip hits you and your skin is all red~"

"Shut up!"Ziyun said with gritted teeth

"Well, you are indeed Ziyun's little darling~, your personality is really hot!" Shangguan Yingrui exclaimed.

The whip was raised again and fell on Ziyun.

"Snap! Snap!"The whip landed on Ziyun's fair and smooth skin, and a blood flower bloomed.………

Finally, half an hour later, Ziyun's body was covered with bruises and whip marks from intensive phobia.

Shangguan Yingrui threw away the whip in her hand, revealing a trace of sickness, and sat beside her, stroking Ziyun's scarred body, and then………

The following content is omitted………

The next day, the morning sun shone into the bedroom and onto the bed, waking up Ziyun who was still dreaming.

Ziyun suddenly opened his eyes and saw Shangguan Yingrui's face, staring at him without blinking.

"It seems that my brother Ziyun was woken up by my chewing~"



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