"Xiaoyun, I……"Seeing Ziyun rushing over and picking up Shangguan Yingrui's body, Gong Yueke started to explain in a panic, but before she could finish her words, she was shocked by Ziyun's cruel and gloomy eyes.

"mom………Why did you kill him? She just likes me, and I promised you that I will break up with her later.……."Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui's body and said in great sorrow.

Ziyun didn't want to believe that his usually gentle and kind mother would kill his girlfriend.

Hearing Ziyun's question, Gong Yueke's face turned pale. She murmured in retort: "She wants to take you away from your mother, so... that's why I...……."

""Enough!!!" Ziyun suddenly raised his voice and roared hysterically, tears streaming down his face."You disappoint me so much. My father died early, leaving you alone to raise me. Now you even want to kill my girlfriend. Am I so unbearable in your eyes?"

"I…………"Gong Yueke looked at Ziyun's sad face and couldn't help feeling guilty. It was her fault. She was too extreme and too sensitive. She was afraid that her son would leave her, and she couldn't even tolerate a person who liked her son.

She took a deep breath, suppressed the pain in her heart, and walked slowly towards Ziyun.

She reached out and grabbed Ziyun's arm, and said softly:"I'm sorry, Mommy wronged you. Mommy is really too afraid of losing you...that's why...………"

Ziyun pushed her arms away, picked up Shangguan Yingrui's cold body and walked away without looking back.

Gong Yueke was stunned for a second, then caught up with Ziyun and grabbed his clothes,"Xiaoyun, don't you forgive your mother? Don't you care about your mother anymore?"

Ziyun paused, turned his back to Gong Yueke, and said softly,"Mom, you have to take care of yourself, go and turn yourself in!"

"Surrender?" Gong Yueke shook her head,"No! Absolutely not!! Mom can't live without you!! Ziyun……"

"You did something bad, so you should be punished." Ziyun interrupted Gong Yueke.

Hearing Ziyun's words, Gong Yueke's face suddenly became ferocious, and she screamed with all her strength:"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! , Xiaoyun!! You are my only child, I gave birth to you!! How can I bear to abandon you?!"

"Since you are unwilling to surrender yourself, I have no choice but to call the police.………"Ziyun took out his phone.

Seeing Ziyun's action, Gong Yueke immediately rushed over, snatched his phone and threw it away, shouting hysterically:"Don't call the police! Ziyun! I don't allow you to call the police! You must listen to me!"

"………"Ziyun looked at Gong Yueke with a complicated expression.

"mom……"Ziyun called out hesitantly, with a hint of disappointment and sadness in his eyes.

"Xiaoyun, mommy doesn't want you to call the police, so just stay home and spend time with mommy. I know you hate mommy for killing her, but she is your girlfriend after all, you have to understand mommy.……"Gong Yueke looked at Ziyun pleadingly, her tone was pleading and humble, as if begging him to stay.

Ziyun pursed his lips and remained silent.

Seeing that he was silent, Gong Yueke tried to comfort him more hurriedly:"Ziyun, don't hate mom. Mom did this because she loves you too much... Mom knows that she was wrong... Mom begs you not to leave mom again, okay?……"

"I……"Ziyun closed his eyes helplessly

"mom……"Ziyun's voice was choked and hoarse, as if he had experienced a huge blow. He opened his eyes, a look of determination flashed across his eyes, and then he turned and left...

Looking at Ziyun's resolute back, Gong Yueke's tears slid down her cheeks, crying:"Xiaoyun, don't go! Don't abandon me!……"

"Xiaoyun... Xiaoyun... you... you leave mom, I won't let you leave mom, mom won't allow it!"

Then she picked up the pistol on the ground and pointed it at Ziyun's head, shaking violently, her face full of tears, and she shouted in a hoarse voice:"Xiaoyun, don't leave mom... If you dare to leave mom, I will die with you!"……"

As she spoke, she placed her finger on the trigger and slowly pressed the trigger with her index finger. A bullet flew out of the chamber and shot straight at the back of Ziyun's head.

"With a"Puff!" sound, the bullet penetrated the flesh and entered the skull.

Ziyun groaned and then fell to the ground.………

"Xiaoyun……"Seeing Ziyun lying in a pool of blood, Gong Yueke felt powerless and fell to the ground, tears sparkling in her eyes.

She covered her mouth and cried bitterly.

Xiaoyun is dead, Xiaoyun is dead... Xiaoyun is dead...

She was in great pain and cried heartbreakingly.………

Xiaoyun is dead... her Xiaoyun is dead... she killed her precious son with her own hands.………

Gong Yueke lay beside Ziyun and wailed in pain, crying her heart out, as if she had gone mad.…………

Whirring whirring………

Ziyun woke up from the nightmare, with beads of sweat on his forehead, his hands covering his chest, his heart beating violently, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

The nightmare just now was too horrible.…………

He panted for a long time before regaining some composure.

He was about to leave the bed when he found that his hands and feet were chained and there was no way to break free.

He lowered his head and took a closer look, and found that it was the iron chain again.………

Shit! Why haven't I woken up this time? I went from the last dream to the next dream?

Let's get out of this predicament first!

Ziyun took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself down.

He first observed the surrounding environment. It was a very spacious and bright room, decorated in an antique style. There were sandalwood shelves all around, filled with all kinds of rare treasures. The carpet was clean and spotless. The windows of the room were carved with delicate patterns, and there were many portraits of the same person hanging on the walls. Looking closely, that person was Ziyun himself. Ziyun in each painting was lifelike and vivid.

""Huh? Why does this place look so familiar?" Looking at the furnishings in the room, Ziyun suddenly felt very familiar, as if he had seen this room somewhere before.

"Have I been here before?" Ziyun frowned and thought. He always felt that he had been to this room before, but he couldn't remember when.

""Forget it, never mind! Let's escape first!" After saying that, Ziyun twisted his wrist hard, trying to break free from the chains, but after trying two or three times, he felt a piercing pain in his wrist. Ziyun gritted his teeth and endured it, refusing to cry out.

Finally, Ziyun struggled to loosen the chains. Although his wrists were still burning with pain, at least his hands could move.

Then he tore off the chains that bound his feet, and Ziyun quickly got up from the bed and ran towards the door.

But just as he ran to the hall, the lights in the hall suddenly lit up, which scared Ziyun.………

"Brother Ziyun, where are you going?"


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