Night falls quietly, the bright moon gradually climbs up the branches, and the lavender light shines on the bed.………

Suddenly, the sleeping Shangguan Yingrui opened her eyes, got out of bed, put on her shoes, opened the door and walked out.

She first went to the kitchen to boil a pot of water, then went to the refrigerator to find a box of milk, then she returned to the bedroom with two cups of hot milk and gently placed them beside the bed.

She picked up a cup of milk and handed it to Ziyun, gently shaking the wall of the cup, then leaned close to his mouth and coaxed:"Come on, brother Ziyun, drink a glass of milk before you go to sleep."

Then, Ziyun slowly opened his eyes, took the cup from Shangguan Yingrui's hand, and drank a few gulps of milk at the right temperature.

""Senior, what's wrong with me?" Ziyun asked doubtfully. He remembered that he fainted for no apparent reason at noon today.

Shangguan Yingrui listened to him, smiled slightly and said,"I don't know, maybe you are too tired, brother Ziyun? So you fainted." Of course, she would not tell Ziyun that she had shot a coma needle in his body the moment he opened the door, causing him to lose consciousness and faint.………

"Well, maybe!"Ziyun thought about it, but didn't think much about it. After all, he was tortured for so long yesterday, he must be very tired.………

""Okay, it's getting late, go to bed early! Good night!"

Shangguan Yingrui said and lay down. She reached out to turn off the light. The room instantly fell into darkness.

Ziyun hesitated for a moment, and finally closed his eyes. He was really weak all over now, perhaps he was really too tired.

Shangguan Yingrui opened her eyes in the dark, glanced at Ziyun beside her, put on a smile, and she slowly approached Ziyun and kissed his lips.………

Ziyun was struck by a tingling sensation. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw Shangguan Yingrui's beautiful face. Her big eyes were full of love and affection.…………

He stared at the beautiful eyes, not daring to blink.………

Then, he heard Shangguan Yingrui murmur softly:"Brother Ziyun, I love you so much." After that, she kissed Ziyun's thin lips again.………

Shit! It’s coming!!

Then, in the silent night, the two bodies were tightly connected.………


The morning sun shone through the window screen onto the bed, and Shangguan Yingrui had already sat up, looking at the sleeping Ziyun, Shangguan Yingrui curled her lips slightly, leaned over and kissed him on the forehead,"Good morning, baby~!"

Then, she opened the quilt, stepped barefoot on the furry carpet, walked into the bathroom, washed up, changed clothes and left the room, of course, she did not forget to lock the door, and then walked into another room. At this time, Ziyun was still sleeping, and did not notice that Shangguan Yingrui had left.………

Half an hour later………

Ziyun woke up slowly. He rubbed his aching neck, then stood up, dressed, washed up, and prepared to leave. After all, he had to go to school today.

After washing up and signing in, he was about to leave the room but found that it was still not open. He didn't need to think about it to know that Shangguan Yingrui had locked the door again. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He just said a few words to the teacher. There was no need to lock himself in the room. He still had classes.

"Forget it, I'll just give my senior a call~!"Ziyun sighed, took out his cell phone and dialed Shangguan Yingrui's number.

Beep, beep, beep, the phone rang three times, and the other party picked up.

"Hello~" A gentle voice came into Ziyun's ears. It was Shangguan Yingrui's voice.

After hearing this voice, Ziyun felt a little embarrassed, but he still bit the bullet and asked Shangguan Yingrui on the other end of the phone:"Senior sister,………Uh, well, why did you lock me in the room again today?"

""Sister, I forgot you had class today. I saw you were so tired, so I wanted you to rest in your room, so I locked the room." Shangguan Yingrui explained on the surveillance screen in front of her. She looked at Ziyun on the screen with a happy and sick smile on her face.

"…………"This time it was Ziyun's turn to be speechless.

Damn it, can you just find a reliable excuse? But don't I know you've seen my class schedule? You obviously don't want me to go out!!

Shangguan Yingrui seemed to be able to guess what he was thinking, so she continued to explain with a smile:"Senior sister, I was wrong, I won't lock you up next time~" After that, she hung up the phone.

Damn, there's a next time?!!

"Beep, beep, beep. The phone is busy.………


After Shangguan Yingrui hung up the phone, she looked at Ziyun's speechless face on the surveillance screen and couldn't help but burst out laughing:"Haha~, Brother Ziyun is so cute~ I really want to go over and eat her baby brother clean~~"

But she couldn't do it yet. She wanted to see how Brother Ziyun escaped...


After waiting for a long time, Ziyun did not make any movement, but just tossed and turned on the bed... Shangguan Yingrui frowned.………

In fact, Brother Ziyun originally wanted to use the"random skill" to get out instantly, but as soon as he called out the skill, the little Loli in his mind came out to stop him.………

【Host, don't use 'Random Skills’………】Little Loli advised

"Why can't I use it? Isn't the skill restored?"Ziyun was puzzled.

【The recovery is restored, but continued use will………】

The little girl hesitated to speak, but finally she chose to tell Ziyun, [Continuous use will shorten your lifespan, and in serious cases, you will die directly! Therefore, do not use the"random skill" continuously.’!】

It could only say sorry to Ziyun in its heart. It had no choice. If Shangguan Yingrui knew of its existence, she would definitely cut it into pieces!

【Therefore, the host must not use random skills.………】The little girl reminded again

"All right……"

In the end, Ziyun gave up. After all, he still cherished his life.

But he didn't know that he would rather shorten his life to escape from here.………

Since I can't go out, I can only stay in the room.

Ziyun lay on the bed and read a novel………

"It's strange, why didn't the fourth child come today? Today is a professional class.………"Chai Hansong looked around the classroom and didn't see Ziyun, so he said in confusion

"Yes~, Ah Yun is very diligent in his professional courses!" Yu Yizhi said with some confusion.

"Hehe... maybe the fourth brother and senior sister Shangguan worked too late and are too tired to wake up yet~" Mo Zan said with a wicked smile

"Lao Er, your thoughts are really evil, haha~!" Chai Hansong laughed even more obscenely after hearing what Mo Zan said.………

After hearing what Chai Hansong and Mo Zan said, Yu Yizhi's face turned slightly red, and he said inwardly: Bah! Hooligan!


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